

Timed up and go test

1. Begin the test with the patient sitting correctly in a chair with arms, the patient's back should resting on the back of the chair. The chair should be stable and positioned such that it will not move when patient moves from sitting to standing.
2. Mark on the floor 3 metres away from the chair so that it is easily seen by the patient.
3. Ask the patient to perform the following series of manoeuvres:

  •  Rise from the chair
  •  Walk at regular pace for 3 metres to the mark on the floor
  •  Turn around and walk back to the chair
  •  Sit down in the chair

4. Start timing when patient rise from the chair and stop timing when the patient is seated
again correctly in the chair.
5. The patient may use any walking aid that usually use during ambulation, but may not
be assisted by another person.
6. The patient can be given a practice trial that is not timed before testing.

Different studies had identified different cut off values (which may reflect different subject
characteristics). It has been shown that a score of more than 14 seconds has been shown to
indicate high risk of falls with reasonable sensitivity and specificity.

Source: http://www.pco.gov.hk/english/resource/files/Module_on_Health_Assessment_Older_adults.pdf

