endowments: [countable, usually plural] a quality or an ability that you are born with
trait: DJ[treit]
harmonious: arranged together in a way that is pleasant because each part goes well with the others
duplicity: dishonest behavior that is intended to make somebody believe something that is not true
cornerstone: a stone at the corner of the base of a building, often laid in a special ceremony
Maturity is the balance between courage and consideration...The definition of emotional maturity is the ability to express one's own feelings and convictions balanced with consideration for the thoughts and feeling of others.
profound: very great; felt or experienced very strongly
conviction: a strong opinion or belief
complementary: two people or things that are complementary are different but together form a useful or attractive combination of skills, qualities or physical features
ingrained (in somebody/something) (of a habit, an attitude, etc.) that has existed for a long time and is therefore difficult to change
You not only have to be empathic, you have to be confident. You not only have to be considerate and sensitive, you have to be brave.
credentials: the qualities, training or experience that make you suitable to do something
seniority: the fact of being older or of a higher rank than others
affiliation: one group or organization’s official connection with another
scarcity: if there is a scarcity of something, there is not enough of it and it is difficult to obtain it
zero-sum game: a situation in which what is gained by one person or group is lost by another person or group
windfall: an amount of money that somebody/something wins or receives unexpectedly
insubordination: the act of refusing to obey orders or show respect for somebody who has a higher rank
People with a scarcity mentality have a very difficult time sharing recognition and credit, power or profit---even with those who help in the production...The abundance mentality, on the other hand, flows out of a deep inner sense of personal worth and security. It is the paradigm that there is plenty out there and enough to spare for everybody. It results in sharing of prestige, of recognition, of profits, of decision making. It opens possibilities, options, alternatives, and creativity.
likewise: the same; in a similar way
chariot: an open vehicle with two wheels, pulled by horses, used in ancient times in battle and for racing
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Translated with the help of DeepL and edited