

Autism and antibiotics



Image from qbi.uq.edu.au

Autism is a severe developmental disability believed to have multiple reasons. This paper outlines the possibility of a chronic tetanus infection of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT) as the underlying cause for symptoms of autism observed in some individuals.

A significant percentage of individuals with autism have a history of extensive antibiotic use. Oral antibiotics significantly disrupt protective intestinal microbiota, creating a favorable environment for colonization by opportunistic pathogens. Clostridium tetani is a general anaerobic bacillus that produces a potent neurotoxin... The vagus nerve is capable of transporting tetanus neurotoxin (TeNT) and provides a route of ascent from the intestinal tract to the central nervous system (CNS)…Once in the brain, TeNT disrupts the release of neurotransmitters...This inhibition of neurotransmitter release would explain a wide variety of behavioral deficits apparent in autism...Some children with autism have also shown a significant reduction in stereotyped behaviors when treated with antimicrobials effective against intestinal clostridia…

Bolte, E. R. (1998). Autism and Clostridium tetani[Abstract]. Medical Hypotheses, 51(2),133-144. doi.org/10.1016/S0306-9877(98)90107-4

Autism was once exceedingly rare...By the time the first real surveys were done in the 1960s, around 1 in 2500 children were affected...At the time of last count, in 2010, the number stood at 1 in every 68 children...

Mental health and antibiotics

In fact, gastrointestinal symptoms are surprisingly common in people with mental health and neurological conditions...

Diarrhea is often a side effect of antibiotics...

Clostridium difficile infections cause severe intractable (難治療的) diarrhea in some people after they have been given antibiotic treatment...

For sufferers of long-term conditions such as irritable bowel syndrome, emotion plays a fearsome role in their symptoms...

Sudo and Chida designed a simple experiment, using mice, that looked at whether the gut microbiota affected the brain's response to stress... in the germ-free (in the gut) mice the (stress) hormone concentrations were twice as high...

...Many microbes were (soon) linked to mental illness, but it is the Toxoplasma parasite that has proved to be the most compelling suspect for many conditions...

...Introducing live bacteria (to the gut) increases levels of tryptophan in the blood. This little molecule is of paramount (首要的) importance of happiness, as it is converted directly into serotonin...the increase in tryptophan that the added bacteria bring about is not because they make it, but rather because they prevent the immune system from destroying the body's supplies of it...

Collen, A. (2015) 10% Human: How Your Body's Microbes Hold the Key to Health and Happiness. London: William Collins.

