

Transferring a patient from bed to stretcher

Collect the necessary equipment:
- draw sheet or transfer board (patslide)
- stretcher
- blanket (optional)

Implementation (three persons)
Perform hand hygiene
Identify the patient and explain the procedure
Move the bed and equipment to make room for the stretcher. Make sure assistants are available
Lower the head of bed completely or to a position that is as low as the patient can tolerate
Raise the bed to a comfortable working height and slightly higher than the level of stretcher to make it easier to move the patient. Lower the side rails
Place a draw sheet under patient if one is not in use. Use the draw sheet to move patient to the side of bed where the stretcher will be placed
Roll the draw sheet as close to patient's side as possible
Position the stretcher next to the bed and parallel to it. Lock brakes on the bed and stretcher. Remove pillow from the bed and place it on the stretcher

Transfer by using draw sheet:
a) The 1st staff should kneel on the side of bed away from the stretcher. Position one knee at the upper torso (trunk) closer to the patient than the other knee. Grasp the draw sheet securely
b) The 2nd staff should stand on the side where the stretcher is and reach across stretcher to grasp the draw sheet at the head and chest areas of the patient
c) The 3rd staff (stands on the same side as 2nd staff) should reach across the stretcher and grasp the draw sheet at the patient's waist and thigh area
d) At a signal given by the 1st staff, the 2nd and 3rd staff pull and press the body against the stretcher while the 1st nurse lifts the patient from the bed to the stretcher

Transfer by using a transfer board (patslide)
a) The 1st staff stands on the side of bed away from the stretcher, while the 2nd and 3rd staff stand on the far side of bed next to stretcher after assisting the 1st staff to turn patient onto his side with the back facing the stretcher
b) The 1st staff continues to support patient in the lateral position
c) The 2nd and 3rd staff position the transfer board lengthwise and midway between the bed and stretcher (with smooth side of board facing upward)
d) Return patient to his back with a draw sheet between patient and the board. Place patient's arms across his chest
e) On the count of three, grasp the sheet as close to patient as possible and slide across the transfer board onto the stretcher with one firm and coordinated movement
f) Roll patient slightly over one side, and pull transfer board out from under his back, if necessary

Center patient on stretcher and secure him until side rails are raised
Assist patient to a comfortable position. Place blanket over patient and adjust head of stretcher accordingly to patient's limitations
Leave draw sheet in place for transfer back to bed later
Perform hand hygiene

