


發燒是一個生理上重置的新值,感染會引起的體溫升高。調節體溫的控制系統在發燒期間仍然發揮作用,但它們將溫度維持在較高的值。 體溫升高一般能對抗感染,因為升高的溫度會抑制某些病原體的增生。 事實上,這就是為什麼發燒之前經常會出現顫抖的原因。 體溫設定點已重設為較高值,身體會透過顫抖產生熱量去應對。

The set points for many regulated variables can be physiologically reset to a new value. A common example is fever, the increase in body temperature that occurs in response to infection...The homeostatic control systems regulating body temperature are still functioning during a fever, but they maintain the temperature at a higher value. The regulated rise in body temperature is adaptive for fighting the infection, because elevated temperature inhibits proliferation of some pathogens. In fact, this is why a fever is often preceded by chills and shivering. The set point for body temperature has been reset to a higher value, and the body responds by shivering to generate heat.

Widmaier, E.P., & Raff, H. (2008). Vander’s Human Physiology: The Mechanisms of Body Function. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.

