


兩年後 (2000),政治學家熊玠注意到,對於香港回歸後前途的預言大多是「沮喪和徹底悲觀。最惡劣的情況是北京插手香港的政治和經濟事務,並且踐踏此地的自由,包括新聞自由、司法自由、學術自由和自由選舉。來自大陸的中國人還會帶來貪污腐敗、裙帶關係、任人唯親和其他相關惡習」。

Two years later (2000), political scientist James Hsiung noted that most predictions about Hong Kong's future after the handover had been "dismal and downright pessimistic. The worst scenario saw Beijing meddling in Hong Kong's politics and economic life, and trampling upon its freedoms, including freedom of press, judicial freedom, academic freedom, and free elections. There would be corruption, nepotism, cronyism and related plagues, brought in by the Mainland Chinese."

James C. Hsiung, "The Paradox Syndrome and Updated," in James C. Hsiung, ed., Hong Kong the Super Paradox: Life after Return to China (New York: St. Martin's, 2000), 1.

