impinge: to strike or dash especially with a sharp collision
setback: a difficulty or problem that delays or prevents something, or makes a situation worse
and so forth: and so on
revert: to come or go back (as to a former condition, period, or subject)
reveal: to make something known to somebody
vulnerability: DJ[͵vʌlnərəˋbiliti]
resort: the act of using something, especially something bad or unpleasant, because nothing else is possible
sarcasm: a way of using words that are the opposite of what you mean in order to be unpleasant to somebody or to make fun of them
tenderness: the quality of being kind, gentle and loving
accusation: a statement saying that you think a person is guilty of doing something wrong or illegal
ultimate: happening at the end of a long process
hierarchy: DJ[ˋhaiərɑ:ki]
undoing: the reason why somebody fails at something or is unsuccessful in life
Since many factors affect the economic foundations, one becomes anxious and uneasy, protective and defensive, about anything that may affect them. So, it's better not to be money centered.
per se: used meaning ‘by itself’ to show that you are referring to something on its own, rather than in connection with other things
render: to cause somebody/something to be in a particular state or condition
tangible: that can be clearly seen to exist
jewelry: DJ[ˋdʒu:əlri]
fame: the state of being known and talked about by many people
jeopardy: exposure to or imminence of loss or injury
portray: to show somebody/something in a picture; to describe somebody/something in a piece of writing
glitter: the quality of being spectacular
moderation: the quality of being reasonable and not being extreme
narcissistic: admiring yourself too much
lethargic: DJ[leˋθɑ:dʒik] without any energy or enthusiasm for doing things
fleeting: lasting only a short time
seductive: attractive in a way that makes you want to have or do something
futile: having no purpose because there is no chance of success
absurd: extremely silly; not logical and sensible
guise: a way in which somebody/something appears, often in a way that is different from usual or that hides the truth about them/it
ostensible: seeming or stated to be real or true, when this is perhaps not the case
Satan: the Devil
Vanity Fair: a scene or place characterized by frivolity and ostentation
frivolity: lightness
ostentation: an exaggerated display of wealth, knowledge or skill that is made in order to impress people
in retrospect: thinking about a past event or situation, often with a different opinion of it from the one you had at the time
exclusive: only to be used by one particular person or group; only given to one particular person or group
susceptible: very likely to be influenced, harmed or affected by something
Enemy centering is very common, particularly when there is frequent interaction between people who are in real conflict. When someone feels he has been unjustly dealt with by an emotionally or socially significant person, it is very easy for him to become preoccupied with the injustice and make the other person the center of his life. Rather than proactivity leading his own life, the enemy-centered person is counter-dependently reacting to the behavior and attitudes of a perceived enemy.
unjustly: in a way that is not deserved or fair
counter: a response to somebody/something that opposes their ideas, position, etc.
perceive: to understand or think of somebody/something in a particular way
distraught: extremely upset and anxious so that you cannot think clearly
obsession: the state in which a person’s mind is completely filled with thoughts of one particular thing or person in a way that is not reasonable or normal
disruptive: causing problems, noise, etc. so that something cannot continue normally
undermine: to make something, especially somebody’s confidence or authority, gradually weaker or less effective
attribute: to say or believe that something is the result of a particular thing
favoritism: the act of unfairly treating one person better than others because you like them better
paranoia: the belief that other people dislike or want to harm you, when there is no evidence or reason for this
synonymous: having the same, or nearly the same, meaning
precept: a rule about how to behave or what to think
profess: to receive formally into a religious community following a novitiate by acceptance of the required vows
novitiate: newcomer
Judeo-Christian: having historical roots in both Judaism and Christianity
gospel: an interpretation of the Christian message
hypocrisy: behavior that does not meet the moral standards or match the opinions that somebody claims to have
orthodox: generally accepted or approved of; following generally accepted beliefs
Sabbath: the holy day of the week that is used for resting and worshipping God. For Jewish people this day is Saturday and for Christians it is Sunday.
stagnant: water or air is not moving and therefore smells unpleasant
Stephen R. Covey "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People"
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