


口腔傷口其他身體部位的傷口癒合更快,疤痕更少。其中一個原因是唾液,唾液以幾種方式促進口腔傷口的癒合。 唾液創造了一個潮濕的環境,可以改善炎症細胞 (inflammatory cells) 的存活和功能,對傷口癒合至關重要。 此外,唾液含有多種蛋白質,這些蛋白質在口腔內傷口癒合的各個階段中起作用。 存在於唾液外泌體 (exosomes) 中的組織因子顯著加速血液凝固。 隨後唾液中的生長因子(尤其是表皮生長因子)促進上皮細胞的增殖

(with the help of google translate)

Wounds in the oral cavity heal faster and with less scarring than wounds in other parts of the body. One of the factors implicated in this phenomenon is the presence of saliva, which promotes the healing of oral wounds in several ways. Saliva creates a humid environment, which improves the survival and functioning of inflammatory cells that are crucial for wound healing. Furthermore, saliva contains a variety of proteins that play a role in the various stages of the intraoral wound healing. Tissue factor, present in salivary exosomes, accelerates the clotting of blood dramatically. The subsequent proliferation of epithelial cells is promoted by growth factors in saliva, especially epidermal growth factor...

Brand, H.S., (2013). Saliva and wound healing [Abstract]. The Chinese journal of Dental Research, 16(1). Retrieved from http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23878824

Inflammation in wounds is a highly ordered process that significantly impacts wound healing outcomes. Several pieces of evidence point to a positive role for leukocytes in the stimulation of the proliferative phase of healing. In particular, macrophages appear to support healing through the generation of growth factors that promote cell proliferation and protein synthesis.

Turabelidze, A., (2012). Inflammation and wound healing [Abstract]. Endodontic Topics, 24(1). https://doi.org/10.1111/etp.12012

The major role of exosomes is to carry the information by delivering various effectors (a molecule that binds to a protein and affects the function of that protein) or signaling molecules between specific cells.

Qin, J. (2014). Functions and application of exosomes [Abstract]. Acta Poloniae Pharmaceutica, 71(4). Retrieved from https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25272880

