


膳食纖維可透過增加糞便的重量和大小並軟化糞便來促進排便。 大而軟的糞便會容易排出,降低便秘的風險。 纖維也會吸收水分並形成凝膠狀物質,幫助糞便順利通過腸道並提高其黏稠度。 溶解在水中的可溶性纖維對此特別有幫助。 你可以在燕麥、豆類、蘋果和胡蘿蔔等食物中找到可溶性纖維。


它會導致腹脹、脹氣和腹部不適,讓您感覺更便秘、更不舒服。 對於可溶性纖維來說尤其如此,它會吸收水分並在腸道中形成凝膠狀物質。 可溶性纖維也會在腸道中發酵,產生會導致抽筋和脹氣。

吃太多纖維會幹擾消化系統的正常功能,例如蠕動和排便反射。 它可能會導致大便變硬。 不溶性纖維會增加糞便體積,就像刷子一樣,如果攝取過多,也會刺激腸道並引起發炎。

如果你已經便秘,吃太多纖維可能對你沒有幫助,甚至可能使你的病情變得更糟。 在增加纖維攝取量之前,你應該諮詢你的醫生,因為可能還有其他導致便秘的原因需要解決,例如藥物、脫水、缺乏運動、壓力或潛在疾病。

Dietary fibre increases bowel movement by increasing the weight and size of your stool and softening it. A bulky and soft stool is easier to pass, reducing the risk of constipation. Fiber also absorbs water and forms a gel-like substance, which helps your stool glide smoothly through your intestines and improves its consistency. Soluble fibre, which dissolves in water, is especially helpful for this purpose. You can find soluble fibre in foods like oats, beans, apples, and carrots.

Eating too much dietary fibre when you suffer from constipation can be a bad idea.

It can cause bloating, gas, and abdominal discomfort, which can make you feel more constipated and uncomfortable. This is especially true for soluble fibre, which absorbs water and forms a gel-like substance in your intestines. Soluble fiber can also ferment in your gut, producing gases that can cause cramps and flatulence.

Eating too much fiber can interfere with the normal functioning of your digestive system, such as the peristalsis and the defecation reflex. It may cause hard stools. Insoluble fibre, which adds bulk to your stools and acts like a brush, can also irritate your bowels and cause inflammation if you consume too much of it.

If you are already constipated, eating too much fiber may not help you and may even make your condition worse. You should consult your doctor before increasing your fiber intake, as there may be other causes of constipation that need to be addressed, such as medication, dehydration, lack of exercise, stress, or underlying diseases.

