


手機侵蝕心智?2025年抬起頭 踢走腦腐

    「戀愛腦」、「豆腐腦」大家都聽過,但「腦腐」(brain rot)又聽過沒有?這個詞語大有來頭,是二零二四年《牛津英語大辭典》的年度代表字,意思是網絡低品質的信息正腐蝕大腦。而腦腐更與都市人滑手機息息相關,就讓我們在新的一年,踢走這個年度字。



survey: to examine as to condition, situation, or value

terrain: used to refer to an area of land when you are mentioning its natural features, for example, if it is rough, flat, etc.

Oregon: state in the northwestern part of the U.S. bordering the Pacific; capital Salem

grilling: a period of being questioned closely about your ideas, actions, etc.

nag: to irritate by constant scolding or urging

scold: to censure usually severely or angrily

censure: to find fault with and criticize as blameworthy

miserable: very unhappy or uncomfortable

sheepishly: in a way that shows that you are embarrassed because you have done something silly or wrong

implication: a possible effect or result of an action or a decision

exclaim: to say something suddenly and loudly, especially because of strong emotion or pain

    You may try to lubricate your social interactions with personality techniques and skills, but in the process, you may truncate the vital character base. You can't have the fruits without the roots. It's the principle of sequencing: Private Victory precedes Public Victory. Self-mastery and self-discipline are the foundation of good relationships with others.


truncate: to make something shorter, especially by cutting off the top or end

merit: the quality of being good and of deserving praise or reward

psych up: to prepare somebody/yourself mentally for something difficult or unpleasant

dominion: authority to rule; control

    The most important ingredient we put into any relationship is not what we say or what we do, but what we are. And if our words and our actions come from superficial human relations techniques (the Personality Ethic), rather than from our own inner core (the Character Ethic), others will sense that duplicity. We simply won't be able to create and sustain the foundation necessary for effective interdependence.


duplicity: dishonest behavior that is intended to make somebody believe something that is not true

get used to: to become familiar with something or someone

outgrowth: a natural development or result of something

obscure: to conceal or hide by or as if by covering

reconnaissance: the activity of getting information about an area for military purposes, using soldiers, planes, etc.

Stephen R. Covey "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People"

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    Isoflavones in soybeans are a type of phytoestrogen, which are plant-based compounds that have a similar structure to estrogen. There have been concerns that consuming soy might affect male hormone levels, but research indicates that this is not the case.

    Studies have shown that isoflavones have a very weak estrogen-like effect and do not significantly impact male hormone levels. Consuming soy in normal amounts does not lead to feminization, decreased testosterone levels, or other hormonal imbalances in men. In fact, soy can be a healthy part of a balanced diet, offering benefits such as improved heart health and a reduced risk of prostate cancer.

    So, including soy products like tofu, soy milk, and edamame in your diet is generally safe and can be beneficial for overall health.

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「好磷社」助缺磷者 讓罕見病被看見

XLH 致骨肌脆弱可遺傳 創辦人︰有病友誕子方確診






Source: HK01 and edited




gem: a precious stone that has been cut and polished and is used in jewellery





pavilion: DJ[pəˋviljən]













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paradigm: DJ[ˋpærədaim]

grueling: very difficult and making you very tired, needing great effort for a long time

renowned: famous and respected

procrastinate: to delay doing something that you should do, usually because you do not want to do it

fare: get along

introspective: tending to think a lot about your own thoughts, feelings, etc.

preoccupied: thinking and/or worrying continuously about something so that you do not pay attention to other things

conspicuous: easy to see or notice; likely to attract attention

bemoan: to complain or say that you are not happy about something

advent: the coming of an important event, person, invention, etc.

slacker: a person who is lazy and avoids work

trivial: not important or serious; not worth considering

gossip: informal talk or stories about other people’s private lives, which may be unkind or not true

mediocre: not very good; of only average standard

apathy: the feeling of not being interested in or enthusiastic about something, or things in general

swat: to hit something, especially an insect, using your hand or a flat object

exponential: becoming faster and faster

remedy: a way of dealing with or improving an unpleasant or difficult situation

    The remedy to Quadrant III (Important but not urgent) is to start saying No. Say No to responding immediately to every email or text that comes your way. Say No to serving on that community board when you might be neglecting your family or your health. The key to saying No is to have a deeper Yes burning inside of you. Clarify the few things you do well, and then start saying No to everything else.

miserable: very unhappy or uncomfortable

stroller: a small folding seat on wheels in which a small child sits and is pushed along

Stephen R. Covey "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People"

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粵港澳外國遊客均回升 大灣區合作可再下一城



倚天屠龍記 2019








Stewardship delegation

Stewardship delegation is focused on results instead of methods. It gives people a choice of method and makes them responsible for results. It takes more time in the beginning, but it's time well invested...Trust is the highest form of human motivation. It brings out the very best in people. But it takes time and patience, and it doesn't preclude the necessity to train and develop people so that their competency can raise to the level of that trust.


upfront: not trying to hide what you think or do

if people, things or situations are formidable, you feel fear and/or respect for them, because they are impressive or powerful, or because they seem very difficult

latitude: freedom to choose what you do or the way that you do it

creed: a set of principles or religious beliefs

quicksand: a situation that is dangerous or difficult to escape from

accountability: an obligation or willingness to accept responsibility or to account for one's actions

obligation: the state of being forced to do something because it is your duty, or because of a law, etc.

psychic: connected with the mind rather than the body

thorough: done completely; with great attention to detail

sprinkler: a device with holes in that is used to spray water in drops onto plants, soil or grass

sack: a usually rectangular-shaped bag (as of paper, burlap, or canvas)

burlap: a type of strong rough brown cloth, used especially for making sacks

canvas: a strong heavy rough material used for making tents, sails, etc. and by artists for painting on

bush: a plant that grows thickly with several hard stems coming up from the root

nag: to irritate by constant scolding or urging

scold: to speak angrily to somebody, especially a child, because they have done something wrong

allowance: a small amount of money that parents give their children, usually every week or every month

driveway: a wide hard path or a private road that leads from the street to a house

cluttered: covered with, or full of, a lot of things or people, in a way that is untidy

disillusioned: disappointed because the person you admired or the idea you believed to be good and true now seems without value

manicured: (of gardens, a lawn, etc.) very neat and well cared for

whimper: ​to make low, weak crying noises; to speak in this way

sniff: to breathe air in through your nose in a way that makes a sound, especially when you are crying, have a cold, etc.

reprimand: to reprove sharply or censure formally usually from a position of authority

reprove: to tell somebody that you do not approve of something that they have done

preclude: to prevent something from happening or somebody from doing something; to make something impossible

necessity: the fact that something must happen or be done; the need for something

downstream: in the direction of or nearer to the mouth of a stream

discernable: able to be perceived by a sense (such as sight or smell) or by the mind

discernible: ​that can be recognized or understood

Stephen R. Covey "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People"

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學童自殺個案雖減少 精神健康支援難鬆懈




Dream Career


    大學 JUPAS 選科,我希望就讀有關環境保護的學科。小時候,我看過一本書,講述復活節島的故事。島上居民人口增加、過度開墾、運送石像,大量砍伐樹木。復活節島是一個孤島,地球是一條村。環境破壞導致不少禍害,道理是一樣。就算自己擁有的力量是微不足道,亦知道有一些破壞是不可逆轉,但這已成為自己的一個志向。後來,高級程度會考成積不理想,進不到想入讀的學科,便無奈放棄。不過,環保可先從個人著手。例如,我很少買新衣服,因為我知道製造一件衣服,需要很多水資源。後來才明白,如果修讀關於環境保護工程的學科,高考需要選數學科而不是生物科。這就是沒有人生規劃的惡果。





delegation: the process of giving somebody work or responsibilities that would usually be yours

fulcrum: (Physics) the point on which a lever turns or is supported

gofer: a person whose job is to do small boring tasks for other people, especially in an office or on a film set

machete: a broad, heavy knife used as a cutting tool and as a weapon

wield: to hold something, ready to use it as a weapon or tool

footage: part of a film showing a particular event

stewardship: the act of taking care of or managing something, for example property, an organization, money or valuable objects

Stephen R. Covey "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People"

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Medical Development

生科創新機遇大 醫療優勢盡發揮


兩地優勢互補 數據共享需突破





Vocab. of The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

empower: to give somebody the power or authority to do something

symphony: a long, complicated piece of music for a large orchestra, in three or four main parts (called movements)

conjunction: combination

parameter: something that decides or limits the way in which something can be done

uplifting: ​making you feel happier or giving you more hope

draw back: ​to move away from somebody/something

set aside: to save or keep money, time, land, etc. for a particular purpose

savor something to enjoy the full taste of something, especially by eating or drinking it slowly

metaphor: a word or phrase used to describe somebody/something else, in a way that is different from its normal use, in order to show that the two things have the same qualities and to make the description more powerful, for example She has a heart of stone.

popularity: the state of being liked, enjoyed or supported by a large number of people

overpower somebody: to defeat or gain control over somebody completely by using greater strength

intrinsic: belonging to or part of the real nature of something/somebody

    Your principle center, your self-awareness, and your conscience can provide a high degree of intrinsic security, guidance, and wisdom to empower you to use your independent will and maintain integrity to the truly important.


omniscient: knowing everything

subordinate: to treat as of less value or importance

work out: to develop in a successful way

    I see many parents, particularly mothers with small children, often frustrated in their desire to accomplish a lot because all they seem to do is meet the needs of little children all day. Remember, frustration is a function of our expectations, and our expectations are often a reflection of the social mirror rather than our own values and priorities.


spontaneous: proceeding from natural feeling or native tendency without external constraint

    The fourth-generation tool (self-management rather than time management) recognizes that principle (People are more important than things). It also recognizes that the first person you need to consider in terms of effectiveness rather than efficiency is yourself. It encourages you to spend time in Quadrant II (Important, Not Urgent), to understand and center your life on principles, to give clear expression to the purposes and values you want to direct your daily decisions. It helps you to create balance in your life.


lip service: if somebody pays lip service to something, they say that they approve of it or support it, without proving their support by what they actually do

Stephen R. Covey "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People"

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DNA in hair

DNA can be found in the hair follicle, which is the part of the hair located beneath the skin. The hair shaft, which is the visible part of the hair above the skin, does not contain nuclear DNA. However, mitochondrial DNA can sometimes be extracted from the hair shaft.

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U.S.-Israel Economic Relationship

Free trade agreement (FTA): The U.S. and Israel signed their first Free Trade Agreement in 1985, which was also the first FTA for the United States. This agreement has significantly boosted trade between the two countries.

Trade volume: Bilateral trade in goods and services is substantial, with annual trade close to $50 billion. The U.S. is Israel's largest trading partner, with major exports including machinery, aircraft, and agricultural products.

Investment: Israeli investments in the U.S. have grown to nearly $24 billion, while U.S. companies have established over 300 research and development centers in Israel. This includes major firms like Cisco, Intel, and HP.

Sectoral cooperation: The economic relationship spans multiple sectors such as IT, biotech, life sciences, healthcare, energy, defense, cybersecurity, and aviation. This cooperation has led to significant technological advancements and job creation in both countries.

Scientific and cultural exchanges: The U.S. and Israel also engage in numerous scientific and cultural exchanges through foundations like the Binational Science Foundation and the Binational Agricultural Research and Development Foundation.

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    香港西貢赤洲今年十月首次出土恐龍化石,初步估計那是來自一億四千五百萬年前至六千六百萬年的白堊紀時期的恐龍。化石 (Fossil) 一詞來自拉丁文的 fossilis,意指「挖掘」。古生物骨骼隨沉積物埋在絕氧環境上百萬年,始成化石。





admittedly: used, especially at the beginning of a sentence, when you are accepting that something is true

    Many people seem to think that success in one area can compensate for failure in other areas of life. But can it really? Perhaps it can for a limited time in some areas. But can success in your profession compensate for a broken marriage, ruined health, or weakness in personal character?


thrust: a forward or upward push

implicit: suggested without being directly expressed

set aside: to save or keep money, time, land, etc. for a particular purpose

Sabbath: (in Judaism and Christianity) the holy day of the week that is used for resting and worshipping God. For Jewish people this day is Saturday and for Christians it is Sunday.

subordination: the act of treating somebody/something as less important than somebody/something else

Stephen R. Covey "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People"

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大學城規模不夠大 不利發揮群聚效應





強制安裝「車cam」助蒐證 平衡規管與私隱需要






Production capacity: Production capacity refers to the maximum output of manufactured goods and materials that a business can achieve.

proximate: nearest in time, order, etc. to something

trivia: unimportant matters, details or information

precedence: the condition of being more important than somebody else and therefore coming or being dealt with first

    Urgent matters are usually visible. The press on us; they insist on action. They're often popular with others. They're usually right in front of us. And often they are pleasant, easy, fun to do. But so often they are unimportant!


    Importance, on the other hand, has to do with results. If something is important, it contributes to your mission, your values, your high-priority goals.


divert: to make somebody/something change direction

wipe out: to fall over, especially when you are doing a sport such as skiing or surfing

slam: to shut, or to make something shut, with a lot of force, making a loud noise

chameleon: a person who changes their behavior or opinions according to the situation

    Quadrant II (Important, Not Urgent) is the heart of effective personal management. It deals with things that are not urgent, but are important. It deals with things like building relationships, writing a personal mission statement, long-range planning, exercising, preventive maintenance, preparation --- all those things we know we need to do, but somehow seldom get around to doing, because they aren't urgent.


leap: a sudden passage or transition

unanimous: if a decision or an opinion is unanimous, it is agreed or shared by everyone in a group

tenant: a person who pays rent for the use of a room, building, land, etc. to the person who owns it

correspondence: the letters, emails, etc. a person sends and receives

enforce: to make sure that people obey a particular law or rule

prosperity: the state of being successful, especially in making money

inventory: an itemized list of current assets, such as a list of goods on hand

contend with: to have to deal with a problem or with a difficult situation or person

interchange: the act of sharing or exchanging something, especially ideas or information

profound: very great; felt or experienced very strongly

thrill: to cause (someone) to experience a strong feeling of enjoyable excitement

homemaker: a person who manages a home and takes care of the house and family as their main job

The Pareto principle (also known as the 80/20 rule) is a phenomenon that states that roughly 80% of outcomes come from 20% of causes. We can use this principle to help prioritize tasks and business efforts.

endeavor: an attempt to do something, especially something new or difficult

undertaking:  a task or project, especially one that is important and/or difficult

imply: to suggest that something is true or that you feel or think something, without saying so directly

wallboard: a building material used to cover walls and ceilings, usually made from sheets of thick paper with wood pulp or plaster between them

cog: one of a series of teeth on the edge of a wheel that fit between the teeth on the next wheel and cause it to move

fault: DJ[fɔ:lt] to find a fault in

Form follows function is a principle of design associated with late 19th- and early 20th-century architecture and industrial design in general, which states that the shape of a building or object should primarily relate to its intended function or purpose.

    The way you spend your time is a result of the way you see your time and the way you really see your priorities. If your priorities grow out of a principle center and a personal mission, if they are deeply planted in your heart and in your mind, you will see Quadrant II as a natural, exciting place to invest your time.


popularity: the state of being liked, enjoyed or supported by a large number of people

cross off: to draw a line through a person’s name or an item on a list because they/it is no longer required or involved

accomplishment: an impressive thing that is done or achieved after a lot of work

buffet: to strike sharply especially with the hand

undependable: unable to be trusted or relied on

precede: to happen before something or come before something/somebody in order

Stephen R. Covey "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People"

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巴黎聖母院浴火重生 火與淚之歌

因破壞而顯現歷史真相 塞翁「失火」焉知非福


「說來諷刺,要是聖母院沒有失火,那麼復修工程不會那麼快完成,可能二十年還不能完結,規模也遠不如現在。要說研究歷史教會了我甚麼,那就是大教堂翻新,總是很容易引發火災!」法國歌德式建築及雕像專家Jennifer Feltman口中說的,是法國另一座位於盧昂的歌德式教堂Cathédrale Notre-Dame de Rouen, 這座興建於十六世紀的聖母院,無獨有偶,也是在今年七月進行維修工程期間起火,尖塔也因大火而倒下。「你說歷史是不是不斷在重複?不過,根據建築歷史學家,新歌德式出現,往往也是因為舊建築起火,為了修復而創建的新風格。幸運的是,這次盧昂和巴黎聖母院出事後,得到各方伸出援手,可說是因禍得福,也讓大家認知到歷史遺址如何脆弱。」









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Plastic decomposition

    Recent studies have highlighted several types of plastics that can be decomposed by bacteria.  One notable example is thermoplastic polyurethane, which has been developed to include bacterial spores that help it break down when exposed to compost conditions.  Another type is polyhydroxyalkanoates, which are produced by bacteria and degrade naturally in various environments, including compost, soil, and water.

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compost: a mixture of decayed (= destroyed by natural processes) plants, food, etc. that can be added to soil to help plants grow



Oolong tea and prostate cancer

    The relationship between oolong tea and prostate cancer has been explored in various studies, but the results are mixed.  Some research suggests that tea, including oolong tea, contains polyphenols that may have antioxidant properties and could potentially reduce cancer cell proliferation.  However, other studies have found on significant association between tea consumption and a reduced risk of prostate cancer.

    It's important to note that while tea can be a healthy part of your diet, relying on it solely for cancer prevention is not recommended.  Maintaining a balanced diet, regular exercise, and routine medical check-ups are crucial for overall health and cancer prevention.

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君怡︰盒子有限 人生無限






DSE宣判 命運憑一紙決定?







諗唔到中文五星星 諗唔到自己會激動









六歲受訪 第一次知道「生命的限期」

    正式訪問前,記者跟君怡的媽媽,她的中學老師和社工都談過,感覺上君怡是一個思想很成熟、帶點「old soul」的十九歲少女。有一個詞,她們不約而同提到,稱君怡有時候「很離地」。









尹鍚悅自導自演戒嚴鬧劇 發達國家民主陷困有原因






    Conscience is the ability to detect our own uniqueness and the personal, moral, and ethical guidelines within which we can most happily fulfill it.


emergence: somebody/something moving out of or away from something and becoming possible to see

prerequisite: that must exist or happen before something else can happen or be done

    Management is the breaking down, the analysis, the sequencing, the specific application, the time-bound left brain aspect of effective self-government.

    Independent will is the ability to make decisions and choices and to act in accordance with them. It is the ability to act rather than to be acted upon.


triumph: to obtain victory

pull/drag yourself up by your (own) bootstraps: to improve your situation yourself, without help from other people

    Effective management is putting first things first. While leadership decides what "first things" are, it is management that puts them first, day-by-day, moment-by-moment. Management is discipline, carrying it out.

disciple: a person who believes in and follows the teachings of a religious or political leader

superordinate: used to describe a word, category or level with a more general meaning, greater range or higher level than something else

    If you are an effective manager of yourself, your discipline comes from within; it is a function of your independent will. You are a disciple, a follower, of your own deep values and their source. And you have the will, the integrity, to subordinate your feelings, your impulses, your moods to those values.


astute: very clever and quick at seeing what to do in a particular situation, especially how to get an advantage

endeavor: an attempt to do something, especially something new or difficult

semblance: outward and often specious appearance or show

specious: having a false look of truth or genuineness

counterproductive: having the opposite effect to the one that was intended

clash: to come into conflict

revert to: to go back or return to (an earlier state, condition, situation, etc.)

spontaneity: voluntary or undetermined action or movement

undetermined: not definitely or authoritatively decided, settled, or identified

misnomer: a name or a word that is not appropriate or accurate

Stephen R. Covey "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People"

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    The main difference between the DW-H5600-1 and the DW-H5600MB-1 lies in their bezel materials:

    DW-H5600-1: This model features a resin bezel, which is lightweight and durable.

    DW-H5600MB-1: This variant comes with an ion-plated stainless steel bezel, giving it a more premium look and feel. It is slightly heavier (by about 6 grams) but thinner by 0.8 millimeters compared to the DW-H5600-1.

    Both models share the same core features, including heart rate monitoring, step counting, and Bluetooth connectivity for smartphone integration.

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    Bezel: a ring with a long narrow cut around the inside, used to hold something in place, such as the cover of a watch or mobile phone







李︰謹慎開源 三跑體育園等振經濟


Serum PSA levels and prostate cancer

    PSA can be detected in blood, normally at a low level. Disruption of normal prostatic architecture by cancer, benign enlargement, inflammation, or trauma can lead to elevated serum levels. When combined with a digital rectal examination (DRE), PSA can be used to screen for prostate cancer. An abnormal screening test may prompt a prostate biopsy, usually performed in conjunction with transrectal ultrasound, to provide a definitive diagnosis. Unfortunately, serum PSA alone cannot reliably distinguish between benign prostatic hyperplasia, prostatic infection or inflammation, and prostate cancer, either low or high grade.

   PSA 可以在血液中檢測到,通常處於低水平。癌症、良性增生、發炎或外傷會破壞正常的前列腺結構,導致血清中的 PSA 含量升高。若結合指感直腸檢查 (DRE),PSA 可用於篩檢前列腺癌。篩檢測試的異常,可能需要進行前列腺活組織檢查,通常會與經直腸超音波檢查一起進行,以提供確切的診斷。不幸的是,單靠血清 PSA 並不能可靠區分良性前列腺增生、前列腺感染或發炎,以及前列腺癌,無論是低度或高度的血清PSA水平。


Prostate-specific antigen (PSA) is a protein produced by both normal and malignant cells of the prostate gland. PSA levels are measured through a blood test and can be an indicator of prostate health. Elevated PSA levels can sometimes suggest the presence of prostate caner, but they can also be caused by other conditions such as prostatitis or benign prostatic hyperplasia.

Normal PSA levels: Generally, a PSA level below 4.0ng/mL is considered normal, but this can vary with age. For men under 60, a PSA level below 2.5 ng/mL is often considered normal.

Elevated PSA levels: PSA levels between 4.0 and 10.0 ng/mL indicate a higher chance of prostate cancer, with about a 25% chance of having the disease. Levels above 10.0 ng/mL increase the likelihood to over 50%.

Screening recommendations: Routine PSA screening is not universally recommended due to potential risks and benefits. Men aged 55 to 69 should discuss the pros and cons of PSA screening with their doctor. Those at higher risk, such as those with a family history of prostate cancer, may consider starting screening earlier.

Factors affecting PSA levels: Besides cancer, PSA levels can be elevated due to infections, recent procedures, or even activities like cycling.

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簽注八十人幣 五分鐘內辦妥




敘叛軍八年首攻入阿勒頗 內戰重燃

乘巴沙爾靠山俄國伊朗受戰事纏擾反擊 中東添亂





北都簽意向書增信心 片區開發項目求彈性






keynote address: an address designed to present the issues of primary interest to an assembly (such as a political convention) and often to arouse unity and enthusiasm

address: a formal speech that is made in front of an audience

candidly: in a way that is open and honest; saying what you really think

estranged: no longer living with your husband, wife or partner

start off: to begin to move

if something is compromising, it shows or tells people something that you want to keep secret, because it is wrong or embarrassing

prestigious: respected and admired as very important or of very high quality

devoted to: to decide that (something) will be used for (a special purpose) : to use (time, money, energy, attention, etc.) for (something)

juggle: to try to deal with two or more important jobs or activities at the same time so that you can fit all of them into your life

grumbling: the act of complaining about something

stand for: to support or represent something

ovation: enthusiastic clapping by an audience as a sign of their approval

literally: exactly

rung: one of the bars that forms a step in a ladder

Wyoming: state in the northwestern U.S.

tend: to care for somebody/something

refuge: shelter or protection from danger, trouble, etc.

weary: very tired, especially after you have been working hard or doing something for a long time

pathfinder: a person, group or thing that goes before others and shows the way over unknown land

trailblazer: a person who is the first to do or discover something and so makes it possible for others to follow

envision to imagine what a situation will be like in the future, especially a situation you intend to work towards

unleash: let loose

overhear: to hear, especially by accident, a conversation in which you are not involved

    Leadership is communicating to another their worth and potential so clearly they are inspired to see it in themselves.

creed: a set of principles or religious beliefs

wear off: to gradually disappear or stop

at stake: that can be won or lost, depending on the success of a particular action

retreat: a movement away from a place or an enemy because of danger or defeat

spur: to incite to action or accelerated growth or development

I-beam: an iron or steel beam that is I-shaped in cross section

the Grand Canyon: an extremely large gorge (= a valley with steep sides) in the US state of Arizona which is a major tourist attraction.

branch out: to start to do an activity that you have not done before, especially in your work or business

collage: a picture made by sticking pieces of colored paper, cloth or photographs onto a surface, or by putting images together on a computer

if something bad or unpleasant is rife in a place, it is very common there

enlist: to join the armed forces; to make somebody join the armed forces

grueling: very difficult and making you very tired, needing great effort for a long time

moaning: a low prolonged sound of pain or of grief

groan: to make a long deep sound because you are annoyed, upset or in pain, or with pleasure

ensue: to happen after or as a result of another event

undaunted: still enthusiastic and determined, despite difficulties, danger, etc.

sarcastically: ​in a way that shows or expresses sarcasm

sarcasm: a way of using words that are the opposite of what you mean in order to be unpleasant to somebody or to make fun of them

heck: hell

flak: severe criticism

platitude: a comment or statement that has been made very often before and is therefore not interesting

exude: to ooze out

instill: to gradually put an idea or attitude into somebody's mind; to make somebody feel, think or behave in a particular way over a period of time

superintendent: a person who has a lot of authority and manages and controls an activity, a place, a group of workers, etc.

predicament: a difficult or an unpleasant situation, especially one where it is difficult to know what to do

mull: to consider at length

hallway: an entrance hall

host: to receive or entertain guests at or for (an event)

morale: the amount of confidence and enthusiasm, etc. that a person or a group has at a particular time

if the value, amount or level of something soars, it rises very quickly

magnet school: (in the US) a school in a large city that offers extra courses in some subjects in order to attract students from other areas of the city

Stephen R. Covey "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People"

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Japanese pronunciation

Yen instead of Yan









    Many families are managed on the basis of crises, moods, quick fixes, and instant gratification --- not on sound principles. Symptoms surface whenever stress and pressure mount: people become cynical, critical, or silent or they start yelling and overreacting. Children who observe these kinds of behavior grow up thinking the only way to solve problems is flight or fight.


    The core of any family is what is changeless, what is always going to be there --- shared vision and values.


cynical: believing that people only do things to help themselves rather than for good or honest reasons

PC: production capacity

bowel: the part that is deepest inside something

intrigued: very interested in something/somebody and wanting to know more about it/them

tremendous: very great

cosmetic: done or made for the sake of appearance

convention: a large meeting of the members of a profession, a political party, etc.

privilege:  a special right or advantage that a particular person or group of people has

anticipatory: done in order to prepare for something that you think might happen

vantage point: a position from which you watch something

uncompromising: unwilling to change your opinions or behavior

inquire: to ask somebody for some information

enquire: British English

enquiry: an official process to find out the cause of something or to find out information about something

pertain: to exist or to apply in a particular situation or at a particular time

hub: the central and most important part of a particular place or activity

spawn: to cause something to develop or be produced

promptly: without delay

conceivable: that you can imagine or believe

compliment: a comment that expresses praise or approval of somebody

mahogany: the hard red-brown wood of a tropical tree, used for making furniture

    One of the fundamental problems is organizations, including families, is that people are not committed to the determinations of other people for their lives. They simply do not buy into them.


determination: the quality that makes you continue trying to do something even when this is difficult

    No involvement, no commitment.


Stephen R. Covey "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People"

Online Dictionaries Used:





eefit and PicoLabb

eefit energy can improve blood microcirculation and immunity of human bodies.


Far infrared radiation in the range of 4–20 µm has been showed to have biological and health benefits to the human body.

He, P., Low, R. J. Y., Burns, S. F., Lipik, V., & Tok, A. I. Y. (2023, December 15). Enhanced far infrared emissivity, UV protection and near-infrared shielding of polypropylene composites via incorporation of natural mineral for functional fabric development. Nature News. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-023-49897-2

4-20 µm 範圍內的遠紅外線已被證實對人體的生物和健康有益。

Radiation with a wavelength of 4-20 µm falls within the infrared spectrum. Infrared radiation is often associated with heat. When you are exposed to infrared in this wavelength range, you will likely feel warm. This is similar to how you feel warmth from the sun or a heat lamp.

波長為 4-20 µm 的輻射屬於紅外線光譜。紅外輻射通常與熱有關。當您暴露在此波長範圍內的紅外線時,您可能會感到溫暖。這與您從太陽或暖燈中感受到的溫度類似。

Copilot for work


This is actually the specific physical manifestation of "Qi" in Chinese medicine. In Physics, "Qi" is known as the frequency of biological molecular vibration, which is the driving force behind blood circulation.



Dr. Neher was a Nobel Laureate in Physiology and Medicine in 1991.


Dr. Neher's Biophysics Laboratory for Innovative Drug Discovery launched the "eefit Biomedical Research Project" to develop a brand new modern biomedical mechanism with application of microphysical eeffit technology.


The first phase research results were fruitful.



Needle-free Acupuncture 元氣光專業版

體驗 iWand Pro 300 的尖端健康科技,這款強大便攜的設備專為增強微循環、促進代謝和有效緩解疼痛而設計。採用獨家研發的PVA技術,這款非侵入性設備能提供專業版的護理效果,讓你輕鬆在家中享受健康生活。iWand Pro 300 體積小巧、堅固耐用且操作簡便,是你提升整體健康的理想選擇。


說穿了,這只不過等於是中醫裡針灸的艾灸。只不過,睇落安全少少,high tech 少少。


機場三跑︳三跑系統今午啟用 料運作初期每小時可處理75航班





撤除嚴厲出入管制 恢復大學校園開放





《與成功有約》詞彙 28.11.2024

transcend: to be or go beyond the usual limits of something

knock out: (in boxing) to hit an opponent so that they cannot get up within a limited time and therefore lose the fight

eulogy: a speech or piece of writing praising somebody/something very much

revealing: giving you interesting information that you did not know before

reconcile: to make people become friends again after an argument or a disagreement

futility: the fact of having no purpose because there is no chance of success

evident: easily seen

undertake: to make yourself responsible for something and start doing it

reverent: showing deep respect

affirmation: a definite or public statement that something is true or that you support something strongly

vividly: in a way that produces very clear pictures in your mind

spectator: a person who is watching an event, especially a sports event

flare: (especially of anger and violence) to suddenly start or become much stronger

blitz: a sudden attack

uptight: anxious and/or angry about something

relentlessly: in a way that continues strongly, without stopping, giving up or getting less strong

subliminal: affecting your mind even though you are not aware of it

extravagant: spending a lot more money or using a lot more of something than you can afford or than is necessary

anecdotal: possibly not true or accurate because it is based on personal accounts rather than facts or research

emerge: to move out of or away from something and become possible to see

covenant: a usually formal, solemn, and binding agreement

solemn: very serious or formal

scripture: the holy books of a particular religion

fleeting: ​lasting only a short time

integrity: the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles

Goliath: a Philistine champion who in I Samuel 17 is killed by David; a person or thing that is very large or powerful

thrift: the habit of saving money and spending it carefully so that none is wasted

exclusion: the act of preventing somebody/something from entering a place or taking part in something

Stephen R. Covey "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People"

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Resonance of washing machine

    The resonance of a washing machine can indeed cause damage. When a washing machine operates at or near its natural frequency, even small imbalances can lead to extremely high vibrations. These vibrations can cause various issues, such as parts breaking or the the machine shaking violently. This can result in damage to the machine itself and potentially cause injury to anyone nearby.
    To prevent this, manufacturers often design washing machines to avoid operating at resonant frequencies or implement features to dampen vibrations. If you notice your washing machine vibrating excessively, it might be a good idea to check for any imbalances or consult the user manual for troubleshooting tips.

Copilot for work









Copilot for work


    Viktor E. Frankl said, "We detect rather than invent our missions in life." I like that choice of words. I think each of us has an internal monitor or sense, a conscience, that gives us an awareness of our own uniqueness and the singular contributions that we can make. In Frankl words, "Everyone has his own specific vocation or mission in life. ... Therein he cannot be replaced, nor can his life be repeated. Thus, everyone's task is as unique as his specific opportunity to implement it."

    Viktor E. Frankl 說:「我們要察覺自己的人生使命,而非創造自身的使命。」作者喜歡這個選字。筆者認為每個人都有一種內在的監察或感覺,也就是良知,它讓我們意識到自己的獨特性以及我們可以作出的獨特貢獻。以 Frankl 的話:「每個人都有自己特定的天職……在這方面,他是無法被取代的,他的生命也無法重複。因此,每個人的任務都是獨一無二的,就像他有執行任務的特定機會一樣。」

vocation: a type of work or way of life that you believe is especially suitable for you

therein: ​in the place, object, document, etc. mentioned

abdicate our responsibility: to fail or refuse to perform a duty

metaphor: a word or phrase used to describe somebody/something else, in a way that is different from its normal use, in order to show that the two things have the same qualities and to make the description more powerful, for example She has a heart of stone

introspection: the careful examination of your own thoughts, feelings and reasons for behaving in a particular way

commitment: a promise to do something or to behave in a particular way

exhilaration: a feeling of being very happy and excited

tap into: to make a strong or advantageous connection with

preside: to lead or be in charge of a meeting, ceremony, etc.

intuitive: obtained by using your feelings rather than by considering the facts

sequential: following in order of time or place

cultivate: to foster the growth of

    We live in a primarily left brain-dominant world, where words and measurement and logic are enthroned, and the more creative, intuitive, sensing, artistic aspect of our nature is often subordinated. Many of us find it more difficult to tap into our right brain capacity.


enthrone: to seat in a place associated with a position of authority or influence

Stephen R. Covey "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People"

Online Dictionaries Used:





文創發展須定重點 產業化莫畫餅充飢






Typing Exercise

7 powerful lessons from the book "The Psychology of Money"

1. Compound Interest is the Eighth Wonder of the World: Understanding the power of compound interest is crucial for long-term wealth building. Small, consistent investments can yield significant returns over time.

2. Risk Comes from Not Knowing What You're Doing: Investing in things you don't understand is a surefire way to lose money. Educate yourself and invest in what you know.

3. Never Lose Money: While it's impossible to avoid all losses, it's essential to prioritize capital preservation. Avoid risky bets that could wipe out your savings.

4. Patience is a Virtue: Investing is a long-term game. Avoid impulsive decisions and focus on a patient, disciplined approach.

5. Luck Plays a Role: While skill and knowledge are important, luck also plays a significant role in financial outcomes. Embrace uncertainty and don't take success for granted.

6. Save Money, Don't Just Invest It: Building an emergency fund is essential for financial security. Don't risk your savings on speculative investments.

7. Financial Independence is Freedom: Financial independence allows you to live life on your own terms. Strive for financial freedom, but don't let it consume your life.

Reading Life: a Facebook Page

surefire: certain to be successful or to happen as you expect

virtue: behavior or attitudes that show high moral standards

speculative: based on guessing or on opinions that have been formed without knowing all the facts

Online Dictionary Used: www.oxfordlearnersdictionaries.com

標點符號與隨後的英文字母之間要留空位「。」、「 .」、 「、」、「 ?」 及「 !」 後要留兩個空位,其他標點符號後要留一個空位,否則會被扣分。


香港醫護兩度赴加沙救援 見證戰火中的生與死

    在過去超過一年裡,永無休止的轟炸和衝突使加沙走廊及周邊巴勒斯坦地區,成為全球對兒童和年輕人來說最危險的成長環境之一。如今,戰火已奪去超過43,000條生命,造成逾10萬人受傷,其中約16,500名兒童喪生。曾於今年五月及九月兩度赴加沙的香港救援人員蘇衍霈(Krystal So),在加沙見證戰火中的生與死,她表示,這段時間沒有奇蹟降臨,亦沒有足夠糧水,眼睜睜看着人們在煉獄中掙扎求存,愈趨絕望。


《與成功有約》詞彙 26.11.2024

anesthetize: to make a person or animal unable to feel pain, etc.

negligible: ​of very little importance or size and not worth considering

fickle: changing often and suddenly

thwart: to prevent somebody from doing what they want to do

vengeance: the act of punishing or harming somebody in return for what they have done to you, your family or friends

shrivel: to become or make something dry and wrinkled as a result of heat, cold or being old

compelling: that makes you pay attention to it because it is so interesting and exciting

pave the way: to create a situation in which somebody will be able to do something or something can happen

fad: something that people are interested in for only a short period of time

denominator: the number below the line in a fraction showing how many parts the whole is divided into

midst: the middle part of something

omniscient: knowing everything

search out: to look for something/somebody until you find them

implication: a possible effect or result of an action or a decision

provident: careful in planning for the future, especially by saving money

please: to afford or give pleasure or satisfaction

grudgingly: in a way that is given or done unwillingly

blithely: in a way that shows you do not care or are not anxious about what you are doing

delegate: a person who is chosen or elected to represent the views of a group of people and vote and make decisions for them

delegable: capable of being delegated

Stephen R. Covey "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People"

Online Dictionaries Used:






Flash light used




香港音樂旅遊潛力大 跨界合作創商機






薇甘菊(Mikania micrantha)是菊科多年生草本攀緣植物,屬外來入侵物種,原產中南美洲熱帶地區,現已廣泛分佈,迅速生長,生命力強,遮蓋並阻礙其他植物生長,有「一分鐘蔓延一英里雜草」(Mile-a-minute Weed)之稱,在無天敵情況下橫行霸道,影響本地物種,是強勁生態殺手。薇甘菊在荔枝窩爆發,雖然農夫和荔友夏天時都努力清理,但仍未能阻止薇甘菊擴散。它鋪天蓋地擴展,先在叢林、荒地生長,然後蔓延至耕地。



Jensen Huang

    黃仁勳是一位台灣裔美國企業家和電子工程師,一九六三年二月十七日出生於台南市。他是NVIDIA (輝達) 的共同創辦人及現任執行長。

    黃仁勳在九歲時隨家人移居美國,並在俄勒岡州立大學取得電機工程學學士學位,後來在史丹福大學獲得電子工程學碩士學位。一九九三年,他與克里斯·馬拉科夫斯基、克蒂斯·普里姆共同創立了NVIDIA,專注於圖形處理單元 (Graphics Processing Unit, GPU) 的開發。NVIDIA的GeForce系列GPU在遊戲、區塊鏈和人工智慧領域取得了巨大成功,使公司成為全球領先的科技企業之一。


    他與妻子Lori Mills育有一子一女。黃仁勳的成功故事激勵了許多人,他被譽為「顯卡教父」和「AI教父」。

Copilot for work


氣候融資達協議 富國允年供三千億美元 低於五千億要求 發展中國家批侮辱



impinge: to strike or dash especially with a sharp collision

setback: a difficulty or problem that delays or prevents something, or makes a situation worse

and so forth: and so on

revert: to come or go back (as to a former condition, period, or subject)

reveal: to make something known to somebody

vulnerability: DJ[͵vʌlnərəˋbiliti]

resort: the act of using something, especially something bad or unpleasant, because nothing else is possible

sarcasm: a way of using words that are the opposite of what you mean in order to be unpleasant to somebody or to make fun of them

tenderness: the quality of being kind, gentle and loving

accusation: a statement saying that you think a person is guilty of doing something wrong or illegal

ultimate: happening at the end of a long process

hierarchy: DJ[ˋhaiərɑ:ki]

undoing: the reason why somebody fails at something or is unsuccessful in life

    Since many factors affect the economic foundations, one becomes anxious and uneasy, protective and defensive, about anything that may affect them. So, it's better not to be money centered.


per se: used meaning ‘by itself’ to show that you are referring to something on its own, rather than in connection with other things

render: to cause somebody/something to be in a particular state or condition

tangible: that can be clearly seen to exist

jewelry: DJ[ˋdʒu:əlri]

fame: the state of being known and talked about by many people

jeopardy: exposure to or imminence of loss or injury

portray: to show somebody/something in a picture; to describe somebody/something in a piece of writing

glitter: the quality of being spectacular

moderation: the quality of being reasonable and not being extreme

narcissistic: admiring yourself too much

lethargic: DJ[leˋθɑ:dʒik] without any energy or enthusiasm for doing things

fleeting: lasting only a short time

seductive: attractive in a way that makes you want to have or do something

futile: having no purpose because there is no chance of success

absurd: extremely silly; not logical and sensible

guise: a way in which somebody/something appears, often in a way that is different from usual or that hides the truth about them/it

ostensible: seeming or stated to be real or true, when this is perhaps not the case

Satan: the Devil

Vanity Fair: a scene or place characterized by frivolity and ostentation

frivolity: lightness

ostentation: an exaggerated display of wealth, knowledge or skill that is made in order to impress people

in retrospect: thinking about a past event or situation, often with a different opinion of it from the one you had at the time

exclusive: only to be used by one particular person or group; only given to one particular person or group

susceptible: very likely to be influenced, harmed or affected by something

    Enemy centering is very common, particularly when there is frequent interaction between people who are in real conflict. When someone feels he has been unjustly dealt with by an emotionally or socially significant person, it is very easy for him to become preoccupied with the injustice and make the other person the center of his life. Rather than proactivity leading his own life, the enemy-centered person is counter-dependently reacting to the behavior and attitudes of a perceived enemy.


unjustly: in a way that is not deserved or fair

counter: a response to somebody/something that opposes their ideas, position, etc.

perceive: to understand or think of somebody/something in a particular way

distraught: extremely upset and anxious so that you cannot think clearly

obsession: the state in which a person’s mind is completely filled with thoughts of one particular thing or person in a way that is not reasonable or normal

disruptive: causing problems, noise, etc. so that something cannot continue normally

undermine: to make something, especially somebody’s confidence or authority, gradually weaker or less effective

attribute:  to say or believe that something is the result of a particular thing

favoritism: the act of unfairly treating one person better than others because you like them better

paranoia: the belief that other people dislike or want to harm you, when there is no evidence or reason for this

synonymous: having the same, or nearly the same, meaning

precept: a rule about how to behave or what to think

profess:  to receive formally into a religious community following a novitiate by acceptance of the required vows

novitiate: newcomer

Judeo-Christian: having historical roots in both Judaism and Christianity

gospel: an interpretation of the Christian message

hypocrisy: behavior that does not meet the moral standards or match the opinions that somebody claims to have

orthodox: generally accepted or approved of; following generally accepted beliefs

Sabbath:  the holy day of the week that is used for resting and worshipping God. For Jewish people this day is Saturday and for Christians it is Sunday.

stagnant: water or air is not moving and therefore smells unpleasant

Stephen R. Covey "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People"

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文章來源: www.amo.gov.hk



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Copilot for work


擬收地發展 牛潭尾現考古價值地點 舊建築最老逾百年歷史 長春社︰體現客家文化


明報記者 曾諾晞

發展局︰考掘涉兩範圍 評估後訂緩解措施


公祠建於清末 古諮會「不予評級」


Climate change

The impacts of extreme climate change are indeed serious, but not all of them are completely irreversible. According to NASA, while some changes are irreversible on the timescale of human lifetimes, reducing greenhouse gas emissions can still prevent further damage and mitigate some of the worst effects.

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) also notes that while certain changes, like sea level rise, are irreversible over hundreds to thousands of years, other impacts can be slowed or even reversed with significant action.

In essence, while we cannot undo all the damage already done, we can still take meaningful steps to limit future harm and adapt to the changes that are already in motion. Every effort to reduce emissions and enhance sustainability can make a difference.

Copilot for work


rear: to bring to maturity or self-sufficiency usually through nurturing care

chant: words or phrases that a group of people shout or sing again and again

marshal: to place in proper rank or position

perilous: very dangerous

conspiracy: a secret plan by a group of people to do something harmful or illegal

vacate: to leave a building, seat, etc., especially so that somebody else can use it

scripture: the Bible

loath: not willing to do something

relegate: to give somebody a lower or less important position, rank, etc. than before

bide: to wait for

precedent: an official action or decision that has happened in the past and that is seen as an example or a rule to be followed in a similar situation later

accord: ​a formal agreement between two organizations, countries, etc.

ammunition: a supply of bullets, etc. to be fired from guns

intimidate:  to frighten or threaten somebody so that they will do what you want

shatter: to damage badly

submissive: too willing to accept somebody else’s authority and willing to obey them without questioning anything they want you to do

skirmish: a short fight between small groups of soldiers, etc., especially one that is not planned

    My father want me to know he is not perfect, but he tries with everything he has to nurture me.


resemblance: the fact of being or looking similar to somebody/something

    I can live out of my imagination instead of my memory. I can tie myself to my limitless potential instead of my limiting past.


vicissitude: one of the many changes and problems in a situation or in your life, that you have to deal with

creed: a set of principles or religious beliefs

merit: deserve

divine: coming from or connected with God or a god

compromise: to come to agreement by mutual concession

decisive: very important for the final result of a particular situation

proficiency: the ability to do something well because of training and practice

hustle: to make somebody move quickly by pushing them in a rough aggressive way

constitution: the system of laws and basic principles that a state, a country or an organization is governed by

oath: DJ[əuθ] a formal promise to do something or a formal statement that something is true

peculiar: strange or unusual, especially in a way that is unpleasant or makes you worried

    A personal mission statement based on correct principles becomes the same kind of standard for an individual. It becomes a personal constitution, the basis for making major, life-directing decisions, the basis for making daily decisions in the midst of the circumstances and emotions that affect our lives. It empower individuals with the same timeless strength in the midst of change.

accommodate: to adapt oneself

    Our personal environment is also changing at an ever-increasing pace. Such rapid change burns out a large number of people who feel they can hardly handle it, can hardly cope with life. They become reactive and essentially give up, hoping that the things that happen to them will be good.

implicit: suggested without being directly expressed

discernment: the ability to show good judgement about the quality of somebody/something

gestalt: a set of things, such as a person’s thoughts or experiences, that is considered as a single system that is different from the individual thoughts, experiences, etc. within it

faculty: any of the physical or mental abilities that a person is born with

potency: the power that somebody/something has to affect your body or mind

    Security and clear guidance bring true wisdom, and wisdom becomes spark or catalyst to release and direct power.

enliven: to give life, action, or spirit to

undergird: to form the basis or foundation of

buffet: to strike sharply especially with the hand

fickle: changing often and suddenly

Stephen R. Covey "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People"

Online Dictionaries Used:











Excel Essential

A workbook is a spreadsheet program file that you create in Excel . A workbook contains one or more worksheets. A worksheet (also known as a spreadsheet) consists of cells in which you can enter. A worksheet is always stored in a workbook.

Workbook: 活頁簿

Worksheet: 工作表

Pressing Ctrl + Shift + Down Arrow highlights the cells from the current cell position to the last cell in the column with data.



In mathematics, exponentiation is an operation involving two numbers: the base and the exponent or power. Exponentiation is written as bn, where b is the base and n is the power; often said as "b to the power n".

=2^2 in excel, 2 to the power 2, the result is 4

AutoSum: Alt+=

The AutoSum function always looks up and then left.

=VLOOKUP(lookup value, table array, column index number, False)

Lookup value can be A:A

Table array can be on another page: work!A:B

To select non-adjacent rows or columns, hold Ctrl and select the row or column numbers.

Shift + Drag: maintain proportion while resizing the chart in Excel

Fn F11(my Thinkpad Notebook): create chart in separate sheet

Alt + (Fn) F1 after selecting the data: shortcut that creates a chart

Ctrl + D for duplicate a chart

Select your chart and on the Chart Design tab, choose Select Data. Choose on the legend name you want to change in the Select Data Source dialog box, and select Edit.

Select B2 > View > Freeze Panes

Ctrl + Drag: copy a worksheet

Group two worksheet using Shift

As the cell inside PivotTable do not contain formula, we have to right-click the PivotTable and select Refresh in order the renew the data.