

Establishment of Dade College



Antiquities and Monuments Office. (2020, January 23). Declared Monuments in Hong Kong. https://www.amo.gov.hk/b5/monuments_79.php

The communists who stayed behind quickly moved into their respective areas of expertise. Qiao Guanhua (喬冠華), Huang Zuomei (黃作梅) and Tan Gan (譚幹), who had extensive Hong Kong experience, set up the Hong Kong Branch of the Xinhua News Agency and Dade College (達德學院) in Tuen Mun, New Territories, in October 1946...At the same time, Zhou Enlai, who was involved in the negotiations with the KMT in Nanjing, instructed Lian Guan and Lin Ping, both senior cadres of the South China Bureau of the CCP, that "the Party needed a base in Hong Kong to accommodate some 'democratic personnel' and cultural workers who were to be evacuated to Hong Kong from Nanjing, as the civil war was imminent".

Both Communist Party and KMT would like to start a school in Hong Kong. One month prior to the actual opening of the college, it ran an enrollment advertisement in the media and attracted 100 regular students. Students came from three main sources: the KMT-occupied areas (~70%); various Communist guerrilla cadres in Guangdong; and cadres from Communist parties in Southeast Asia. Regular students from Hong Kong looking for genuine post-secondary training were in minority...Many Communist leaders who were living in Hong Kong gave occasional lectures there, including Guo Moruo (郭沫若), Qiao Guanhua, Mao Dun (茅盾) and the famous novelist Cao Yu (曹禺). But the Hong Kong government discovered the real nature of the college, a training center for Communist cadres and sympathizers. So on 23 October, 1949, the Hong Kong government cancelled the registration of the college.

Chan, S.J. (2014). East River Column -- Hong Kong Guerrillas in the Second World War and After. Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press.

