

The Mirror of Erised

Erised: desire

bewitching: powerfully or seductively attractive or charming

roar: to utter or emit a full loud prolonged sound

dungeon: a dark usually underground prison or vault

cauldron: a large kettle or boiler

chuckle: to laugh inwardly or quietly

taunt: to reproach or challenge in a mocking or insulting manner

reproach: to express disappointment in or displeasure with (a person) for conduct that is blameworthy or in need of amendment

fir: any of a genus (Abies) of north temperate evergreen trees of the pine family that have flattish leaves, circular leaf scars, and erect female cones and are valued for their wood

drawl: to speak slowly with vowels greatly prolonged

provoke: to incite to anger

smirk: to smile in a smug or condescending way

smug: highly self-satisfied

condescending: showing or characterized by a patronizing or superior attitude toward others

treat: an especially unexpected source of joy, delight, or amusement

spectacle: something exhibited to view as unusual, notable, or entertaining

festoon: a decorative chain or strip hanging between two points

mistletoe: a European semi-parasitic green shrub with thick leaves, small yellowish flowers, and waxy-white glutinous berries

sparkle: to give off or reflect bright moving points of light

icicle: a pendent mass of ice formed by the freezing of dripping water

pendent: suspended

glitter: shining with many bright points of light

trail: to extend over a surface in a loose or straggling manner

disgruntled: unhappy and annoyed

stride: to move with or as if with long steps

brandish: to shake or wave (something, such as a weapon) menacingly

menace: threat

fortnight: two weeks

dormitory: a room for sleeping

spear: to pierce, strike, or take with or as if with a spear

crumpet: a small round unsweetened bread cooked on a griddle and usually split and toasted before serving

battered: damaged or worn down by hard use

drawback: disadvantage

scramble: to move with urgency or panic

scrawl: to write awkwardly or carelessly

awkward: lacking dexterity or skill

whittle: to pare or cut off chips from the surface of (wood) with a knife

pence: plural of penny

fudge: a soft creamy candy made typically of sugar, milk, butter, and flavoring

maroon: a dark red

slither: to slide on or as if on a loose gravelly surface

gleam: to shine with or as if with subdued steady light or moderate brightness

cloak: a loose outer garment

loopy: crazy

fling: to move in a brusque or headlong manner

brusque: markedly short and abrupt

askew: out of line

frog-march: to seize from behind roughly and forcefully propel forward

platter: a large plate used especially for serving meat

chipolata: a small spicy sausage used chiefly as a garnish or hors d'oeuvre

garnish: to add decorative or savory touches to (food or drink)

tureen: a deep and usually covered bowl from which foods (such as soup) are served

gravy: a sauce made from the thickened and seasoned juices of cooked meat

cracker: a dry thin crispy baked bread product that may be leavened or unleavened

feeble: deficient in qualities

flimsy: of inferior materials and workmanship

rear admiral: one who ranks above a captain

bonnet: a man's or boy's cap

giggle: to laugh with repeated short catches of the breath

blush: to become red in the face especially from shame, modesty, or confusion

lade: to put a load or burden on or in

nasty: disgustingly filthy

filth: foul or putrid matter

putrid: morally corrupt

trifle: a dessert typically consisting of plain or sponge cake often soaked with wine or spirits (such as brandy or rum) and topped with layers of preserves, custard, and cream

custard: a pudding-like usually sweetened mixture made with eggs and milk

nagging: persistently annoying or finding fault with someone

whoever: whatever person

creep: to move along with the body prone and close to the ground

squawk: to utter a harsh abrupt scream

pitch-dark: extremely dark or black

eerie: scared

prickle: to cause or feel a prickling, tingling, or stinging sensation

piercing: penetrating

curd: coagulate

shriek: to utter a sharp shrill sound

streak: rush

ajar: slightly open

prop: to support by placing against something

ornate: elaborately or excessively decorated

inscribe: to write, engrave, or print characters upon

engrave: to form by incision (as on wood or metal)

stick up: protrude

hiss: to make a sharp sibilant sound

paisley: made typically of soft wool and woven or printed with colorful curved abstract figures

overshadow: to exceed in importance

dwell on: to think or talk about (something) for a long time

shove: to push or put in a rough, careless, or hasty manner

