


大規模的藻類種植可以降低大氣中的二氧化碳水平。 藻類的生長速度足以降低地球的溫室氣體。 以便收成,它應該種植在極大的網中。 被人類吃掉是不合理的,因為這是極大量的繁殖,可以的話,最好將藻類轉化為有機肥料。 我們應該種植對不同種類的藻類,因為它可以降低害蟲生長的風險。 另一個需要解決的問題是我們必須考慮如何處理晚間大量二氧化碳排放。二氧化碳只是一種溫室氣體,我們也可以少吃牛排來防止甲烷的產生。

Large-scale algae agriculture can reduce the level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. The growth speed of algae is fast enough to lower this greenhouse gas of the Earth. It should be planted in an extreme large nets in order to harvest. It is probably unreasonable to be eaten by human as it would be a huge amount to consume. It is better to transform the algae into organic fertilizer. We should undergo polyculture of different species of algae as it can lower the risk of pest growth. Another problem has to be solved is that we have to consider how to handle the large amount production of oxygen. Carbon dioxide is only one kind of greenhouse gas, we can also eat less steak to prevent the production of methane.(Image: phys.org)

要解決塑膠污染也不是沒可能,一種細菌產生的酶可加快 PET分解。然而,我們不可有恃無恐使用塑膠。因為科技有機會趕不及污染。延伸閱讀︰

