

Cheer Chen --- A Practice




用明天換走 失去的


Nana, nanana, nana
I miss you, miss you so bad
I don't forget you, oh it's so sad
I hope you can hear me, I remember it clearly
The day you slipped away
Was the day I found it won't be the same
Nana, nanana, nana
I didn't get around to kiss you, goodbye on the hand
I wish that I could see you again, I know that I can't
I hope you can hear me, 'cause I remember it clearly
The day you slipped away
Was the day I found it won't be the same
I've had my wake up, won't you wake up
I keep asking why?
And I can't take it it wasn't fake it
It happened you passed by
Now you're gone, now you're gone
There you go, there you go
Somewhere I


The atmosphere of obanzai restaurants is usually relaxed and welcoming --- and as well as seasonal vegetables, you can expect dishes such as miso soup, pickles, tofu and stews.

Lonely planet --- Kyoto

Destination after COVID-19




食物卡路里 (Input) 和運動所消耗的卡路里 (Output) 不需要相等。因為消化都需要能量,譬如身體要製造酵素 (Enzyme),又例如腸臟蠕動 (Peristalsis) 、逆向 Osmosis 能量少不免。另一方面,不是得到多少血糖 (Blood Glucose),經 Interstitial (細胞外) Fluid 再到細胞內就可以百分百用上,轉變成 ATP 的過程中一定有 Energy Loss. 打個比喻,一輛汽車入了電油,一定不會百分百轉化為動能,引擎肯定會有熱能消耗。

跟據一個台灣網站,一個六十公斤的成年人游泳四十五分鐘,只能消耗 270 卡路里。而一平碗白飯,大約有 220 卡路里。一個晚餐的餸菜,卡路里肯定多一個開。單看數字已經極不合理。

Image: https://www.telegraph.co.uk/


Calorie (大楷英文C) 的英文縮寫是 Cal, calorie (小楷英文c) 的英文縮寫是 cal。兩者的中文譯音都是「卡路里」,意思卻有所不同。Calorie是等於1 千個 calorie,由於1千 (1000) 這個數目可以用英文 kilo (縮寫 k) 來表達,因此1 Calorie 即是1 kcal。

1 Calorie (1 Cal) = 1000 calorie (1000cal) = 1 kilocalorie = 1kcal

1卡路里 = 1千卡

但中文名稱裡,沒有分「大楷卡路里」和「小楷卡路里」,我們一般所講1個卡路里,意思其實是1個 Calorie,即1個千卡。

1 kilocalorie (kcal) = 4.184 kilojoule (kJ)



The specific heat capacity of water is 4,200 Joules per kilogram per degree Celsius (J/kg°C). This means that it takes 4,200 J to raise the temperature of 1 kg of water by 1°C.



Commercial Christmas
















Stroke Warning S/S

Face drooping

Arm weakness

Speech difficulty

Time to call

I'm with you

Isn't anyone trying to find me?

Won't somebody come take me home?

It's a damn cold night

Trying to figure out this life

Won't you take me by the hand?

Take me somewhere new

I don't know who you are

But I... I'm with you

I'm with you

NGE 2021

Evangelion: 3.0+1.0 Thrice Upon a Time (2021) | Official Trailer







機師去三色台欲變 celebrity



Medical Waste






話說回頭,我曾申請報讀理工大學職業治療,但人家連面試機會都不給予,相信是因為我的中文成績。曾經歷高級程度會考的小弟,考DSE一定不會輸給現在這一輩。不過,我要用二年時間 Full Time 準備,加上讀大學,這個計劃的經費是天文數字。這個夢的出現大概是因為我心有不甘。雖說書店的工作不是甚麼低下的職業,但我志不在此,也不是專長所在。人生,有很多東西想得到,但需要有很大的決心,還有許多客觀條件箝制。不上班去上學,孤注一擲,職業治療師的執照也不是可以輕易考取。安於現狀,其實也是一個選擇。





鳥何萃兮蘋中   罾何爲兮木上

沅有茝兮醴有蘭   思公子兮未敢言






外傭休假如果不留在雇主家中,可以到哪裡?她們離鄉背井,公眾假期與同鄉聚會本是人權,但是武漢肺炎大流行下,人人自危。疫苗不遠了,為何不可忍耐一下?百思不得其解。雇主或其他香港人是否可以做一個榜樣,冬至、耶誕、新年避免聚會呢?難道疫症殺到你住的那棟大廈才懂得驚驚青青?Panic 是不需要,至少要謹慎。





(Source: HKU School of Nursing's Facebook Page)








「氫 (Hydrogen) 以為體,氦(Helium)以為魄。」

Energy = mass times c square

Nuclear fusion (原子核融合)


Nuclear binding energy 越高代表核心越穩定,意味分拆該核心要很大能量。






Rt tends to 1

Effective reproduction number at time (Rt) is the average number of secondary cases per one case at any given time. This number will vary as the outbreak progresses, and indicates real-time transmissibility. Effective control measures and behavioral changes, such as quarantine (檢疫隔離) enforcement, usage of face masks, travel restrictions, class suspensions, and social distancing, are all factors that may affect the Rt of a virus.

Rt = 1
Each infected patient will go on to infect one other person. Statistically, this would mean that one new infected patient will replace another who had recovered or passed away from the disease. This also suggests that the outbreak is stabilizing, with no changes in number of infected people over time.

something about music



The Midnight Duel

duel:  a combat between two persons

groan: to utter a deep moan indicative of pain, grief, or annoyance

boastful: expressing excessive self-pride

hang-glider: a kitelike glider from which a harnessed rider hangs while gliding down from a cliff or hill

prod: to thrust a pointed instrument into

gloat: to observe or think about something with triumphant and often malicious satisfaction, gratification, or delight

triumphant: rejoicing for or celebrating victory

malicious: having or showing a desire to cause harm to someone

snatch: to attempt to seize something suddenly

scowl: to exhibit a threatening aspect

breeze: a light gentle wind

sway: to swing slowly and rhythmically back and forth from a base or pivot

hawk: any of numerous diurnal birds of prey belonging to a suborder (Falcones of the order Falconiformes) and including all the smaller members of this group

diurnal: biology : active chiefly in the daytime

twig: a small shoot or branch usually without its leaves

quaver: a tremulous sound

delighted: highly pleased

cork: a usually cork stopper for a bottle or jug

gasp: to catch the breath convulsively and audibly

wham: the loud sound of a hard impact

clutch: to grasp or hold with or as if with the hand or claws usually strongly, tightly, or suddenly

hobble: to move along unsteadily or with difficulty

dart: to throw with a sudden movement

glitter: to shine by reflection with many small flashes of brilliant light

nasty: disgustingly filthy

filth: foul or putrid matter

leap: to spring free from or as if from the ground

hover: to hang fluttering in the air or on the wing

soar: to fly aloft or about

aloft: at or to a great height

whoop: to utter a whoop in expression of eagerness, enthusiasm, or enjoyment

stun: to overcome especially with paralyzing astonishment or disbelief

sneer: to smile or laugh with facial contortions that express scorn or contempt

javelin: a slender usually metal shaft at least 260 centimeters long that is thrown for distance in an athletic field event

mingle: to bring or mix together or with something else usually without fundamental loss of identity

numb: unable to feel anything in a particular part of your body especially as a result of cold or anesthesia

stride: to move with or as if with long steps

wrench: to move with a violent twist

trot: to proceed briskly

miserable: being in a pitiable state of distress or unhappiness

bewildered: deeply or utterly confused or perplexed

perplexed: filled with uncertainty

burly: strongly and heavily built

clang: to make a loud metallic ringing sound

curse: to use profanely insolent language against

insolent: insultingly contemptuous in speech or conduct

slam: to shut forcibly and noisily

puzzlement: the state of being puzzled

crisp: notably sharp, clean-cut, and clear

peer: to look narrowly or curiously

stern: having a definite hardness or severity of nature or manner

reckon: consider

flank: to be situated at the side of

knuckle: the rounded prominence formed by the ends of the two adjacent bones at a joint —used especially of those at the joints of the fingers

scowl: to contract the brow in an expression of displeasure

overhear: to hear without the speaker's knowledge or intention

dodge: to move to and fro or from place to place usually in an irregular course

loom: to come into sight in enlarged or distorted and indistinct form often as a result of atmospheric conditions

creep: to move along with the body prone and close to the ground

ember: a glowing fragment (as of coal) from a fire

frown: to contract the brow in displeasure or concentration

hiss: to make a sharp sibilant sound

shrill: having or emitting a sharp high-pitched tone or sound

snuffle: to breathe through an obstructed nose with a sniffing sound

squint: of an eye : looking or tending to look obliquely or askance

snout: a long projecting nose (as of a swine)

mend: to put into good shape or working order again

flit: to pass quickly or abruptly from one place or condition to another

wink: to gleam or flash intermittently

chicken out: to decide not to do something because one is afraid

sniff: to inhale through the nose especially for smelling

lurk: to lie in wait in a place of concealment especially for an evil purpose

scurry: to move in or as if in a brisk pace

petrify: to make rigid or inert like stone

squeak: to utter or make a short shrill cry or noise

sprint: to run or go at top speed especially for a short distance

doorpost: an upright piece forming the side of a door opening

gallop: to run fast

tapestry: a heavy handwoven reversible textile used for hangings, curtains, and upholstery and characterized by complicated pictorial designs

pant: to breathe quickly, spasmodically, or in a labored manner

stitch: a local sharp and sudden pain especially in the side

rattle: to make a rapid succession of short sharp noises

cackle: to laugh especially in a harsh or sharp manner

bellow: to shout in a deep voice

duck: to lower the head or body suddenly

slam: to propel, thrust, or produce by or as if by striking hard

shan't: shall not

whoosh: a swift or explosive rush

swift: moving or capable of moving with great speed

rage: violent and uncontrolled anger

tug: to pull hard

quiver: to shake or move with a slight trembling motion

drool: to secrete saliva in anticipation of food

fang: a long sharp tooth

thunderous: making or accompanied by a noise like thunder

grope: to feel about blindly or uncertainly in search

trapdoor: a lifting or sliding door covering an opening (as in a roof, ceiling, or floor)







When I wake up in the middle of a dream, even when I close my eyes again, I can't go back to it. The world that was so clear in previous moment is now a phantom.

I'm running out of energy for this losing battle. If I forgot the days when I burned with love for you, I wouldn't be me. Tell me the right way to say goodbye.

My memories have suddenly seized me roughly and won't let go. I love you, still, deeply. A midsummer shower that won't stop falling.

In the never-ending, never-ending rain.


Definition of Epidemiology

流行病學常與抗擊流行病的意念聯繫得太頻繁和太緊密:epi(上),demo(人)和 logos(要研究),實際上它包含了更廣泛的概念。

流行病學是對人類健康狀況或事件的分佈和決定因素之研究,並將其應用於控制健康問題。 流行病學的核心是使用量化方式研究人群中的疾病和危險因素。

Epidemiology is still too often and too closely associated with the idea of fighting epidemics: epi (upon), demos (the people), and logos (to study), it actually incorporates (納入) much wider concepts.

It is the study of the distribution and determinants of health-related states or events in human populations and the application of this study to the control of health problems. The core of epidemiology is the use of quantitative methods to study disease and risk factors in human populations.

Carr, S., Unwin, N. & Pless-Mulloli, T. (2nd Ed.) (2007). An introduction to public health and epidemiology. England: McGraw-Hill.

RTHK Report

 "I think often of persecuted (迫害) peoples: the Rohingya (羅興亞人), the poor Uighurs (維吾爾人), the Yazidi (雅茲迪人)"



Mental Health of Elderly under COVID-19





香港大學. (2020, November 24). 疫下長者抑鬱焦慮增加https://fightcovid19.hku.hk/zh/疫下長者抑鬱焦慮增


From James to Samson

話說中一的時候,老師要求我們改個英文名。有位長輩見我的中文名有個「陽」字,建議我稱自己為 Sunny,不過我就不太喜歡。我揭一揭字典,當時覺得 James 這個名字頗有美感,但沒有想到與邦先生撞名,於是便用上這個英文名。班上另一位同學叫 Sunny,他見我每天都回家吃午餐,覺得我十分幸福,所以幫我改了「劉少」這個花名,之後同學都以此別稱叫我。

升上中二,忽然覺得 James 這個英文名很土。有位同學叫 Samuel,為人風趣幽默,很受同學歡迎。所以,我就傻下傻下叫自己做 Samson. 我還記得那時叫May做阿嫂,我的預言對了,不過在中六我離校時才成真。當時 Ms Lai 對我改英文名的這個舉措有點意外。後來有位教英文的 native speaker 問我把長頭髮去了哪裡,才知道出事。

在聖經故事中,Samson 力大無窮,力量源自那束長頭髮。後來因為一個「色」字,終以悲劇收場。問題其實不大,因為大部分男人都是好色,只是程度不同,我亦不在此扮清高。到了中五的時候人人叫我「鮑魚」,花名的來歷、出處連我自己都弄不清楚,不過有一段時間這個花名有不雅成份。到了大專,大家都叫我 Samson,沿用至今。


The Potions Master

tiptoe: the position of being balanced on the balls of the feet and toes with the heels raised —usually used with on

sweeping: moving or extending in a wide curve or over a wide area

rickety: lacking stability or firmness

tickle: to touch or stir gently

armour: defensive covering for the body

poltergeist: a noisy usually mischievous ghost held to be responsible for unexplained noises

rug: a piece of thick heavy fabric that usually has a nap or pile and is used as a floor covering

pelt: throw

sneak up on: to approach or act on stealthily

screech: to utter a high shrill piercing cry

conk: nose

dungeons: a dark usually underground prison or vault

scrawny: exceptionally thin and slight or meager in body or size

bulging: swelling or thrusting out from a surrounding or adjacent surface

wheeze: to breathe with difficulty usually with a whistling sound

herbology: herbal medicine

dumpy: being short and thick in build

drone on: to speak for a long time in a dull voice without saying anything interesting

scribble: to write or draw hastily or carelessly

charm: the chanting or reciting of a magic spell

squeak: a sharp shrill cry or sound

topple: to fall from or as if from being top-heavy

pointy: coming to a rather sharp point

ward off: to avoid being hit by (something)

zombie: a will-less and speechless human (as in voodoo belief and in fictional stories) held to have died and been supernaturally reanimated

stuff: to fill by packing things in

porridge: a soft food made by boiling meal of grains or legumes in milk or water until thick

nibble: to bite gently

flutter: to flap the wings rapidly

marmalade: a clear sweetened jelly in which pieces of fruit and fruit rind are suspended

scrawl: to write awkwardly or carelessly

awkward: lacking dexterity or skill (as in the use of hands)

quill: something made from or resembling the quill of a feather esp. a pen for writing

creepy: producing a nervous shivery apprehension

snigger: to laugh in a covert or partly suppressed manner

subtle: difficult to understand or perceive

simmer: to stew gently below or just at the boiling point

ensnare: to take in or as if in a snare

snare: something deceptively attractive

dunderhead: a slow-witted or stupid person

sneer: to smile or laugh with facial contortions that express scorn or contempt

scorn: open dislike and disrespect

contempt: lack of respect or reverence for something

fame: popular acclaim

bezoar: any of various calculi found chiefly in the gastrointestinal organs and formerly believed to possess magical properties

quiver: to shake or move with a slight trembling motion

wink: to shut one eye briefly as a signal or in teasing

snap: to break suddenly with a sharp sound

rummage: to engage in an undirected or haphazard search

haphazard: marked by lack of plan, order, or direction

fang: a long sharp tooth (snake)

hiss: to make a sharp sibilant sound

seep: to enter or penetrate slowly

drench: to wet thoroughly

idiot: a foolish or stupid person

spit: to utter with a spitting sound or scornful expression

nasty: mean

galoshes: (obsolete) a shoe with a heavy sole

frantic: emotionally out of control

scrabble: to struggle by or as if by scraping or scratching

boarhound: a large dog used in hunting wild boars

boar: an uncastrated male swine

quilt: a bed coverlet of two layers of cloth filled with padding (such as down or batting) held in place by ties or stitched designs

fierce: violently hostile or aggressive in temperament

drool: to let saliva dribble from the mouth

break-in: to enter something (such as a building or computer system) without consent or by force

vault: an arched structure of masonry usually forming a ceiling or roof

Source: https://www.merriam-webster.com

The First Take

This room I've gotten so used to

It's time to leave it now

Setting off on a new journey

still perplexed (困惑的) about it

In the bus headed for the station

I texted my friend

I called from the morning platform

But it felt kind of wrong

Just brought along one old guitar

I left all my photos behind

Let go of something to gain something else

Just a repetition of that?

Putting on a bold front

always leads to dreams

If you become afraid it ends there

In a train that's started to move

I became a little teary

This town, continuing beyond the window

I prayed it would stay unchanged

The one that gave me that old guitar

Said Tokyo is a scary place

I've decided to quit searching for answers

I'm fine with doing it all wrong

Buildings cut off the red sunset

Though I hold back the tears

Every time a new morning arrives

There are times when we're still in doubt, right?

There are times when we're still in doubt, right?

That much I know

AL-Nobody's Home

Well, I couldn't tell you

Why she felt that way,

She felt it every day.

And I couldn't help her,

I just watched her make

The same mistakes again.

What's wrong, what's wrong now?

Too many, too many problems.

Don't know where she belongs,

Where she belongs.

She wants to go home,

But nobody's home.

It's where she lies

Broken inside.

With no place to go,

No place to go to dry her eyes.

Broken inside.

Open your eyes

And look outside,

Find the reasons why.

You've been rejected,

And now you can't find

What you've left behind.

Be strong, be strong now.

Too many, too many problems.

Don't know where she belongs,

Where she belongs.

She wants to go home,

But nobody's home.

It's where she lies

Broken inside.

With no place to go,

No place to go to dry her eyes.

Broken inside.

Her feelings she hides.

Her dreams she can't find.

She's losing her mind.

She's fallen behind.

She can't find her place.

She's losing her faith.

She's fallen from grace.

She's all over the place.

She wants to go home,

But nobody's home.

It's where she lies,

Broken inside.

With no place to go,

No place to go to dry her eyes.

Broken inside.

She's lost inside, lost inside, oh oh oh.

She's lost inside, lost inside, oh oh oh.









Animal farm and cultural revolution


Napoleon had seemed to oppose the windmill, simply as a manoeuvre to get rid of Snowball, who was a dangerous character and a bad influence.












Emotion-focused coping is a strategy that involves changing the way a person feels or emotionally reacts to a stressor. This reduces the emotional impact of the stressor and makes it possible to deal with the problem effectively.


Emotion-focused coping also works for stressors that are uncontrollable and for which problem-focused coping is not possible.

當一個人可以積極地解決問題時,忽略問題並不是一個好策略。 但是,當無法更改或消除壓力源時,或者擔心壓力源本身就是一個問題時,忽略該問題並不是一個壞主意。

Ignoring a problem is not a good strategy when there is something a person can actively do about solving the problem. But when it is not possible to change or eliminate the stressor, or when worrying about the stressor can be a problem itself, ignoring the problem is not a bad idea.

俗話說「笑是最好的藥」,使用幽默也可以是一種以情緒為中心的應對方式。 在一項研究中,觀看幽默視頻可以增強免疫系統的防禦。

Using humor can also be a form of emotion-focused coping, as the old saying "laughter is the best medicine" suggests. In a study, watching humor video can boost the action of the immune system.

Ciccarelli, S. K. (2006). Psychology. Pearson.



In a new support document posted to its website last week, Apple told users they should always make sure to remove any wallet accessories from the back of their phones before using the new MagSafe charger. The connection could damage your credit card, passport, work badge or any other item with a radio chip or magnetic strip, Apple said.

"Before you place your iPhone on your MagSafe Charger, make sure that no objects (like credit cards, hotel key cards, or transit cards) or debris are between them. If your device has a metal case or if it's very thick, remove it. Also remove iPhone Leather Wallet with MagSafe," Apple said in its support document. "If you have a MagSafe case, you can leave it in place."

Sherr, I. (2020, October 26). Apple's iPhone MagSafe charger could ruin your credit card, passport or security badge. https://www.cnet.com/news/magsafe-on-iphone-12-i-still-want-usb-c-but-i-was-wrong-about-apple-magnetic-charger/


















Temple and Shrine

In the simplest terms, temples are Buddhist, while shrines are Shinto (神道). Temples have a large incense burner and many Buddhist statues, and may or may not have a graveyard attached to them, while shrines have a large, often vermilion red (朱紅的), torii (鳥居), or sacred gate, standing in front of them.



United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization









The old UK meaning of a billion was a million million, or one followed by twelve noughts (1,000,000,000,000). The USA meaning of a billion is a thousand million, or one followed by nine noughts (1,000,000,000)...The UK government has been using the American meaning of billion since 1974 for the numbers it gives out.



gloves (blog for self use)

手套分很多種,今日想討論的主要是即棄乳膠手套 (latex gloves),是市民於新冠肺炎當道下最常使用,商舖、食肆收銀員對它絕對不陌生。雖然我今天探討不是醫用無菌手套,但它的某些使用守則能應用在乳膠手套上。重點在除手套時應盡量避免碰到 bare hand,除手套後必須洗手,但都不是萬能。讓我簡單說明三個步驟︰

i) 將手套逐一除下,首先用一隻手抓住另一隻手套的外層 (手腕位),然後將手套從手上剝下,將手套 inside out。

ii) 用仍然戴手套的一隻手持續握住另一隻已取出的手套

iii) 將無手套的手之三兩隻手指插入未脫的手套之袖口內層,然後從內部剝離,形成由兩隻手套 create 的袋子















The Sorting Hat

stern: having a definite hardness or severity of nature or manner

drone: a deep sustained or monotonous sound

peer: to look narrowly or curiously

banquet: an elaborate and often ceremonious meal for numerous people often in honor of a person

dormitory: a room for sleeping

linger: to be slow in parting or in quitting something

cloak: a loose outer garment

smudge: to soil as if by smudging

jolt: an abrupt, sharp, jerky blow or movement

wig: a manufactured covering of natural or synthetic hair for the head

doom: a judicial condemnation or sentence

glide: to move smoothly, continuously, and effortlessly

glance: to take a quick look at something

ruff: a large round collar of pleated muslin or linen worn by men and women of the late 16th and early 17th centuries

glittering: shining with many bright points of light

velvety: having the character of velvet as in being soft, smooth, thick, or richly hued

velvet: a clothing and upholstery fabric (as of silk, rayon, or wool) characterized by a short soft dense warp pile

hued: colored—usually used in combination

patch: to mend, cover, or fill up a hole or weak spot in

mend: to free from faults or defects

frayed: worn or shredded at the ends or edges

twitch: to move jerkily

rip: to tear or split apart or open

brim: an upper or outer margin

sleek: smooth and glossy as if polished

dwell: to remain for a time

chivalry: the qualities of the ideal knight

toil: long strenuous fatiguing labor

wit: the ability to relate seemingly disparate things so as to illuminate or amuse

cunning: dexterous or crafty in the use of special resources (such as skill or knowledge) or in attaining an end

dexterous: mentally adroit and skillful

adroit: having or showing skill, cleverness, or resourcefulness in handling situations

applause: marked commendation

wrestle: to move, maneuver, or force with difficulty

queasy: causing uneasiness

parchment: the skin of a sheep or goat prepared for writing on

pigtail: a lock of hair that has been gathered and banded or braided together at the back or side of the head

stumble: to walk unsteadily or clumsily

scuttle: scurry: to move in or as if in a brisk pace

catcall: the act or an instance of loudly or raucously expressing disapproval (as at a sports event)

groan: to utter a deep moan indicative of pain, grief, or annoyance

gale: an emotional outburst

swagger: to conduct oneself in an arrogant or superciliously pompous manner

hiss: to make a sharp sibilant sound

sibilant: having, containing, or producing the sound of or a sound resembling that of the s or the sh in sash

crane: to stretch toward an object of attention

plunge: to cause to penetrate or enter quickly and forcibly into something

peculiar: different from the usual or normal

turban: a headdress worn chiefly in countries of the eastern Mediterranean and southern Asia consisting of a long cloth that is wrapped around a cap (as by Muslims) or directly around the head (as by Sikhs and Hindus)

pompous: excessively elevated or ornate

scroll: a roll (as of papyrus, leather, or parchment) for writing a document

Yorkshire pudding: a puffy bread dish made from a batter of eggs, flour, and milk that is baked in meat drippings

gravy: a sauce made from the thickened and seasoned juices of cooked meat

humbug: hard usually peppermint-flavored candy

miff: to put into an ill humor

behead: to cut off the head of

gaunt: excessively thin and angular

treacle: a blend of molasses, invert sugar, and corn syrup used as syrup

éclair: a usually chocolate-frosted oblong pastry filled with whipped cream or custard

trifle: a dessert typically consisting of plain or sponge cake often soaked with wine or spirits (such as brandy or rum) and topped with layers of preserves, custard, and cream

drown: to suffocate by submersion especially in water

meringue: a dessert topping consisting of a baked mixture of stiffly beaten egg whites and sugar

absurd: extremely silly or ridiculous

sallow: of a grayish greenish yellow color

an awful lot: a large amount

out of bounds: outside the prescribed or conventional boundaries or limits

mutter: to utter sounds or words indistinctly or with a low voice and with the lips partly closed

frown: a wrinkling of the brow in displeasure or concentration

scab: a crust of hardened blood and serum over a wound

fluff: down

rot: deteriorate

chatter: to utter rapid short sounds suggestive of language but inarticulate and indistinct

portrait: a pictorial representation of a person usually showing the face

tapestry: a heavy handwoven reversible textile used for hangings, curtains, and upholstery and characterized by complicated pictorial designs

poltergeist: a noisy usually mischievous ghost held to be responsible for unexplained noises

wicked: morally very bad

clutch: to grasp or hold with or as if with the hand or claws usually strongly, tightly, or suddenly

cackle: to laugh especially in a harsh or sharp manner

armor: : defensive (metal) covering for the body esp. used in combat

reveal: to open up to view

scramble: to move with urgency or panic

cosy: enjoying or affording warmth and ease

squash: to flatten out under pressure or impact





Back to calm







對客人「誠懇寬厚」,在我看來,與同理心 (empathy) 有莫大關係,我們要學習設身處地,站在別人的位置去感受。例如昨天,有家長致電,她的小朋友遺失了教科書。因為我們不負責該校訂書,按常理不會跟進。不過,家長說在別的分店查到我們有現貨,她又道希望我們不要讓小朋友難做。所以,我便為家長留電話,請負責教科書的同事跟進。


本港自去年6月出現首宗耳念珠菌(Candida auris)海外輸入個案,至今累計約160宗。截至今年10月,個案較去年增加6倍,涉九龍西聯網的瑪嘉烈醫院、北大嶼山醫院、仁濟醫院,當中兩名患者出現尿道管感染及真菌血症。因應瑪嘉烈及仁濟於今年7月再現爆發,醫管局下周二(27日)會在全港急症醫院進行篩查,檢視帶有或感染多重耐藥性細菌(MDRO)病人涉耳念珠菌情況,料涵蓋約2000名住院病人。



(Wikipedia and Google Search)


solid-state disk

special stamp duty

Pretend Play

想像遊戲 (imaginative play) 即表徵遊戲 (symbolic play)、 假裝遊戲 (pretend play, make-believe play) 和戲劇遊戲 (dramatic play),意指非語言的活動或是幼兒以假想A物表現B物、或扮演他人角色的真實遊戲行為 (Fein, 1981; Rubin, Fein, & Vandenberg, 1983; Pellegrini & Boyd, 1993)。

Information: ntcuir.ntcu.edu.tw






Dear Colleagues, Students and Alumni,

Appointment of Two Vice-Presidents

The University of Hong Kong is committed to attracting outstanding academic talents from around the world. Facing fierce (激烈的) competition from the world's top universities, we recruit talented individuals based on their own merits, irrespective of race, nationality, gender, place of origin, political orientation or religious belief.

You may be aware the University Council has just resolved to appoint two Vice-Presidents, Professor Max Shen of UC Berkeley as VP Research and Professor Peng Gong of Tsinghua University as VP Academic Development. They are both world-class scholars and institutional leaders. During the last few days, unfortunately, a leakage of information of the selection process has given rise to a series of controversies (and speculations 猜測) in the local media. The leakage-caused rumors and anxiety not only have caused confusion in Hong Kong society, but also caused pain to the candidates and their families.

I am sure you would agree that we have a moral and legal duty to keep the candidates' information confidential during the selection process. The leakage of personal information of a candidate would inevitably not only injure the reputation of our University, but also affect our future recruitment of talents to Hong Kong.

In the light of the recent news reports and related controversies, I am obliged (強制) to give you the relevant information so you could have a better understanding of the facts related to the key issues (my apologies for not being able to give you such information earlier as I am bound by the same confidentiality code before Council's decision).

There are some news reports on the background of Professor Max Shen. Professor Shen has written to the Council and issued a public statement in response to the news reports and related rumors. I have attached to this email his statement and also the response from his current employer, University of California at Berkeley, to the inquiries of the Hong Kong media.

There were other news reports citing an online anonymous accusation (指控) against Professor Peng Gong. Professor Gong has issued a statement to the respective media which is attached here for your reference. I have also attached messages from two prominent professors who are familiar with the incident as testimonies.

Regarding the selection process, the University has stringent (嚴格的) rules to prevent conflict of interest. Although Professor Shen, Professor Gong and I have all taught at Berkeley, our academic disciplines are different, and save for bumping into one another a few times at campus events, we have not had any other contact, whether in a personal or work capacity. As Chairman of the Selection Committee, I have taken all necessary steps to avoid all potential conflicts. I am grateful to other committee members for giving me the great support.

As Interim Provost (臨時院長) and Deputy Vice-Chancellor, it is Professor Richard Wong's role and duty to be involved in the selection of senior management team members. I wish to point out that this is not the first time Professor Wong had taken up the Provost post. He was selected for the Provost post by the Search Committee in 2004 and served for six years.

As you may know, our search committees include many colleagues with international academic standing, as well as a member from the Council and a student representative. I would like to thank all of them here for their contributions and support in the long selection process.

As the leader of the University, I keep reminding myself that I am accountable to both the members of the HKU family as well as Hong Kong at large. I am willing to listen to different views and comments. But I also hope all of our discussions could be based on facts, not just speculations. Let's work together to bring HKU to a higher level.

Xiang Zhang (Professor)

President and Vice-Chancellor






(Source: edb.gov.hk)

My lipid profile

Atorvastatin reduces total-C (total cholesterol), LDL-C (low-density lipoprotein cholesterol), and apo B (apolipoprotein B). Atorvastatin also reduces VLDL-C (very-low-density lipoprotein cholesterol) and TG (triglycerides) and produces variable increases in HDL-C (high-density lipoprotein cholesterol).

Before instituting therapy with atorvastatin, an attempt should be made to control hypercholesterolemia with appropriate diet, exercise and weight reduction in obese patients, and to treat underlying medical problems. The patient should continue on a standard cholesterol-lowering diet during treatment with atorvastatin.

Doses may be given any time of the day, with or without food.

Total cholesterol: 8.3 mmol/L (Margin: 5.2)

Triglycerides: 1.05 mmol/L (Margin: 1.7)

HDL: 1.74 mmol/L (Levels should be above 1 in men)

LDL: 6.1 mmol/L (Margin: 3.4)

療程︰Atorvastin 20 mg (每日一粒) 先服兩個月

(參考資料︰MIMS, ncbi.nlm.nih.gov)



5號塑膠為PP (polypropylene,聚丙烯),材質韌性佳、可抗酸鹼、耐熱(100-140℃),因此廣泛使用於日常生活中,諸如豆(米)漿瓶、微波容器、吸管、垃圾桶、水桶、洗衣袋、針筒、防護衣、汽車或電器製品等。PP並無口服毒性,也不會增加人類罹癌的機會,因此在塑膠容器中為較理想的食品容器材質。

楊振昌. (n.d.). 愈方便愈不安全 潛藏在你身邊的隱形殺手. 台灣癌症基金會.  https://www.canceraway.org.tw/page.asp?IDno=1759


Platform Nine and Three-Quarters

grunt: the deep short sound characteristic of a hog

hog: domesticated swine

howl: to emit a loud sustained doleful sound characteristic of members of the dog family

growl: to utter a growl

ruddy: reddish

robe: a long flowing outer garment

trunk: a large rigid piece of luggage used usually for transporting clothing and personal effects

dump: to let fall in or as if in a heap or mass

nasty: disgustingly filthy

filth: foul or putrid matter

desperate: having lost hope

stride: to stand astride

strand: to leave in a strange or an unfavorable place especially without funds or means to depart

plump: having a full rounded usually pleasing form

swarm: to move or assemble in a crowd

gangling: tall, thin, and awkwardly built

jostle: to exist in close proximity

wrought-iron: a commercial form of iron that is tough, malleable, and relatively soft, contains less than 0.3 percent and usually less than 0.1 percent carbon, and carries 1 or 2 percent of slag mechanically mixed with it

drift: to cause to be driven in a current

chatter: to utter rapid short sounds suggestive of language but inarticulate and indistinct

hoot: to make the natural throat noise of an owl or a similar cry

dreadlock: a narrow ropelike strand of hair formed by matting, braiding, or twisting

shriek: to utter a sharp shrill sound

shrill: scream

shove: to push along

heave: lift, raise

pant: to breathe quickly, spasmodically, or in a labored manner

blimey: gorblimey

gorblimey: used to express amazement, surprise, or perplexity

gawp: gawk

gawk: to gape or stare stupidly

jerk: to give a quick suddenly arrested push, pull, or twist to

billow: to bulge or swell out

stern: having a definite hardness or severity of nature or manner

clamber: to climb awkwardly or with effort especially by using both the hands and the feet

awkward: lacking dexterity or skill

glance: to take a quick look at something

tarantula: a spider

blurt: to utter abruptly and impulsively

fringe: band

band: the front section of a person's hair when it is cut short and worn over the forehead —usually used in plural

gloomy: lacking in promise or hopefulness

live up to: to act or be in accordance with

dimple: (anatomy) a slight natural indentation in the surface of some part of the human body

rattling; to an extreme degree

pasty: a meat pie

corned beef: beef that has been preserved in salt water

swap: to give in trade

crooked: not straight

alchemy: a medieval chemical science and speculative philosophy aiming to achieve the transmutation of the base metals into gold, the discovery of a universal cure for disease, and the discovery of a means of indefinitely prolonging life

tenpin bowling: a game in which players try to knock down 10 pins (standing pieces) by rolling a large ball towards them

marmalade: a clear sweetened jelly in which pieces of fruit and fruit rind are suspended

rind: a usually hard or tough outer layer

tripe: stomach tissue especially of a ruminant (such as an ox) used as food

nibble: to eat or chew in small bits

wail: to make a sound suggestive of a mournful cry

miserable: being in a pitiable state of distress or unhappiness

rummage: to make a thorough search through

battered: damaged or worn down by hard use

glint: of rays of light

unicorn: a mythical, usually white animal generally depicted with the body and head of a horse with long flowing mane and tail and a single often spiraled horn in the middle of the forehead

mellow: of a fruit: tender and sweet because of ripeness

witchcraft: the use of sorcery or magic

stun: to make senseless

dud: one that is ineffectual

flop: to move or drop heavily or noisily

whisker: one of the long projecting hairs or bristles growing near the mouth of an animal

prickle: a fine sharp process or projection

dumbfounded: to confound briefly and usually with astonishment

thickset: having a thick body

riffraff: disreputable persons

sneer: to smile or laugh with facial contortions that express scorn or contempt

lurk: to lie in wait in a place of concealment especially for an evil purpose

scowl: to contract the brow in an expression of displeasure

sniffy: having or expressing a haughty attitude

glare: to stare angrily or fiercely

peer: to look narrowly or curiously

trainer: sneaker

sneaker: a sports shoe with a pliable rubber sole

throng: a multitude of assembled persons

bob: to move up and down in a short quick movement

stumble: to walk unsteadily or clumsily

turret: a little tower











(小思, 1997)



Named after the sweet-smelling jasmine flower, jasmine rice is a long grain rice native to Thailand with a delicate floral and buttery scent.


Buffer system of our body





topick.hket.com (2017)


Coenzymes are derived from several members of a special class of nutrients known as vitamins. For example, the coenzyme NAD+ (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide) is derived from the B-vitamins niacin. As we will see, it plays major role in energy metabolism by transferring hydrogen from one substrate to another.

Widmaier, E.P., & Raff, H. (2008). Vander’s Human Physiology: The Mechanisms of Body Function. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.

NAD+ is a cosubstrate for other enzymes such as the sirtuins and poly(adenosine diphosphate–ribose) polymerases. Cellular NAD+ concentrations change during aging, and modulation (調整) of NAD+ usage or production can prolong both health span and life span. Here we review factors that regulate NAD+ and discuss how supplementation with NAD+ precursors may represent a new therapeutic opportunity for aging and its associated disorders, particularly neurodegenerative diseases.

Verdin, E. (2015). NAD+ in aging, metabolism, and neurodegeneration. American Association for the Advancement of Science, 350(6265), 1208-1213.

Sirtuins are a conserved family of proteins found in all domains of life. The first known sirtuin, Sir2, regulates ribosomal DNA recombination, gene silencing, DNA repair, chromosomal stability and longevity. Sir2 homologues (同系物) also modulate lifespan in worms and flies, and may underlie (構成…的基礎) the beneficial effects of caloric restriction, the only regimen that slows aging and extends lifespan of most classes of organism, including mammals. Sirtuins have gained considerable attention for their impact on mammalian physiology, since they may provide novel targets for treating diseases associated with aging and perhaps extend human lifespan. In this review we describe our current understanding of the biological function of the seven mammalian sirtuins, SIRT1–7, and we will also discuss their potential as mediators of caloric restriction and as pharmacological targets to delay and treat human age-related diseases.

Michan, S., & Sinclair, D. (2007). Sirtuins in mammals: insights into their biological function. Biochemical Journal, 404(1), 1–13.

Image: www.watsons.com.hk









There's also the Kyoto Heritage Preservation Association's Autumn Special Exhibit, when 20 or so historic structures generally closed to the public - like Toji's (教王護國寺) five-storey pagoda (佛塔) - open their doors...The Autumn Special Exhibit takes place over roughly 10 days in late October and early November (for details see www.kobunka.com). This is a rare opportunity to see important works of art on temple walls and sliding doors that, for preservation reasons, can't be shown year-round. The places that open are different each year.

Morgan, K., & Milner R. (2018). Lonely Planet Kyoto. Lonely Planet.


道聽塗說 古籍今用

道聽途說 約定俗成



Image: cup.cuhk.edu.hk



At the court's opening in January 1912, the Chief Justice rather presciently (先見地) declared, "When Victoria has ceased to be a city, when the harbour has silted up (淤塞), when even the Hong Kong Club has crumbled (碎裂) away, this building will remain like a pyramid to commemorate (紀念) the genius of the Far East."

Spurrier, P. (2016). The Heritage Hiker's Guide to Hong Kong. Hong Kong: Form Asia.

















Until Mid-October







Ambiguous names

 Liza 姐 VS Lisa Tse









成三十幾歲人出街買衫都要兩老陪同,有點難看。但事出必有因,因為我的父母都是紡織出身。爸爸退休前是彈性物料專家,母親年青時是車衣女工。阿媽到今天,六十歲了,眼光仍舊銳利,衣服有沒有爆線,一眼看清楚。上一次去 The North Face 特賣場買大褸,我和爸爸都覺得件斷碼衫只是大了些少。阿媽極力反對,她說她不會在金錢上支助,我沒有理會。結果,不聽老人言,吃虧在眼前。即使我再買了件薄羽絨背心著在大褸內,出面個背囊都會跌膊。

Sports Limitation






「不是吳冠中在文章裡提到,我並不知道那對銅獅是國立杭州藝專的外籍教授魏達所作,遠在一九三五年,林風眠當校長的時代。果然,W.W. Wagstaff 的簽名,深深刻在銅座上。」


—— 刊一九九四年一月十九日《星島日報》副刊「七好文集」專欄。

Stephen and Stitt, the bronze lions, are named after two managers of the bank. They received shrapnel (砲彈碎片) damage, still clearly visible, during World War II. They have only been moved twice: once to Japan during the occupation, where they luckily avoided being melted down for armaments (軍備), and then over the road to Status Square while the new headquarters was being built.

Spurrier, P. (2016). The Heritage Hiker's Guide to Hong Kong. Hong Kong: Form Asia.











Kyoto and Tokyo


Heian-kyō and Edo






天安門已陷落,女神像已推倒 // 一小撮老頭子很不喜歡 // 她高揚火把的那種手勢 // 當她的潔白墜地解體 // 碎了,孩子們仰慕的心情 // 八十歲跟二十歲的對話裡 // 誰的雄辯比機槍更流利?// 什麼回答比坦克更具體?// 而無論你接不按受,孩子 // 同伴們已一排排躺下


rough pavement

Hong Kong Museum of History will undergo renovation soon. It may reopen for a short period after the third wave COVID-19 and before the renovation. The gift shop, passage, will close up officially in September. The other branches of passage at Hong Kong Heritage Museum, Xiqu Center and Hong Kong Space Museum will probably gradually reopen after the third wave. As a member of this shop around 2019, I built up a sense of belonging with the colleagues and the place. Although the working pressure was much higher than that in CUHK bookstore, my working experience grew quickly here. At the end of 2019, I became an employee at the gift shop at Hong Kong Space Museum. Because of the impact of large scale demonstrations and COVID-19, gift shops under government facilities has to be closed temporarily and compulsively. Our business is largely hindered. Due to the rearrangement of human resources, I started working at Chung Hwa Bookstore (Tsuen Wan) in September. My main duty is stock management. I will be the helper of non-book business and cashier. Yesterday, I tried filling new Chinese books into the shelves. If I can handle the above workload, my supervisor will choose some categories of Chinese books for me to be in charge. What a challenging job!


Diagon Alley

tap: to strike lightly especially with a slight sound

mumble: intransitive verb: to utter words in a low confused indistinct manner

indistinct: not clearly recognizable or understandable

beak: the bill of a bird

bill: the jaws of a bird together with their horny covering

scramble: to move with urgency or panic

jerk: to propel or move with or as if with a quick suddenly arrested motion

swoop: to move with a sweep

flutter: to flap the wings rapidly

fiercely: in a fierce or vehement manner

fierce: violently hostile or aggressive in temperament

vehement: marked by forceful energy

savage: to attack or treat brutally

brutally: severe

pellet: a usually small rounded, spherical, or cylindrical body (as of food or medicine)

humbug: British: a hard usually peppermint-flavored candy

gotta: used for "got to" in informal speech and in representations of such speech

goblin: an ugly or grotesque sprite that is usually mischievous and sometimes evil and malicious

sprite: a disembodied spirit

gleam: to shine with or as if with subdued steady light or moderate brightness

subdued: lacking in vitality, intensity, or strength

enchantment: a magic spell

vault: a room or compartment for the safekeeping of valuables

summat: dialectal variant of somewhat

bungler: to act or work clumsily and awkwardly

awkward: lacking social grace and assurance

blimey: chiefly British: gorblimey

gorblimey: used to express amazement, surprise, or perplexity

clamber: to climb awkwardly or with effort especially by using both the hands and the feet

passerby: one who passes by

pant: to breathe quickly, spasmodically, or in a labored manner

crikey: used as a mild oath

canary yellow: a light to a moderate or vivid yellow

vivid: of a color :very strong :very high in chroma

parchment: the skin of a sheep or goat prepared for writing on

witchcraft: the use of sorcery or magic

sorcery: the use of power gained from the assistance or control of evil spirits especially for divining

robe: a long flowing outer garment

garment: an article of clothing

cloak: a loose outer garment

transfiguration: a change in form or appearance

potion: a mixture of liquids (such as liquor or medicine)

wand: a slender rod used by conjurers and magicians

conjurer: wizard

cauldron: a large kettle or boiler

pewter: (especially) a dull alloy with lead formerly used for domestic utensils

phial: vial: a small closed or closable vessel especially for liquids

get stuck in: to start doing something with a lot of energy

bustling: busily astir

grubby: dirty

peculiar: characteristic of only one person, group, or thing

shabby: inferior in quality

bald: lacking a natural or usual covering (as of hair, vegetation, or nap)

beam: to smile with joy

flutter: a state of nervous confusion or excitement

delighted: obsolete : delighful

stammer: to make involuntary stops and repetitions in speaking

vampire: the reanimated body of a dead person believed to come from the grave at night and suck the blood of persons asleep

courtyard: a court or enclosure adjacent to a building (such as a house or palace)

grin: smile

hag: an ugly, slatternly, or evil-looking old woman

quiver: to shake or move with a slight trembling motion

wriggle: to move or advance by twisting and turning

cobbled: paved with cobblestones

plump: having a full rounded usually pleasing form

apothecary: one who prepares and sells drugs or compounds for medicinal purposes

hoot: to make the natural throat noise of an owl or a similar cry

emporium: a place of trade

tawny: of a warm sandy color

screech: a high shrill piercing cry usually expressing pain or terror

barn: a usually large building for the storage of farm products or feed and usually for the housing of farm animals or farm equipment

barrel: a round bulging vessel of greater length than breadth that is usually made of staves bound with hoops and has flat ends of equal diameter

tottering: lacking firmness or stability

quill: the hollow horny shaft of a feather

burnish: to make shiny or lustrous especially by rubbing

swarthy: of a dark color

engrave: to form by incision (as on wood or metal)

heed: attention

scribble: to write or draw hastily or carelessly

ledger: a book containing accounts to which debits and credits are posted from books of original entry

cram: to pack tight

hurtle: to move rapidly or forcefully

rattle: to make a rapid succession of short sharp noises

steer: to direct the course (as of a ship or automobile)

plunge: to become pitched or thrown headlong or violently forward and downward

stalactite: a deposit of calcium carbonate (such as calcite) resembling an icicle hanging from the roof or sides of a cave

stalagmite: a deposit of calcium carbonate like an inverted stalactite formed on the floor of a cave by the drip of calcareous water

billow: sentence example: a field of burning grass billowing thick black clouds of smoke into the sky

mound: pile

ravine: a small narrow steep-sided valley that is larger than a gully and smaller than a canyon and that is usually worn by running water

groan: to utter a deep moan indicative of pain, grief, or annoyance

scruff: the back of the neck

infernal: of or relating to hell

mauve: a moderate purple, violet, or lilac color

drawl: to utter in a slow lengthened tone

gamekeeper: a person in charge of the breeding and protection of game animals or birds on a private preserve

sneer: to smile or laugh with facial contortions that express scorn or contempt

contort: to twist into or as if into a strained shape or expression

scorn: open dislike and disrespect or mockery often mixed with indignation

contempt: lack of respect or reverence for something

duffer: an incompetent, ineffectual, or clumsy person

curse: a prayer or invocation for harm or injury to come upon one

bewitch: to influence or affect especially injuriously by witchcraft

revenge: to avenge (oneself or another) usually by retaliating in kind or degree

rot: deteriorate

unicorn: a mythical, usually white animal generally depicted with the body and head of a horse with long flowing mane and tail and a single often spiraled horn in the middle of the forehead

glitter: to shine by reflection with many small flashes of brilliant light

scoop: the amount contained by a scoop

outta: non-standard contraction of ‘out of’, used in representing informal speech

rustle: to act or move with energy or speed

flickering: moving or shining irregularly or unsteadily

gruff: rough, brusque, or stern in manner, speech, or aspect

brusque: markedly short and abrupt

stern: having a definite hardness or severity of nature or manner

spindly: of a disproportionately tall or long and thin appearance that often suggests physical weakness

prickle: a prickling or tingling sensation

willow: an object made of willow wood

creepy: producing a nervous shivery apprehension

mahogany: the wood of any of various chiefly tropical trees

pliable: supple enough to bend freely or repeatedly without breaking

yew: evergreen gymnospermous trees and shrubs

shuffle: to move about, back and forth, or from one place to another

flit: to pass quickly or abruptly from one place or condition to another

crumple: to press, bend, or crush out of shape

snatch: to attempt to seize something suddenly

whippy: unusually resilient

 ebony: a hard heavy blackish wood yielded by various tropical chiefly southeast Asian trees

supple: capable of being bent or folded without creases, cracks, or breaks

swish: to move, pass, swing, or whirl with the sound of a swish

whoop: to utter a whoop in expression of eagerness, enthusiasm, or enjoyment

bravo: a shout of approval —often used interjectionally in applauding a performance

applaud: to express approval especially by clapping the hands

gawk: to gape or stare stupidly

laden: carrying a load or burden



mRNA vaccines

The promise (成功前景) of mRNA vaccines is changing how we think about COVID-19 immunization. The most traditional methods of vaccine development introduce the body to either an inactivated or weakened form of a virus or to one of its viral proteins. The immune system responds by producing antibodies that recognize particular proteins of the virus. Those antibodies could fight future infections as long as the virus doesn’t evolve. mRNA vaccines take a novel (新穎的) approach that has never been licensed for human use. Their development is faster as it bypasses the more laborious (艱巨的) tasks of inactivating viruses or isolating proteins.

The vaccine contains snippets (片斷) of viral mRNA, a molecule with instructions for making proteins. Scientists pack the mRNA inside a slippery pod made of lipids, so it can slide into the cells.

Phospholipids, arranged in a bilayer, make up the basic fabric of the plasma membrane. (www.khanacademy.org)

Once inside the cells, the mRNA finds the ribosomes. They are the machinery for building all proteins in the body.

Ribosome, particle that is present in large numbers in all living cells and serves as the site of protein synthesis...Ribosomes are made up of ribosomal proteins and ribosomal RNA (rRNA)...Ribosomal molecules of messenger RNA (mRNA) determine the order of transfer RNA (tRNA) molecules that are bound to nucleotide triplets (codons). The order of tRNA molecules ultimately determines the amino acid sequence of a protein. (www.britannica.com)


Ribosomes start making SARS-CoV-2 spike proteins based on the viral mRNA. Spike proteins coat the surface of the virus and are harmless on their own. They are considered a good vaccine target which is also called an antigen.

The coronavirus spike protein is a multifunctional molecular machine that mediates coronavirus entry into host cells. (www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov)

An immune cell perceives (把…看作) the spike proteins as if the body had been infected. It kicks off a sequence of events that results in the creation of antibodies and other defenses.

(Paragraphs with bold text: https://www.nationalgeographic.com/science/2020/05/moderna-coronavirus-vaccine-how-it-works-cvd/)



The collection of information of military or political value.






