

Vocab. of The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

empower: to give somebody the power or authority to do something

symphony: a long, complicated piece of music for a large orchestra, in three or four main parts (called movements)

conjunction: combination

parameter: something that decides or limits the way in which something can be done

uplifting: ​making you feel happier or giving you more hope

draw back: ​to move away from somebody/something

set aside: to save or keep money, time, land, etc. for a particular purpose

savor something to enjoy the full taste of something, especially by eating or drinking it slowly

metaphor: a word or phrase used to describe somebody/something else, in a way that is different from its normal use, in order to show that the two things have the same qualities and to make the description more powerful, for example She has a heart of stone.

popularity: the state of being liked, enjoyed or supported by a large number of people

overpower somebody: to defeat or gain control over somebody completely by using greater strength

intrinsic: belonging to or part of the real nature of something/somebody

    Your principle center, your self-awareness, and your conscience can provide a high degree of intrinsic security, guidance, and wisdom to empower you to use your independent will and maintain integrity to the truly important.


omniscient: knowing everything

subordinate: to treat as of less value or importance

work out: to develop in a successful way

    I see many parents, particularly mothers with small children, often frustrated in their desire to accomplish a lot because all they seem to do is meet the needs of little children all day. Remember, frustration is a function of our expectations, and our expectations are often a reflection of the social mirror rather than our own values and priorities.


spontaneous: proceeding from natural feeling or native tendency without external constraint

    The fourth-generation tool (self-management rather than time management) recognizes that principle (People are more important than things). It also recognizes that the first person you need to consider in terms of effectiveness rather than efficiency is yourself. It encourages you to spend time in Quadrant II (Important, Not Urgent), to understand and center your life on principles, to give clear expression to the purposes and values you want to direct your daily decisions. It helps you to create balance in your life.


lip service: if somebody pays lip service to something, they say that they approve of it or support it, without proving their support by what they actually do

Stephen R. Covey "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People"

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Translated with the help of DeepL and edited

