



Emotion-focused coping is a strategy that involves changing the way a person feels or emotionally reacts to a stressor. This reduces the emotional impact of the stressor and makes it possible to deal with the problem effectively.


Emotion-focused coping also works for stressors that are uncontrollable and for which problem-focused coping is not possible.

當一個人可以積極地解決問題時,忽略問題並不是一個好策略。 但是,當無法更改或消除壓力源時,或者擔心壓力源本身就是一個問題時,忽略該問題並不是一個壞主意。

Ignoring a problem is not a good strategy when there is something a person can actively do about solving the problem. But when it is not possible to change or eliminate the stressor, or when worrying about the stressor can be a problem itself, ignoring the problem is not a bad idea.

俗話說「笑是最好的藥」,使用幽默也可以是一種以情緒為中心的應對方式。 在一項研究中,觀看幽默視頻可以增強免疫系統的防禦。

Using humor can also be a form of emotion-focused coping, as the old saying "laughter is the best medicine" suggests. In a study, watching humor video can boost the action of the immune system.

Ciccarelli, S. K. (2006). Psychology. Pearson.

