

Transferring a patient from bed to chair/wheelchair

Collect the necessary equipment:
- wheelchair or chair with arm support
- non-skid slippers or shoes
Remove obstacles from the area used for the transfer
Obtain sufficient assistance to complete the procedure with ease

Implementation (two persons)
Perform hand hygiene
Identify patient and explain the procedure
Offer bedpan/urinal or provide perineal care before transferring, if necessary
Move furniture as required to make room for the procedure
Bring the chair close to the side of the bed
Place it at a 45 degree angle to the bed if patient experienced difficulty in walking or place the wheelchair parallel to the bed if the patient is able to walk a few steps. If the patient has a weaker side, place the chair on the patient's stronger side. Lift up the foot pedals and lock brakes for wheelchair
Place the bed to the lowest position, and raise head of bed as far as patient can tolerate. Lower side rails
Assist patient to side-lying position, facing the side of bed he will sit on
Two staff stand on the same side as the chair. The first staff stands near the head of the bed place arm around patient's shoulders ( to support head and neck) and place the other hand on the bed surface to provide support and balance. The staff shift weight to back leg and lifts patient
The second staff stands near the foot of the bed swinging patient's lower legs off the bed in one single and coordinated motion. Keep back straight, avoid twisting
Support patient in a sitting position at the side of the bed with his legs dangling for a few minutes, and assess for signs and symptoms of orthostatic hypotension (do not leave patient unattended during dangling)
Help patient to put on robe and non-slip footwear as necessary
Assist patient to move as close to the edge of bed as possible until feet are firmly on the floor and slightly apart
Two staff stand on each side of the patient, with the hand closest to the patient places just below but not directly under the axilla. Using a wide stance, flex knees and assist the patient to a standing position
Standing close to the patient. Pivot or take a few steps until the patient's back is toward the chair/wheelchair
Instruct patient place hands on the arm supports of chair to gain balance and judge the distance to seat
Flex hips and knees while lowering patient into a sitting position
Assist patient to maintain proper body alignment. Support weak side of the body with pillows in order to prevent slumping (sudden fall) in the chair/wheelchair if needed
Make sure tubes and lines, arms and hands are not pinched or caught between the patient and the chair
Cover patient and supply a seat belt if needed
Place the foot pedals back to the wheelchair or offer footrest (chair) as necessary
Position call bell for easy reach
Perform hand hygiene

