

Nicolas Flamel

cackle: to laugh especially in a harsh or sharp manner

roam: to go from place to place without purpose or direction

skim: to read, study, or examine superficially and rapidly

dampen: to check or diminish the activity or vigor of

fanatic: a person who is extremely enthusiastic about and devoted to some interest or activity

devote: to give over or direct (time, money, effort, etc.) to a cause, enterprise, or activity

referee: to conduct (a match or game) as referee

splutter: to utter hastily or confusedly

haste: rapidity of motion

hang back: stay

sinister: accompanied by or leading to disaster

topple: to fall from or as if from being top-heavy

curse: a prayer or invocation for harm or injury to come upon one

bunny hop: a short leap in figure skating often to gain speed that is made by hopping from a forward edge to the toe point of the free foot and stepping off immediately onto the forward edge of the take-off foot

stinking: offensive

flick: a light sharp jerky stroke or movement

frantically: in a nervously hurried, desperate, or panic-stricken way

grumpy: surly

elixir: a substance held capable of prolonging life indefinitely

Devon: county of southwestern England bordering the English Channel

is after it: e.g. The police are after him.

werewolf: a person transformed into a wolf or capable of assuming a wolf's form

pep talk: a usually brief, intense, and emotional talk designed to influence or encourage an audience

grim: stern or forbidding in action or appearance

nag: to irritate by constant scolding or urging

peer: to look narrowly or curiously

blimey: gorblimey: used to express amazement, surprise, or perplexity

somersault: a movement (as in gymnastics) in which a person turns forward or backward in a complete revolution along the ground or in the air bringing the feet over the head

poke: jab

squint: of an eye: looking or tending to look obliquely or askance

hawk: any of numerous diurnal birds of prey belonging to a suborder (Falcones of the order Falconiformes) and including all the smaller members of this group

stammer: to make involuntary stops and repetitions in speaking

spectacular: attracting attention or notice through unusual or conspicuous qualities

streak: rush

wrestle: to contend by grappling with and striving to trip or throw an opponent down or off balance

scuffle: wrestle

yelp: a sharp shrill bark or cry

clasp: to seize with or as if with the hand

shriek: to utter a sharp shrill sound

spill: to fall from one's place

brooding: moodily or sullenly thoughtful or serious

shed: a slight structure built for shelter or storage

swift: moving or capable of moving with great speed

prowl: to roam over in a predatory manner

sneaking: not openly expressed or acknowledged

glide: to move smoothly, continuously, and effortlessly

towering: impressively high or great

beech: any of a genus (Fagus of the family Fagaceae, the beech family) of hardwood trees with smooth gray bark and small edible nuts

hocus-pocus: a cleverly executed trick or deception

petrified: converted into stone through a slow process of mineralization

squeak: to utter or make a short shrill cry or noise

thump: to strike or beat with or as if with something thick or heavy so as to cause a dull sound

reckon: estimate

enchantment: a magic spell

Online Dictionary used: https://www.merriam-webster.com

