

Body mechanics

Establishing body alignment
Establish a firm base of support by placing both feet flat on the floor, with one foot slightly in front of the other
Distribute weight evenly on both feet
Slightly bend both knees
Hold abdomen firm and tuck buttocks in so that spine is in alignment
Hold head erect, and secure firm stance
Use this stance as the basis for all actions in moving, turning and lifting clients
Maintain weight to be lifted as close to your body as possible
Align the three natural curves in your back, i.e. cervical, thoracic and lumbar
Prevent twisting your body when moving the client

Maintain proper body alignment
Begin with the proper stance outlined as above
Evaluate working height necessary to achieve objective
a) Test parameters of possible heights (i.e. bed moves within an appropriate range of 18 inches from floor)?
b) Establish a comfortable height in which to work; usual height is between waist and lower level of hip joint
Test that this level minimizes muscle strain by extending your arms and checking that your body maintains proper alignment
If you need to work at a lower level, flex your knees
Make accommodations for working at high surface level (?)
Work close to your body so that your centre of gravity is not misaligned and your muscles are not hyper-extended
Use your longest and strongest muscles (biceps, quadriceps, and gluteal) when moving and turning clients
Whenever possible, roll, push, and pull objects instead of lifting
Plan muscle movements to distribute workload before you actually begin turning, moving, or lifting clients
Move muscles in a smooth, coordinated manner
When working with another staff member, coordinate plans and movements before implementing them

