


香港歷史博物館將於本年八月底開始進行翻新工程。六月中旬會推出最後一個專題展覽︰「工」不可沒 ── 香港工業傳奇。常設展覽「香港故事」也極為值得一再參觀慢步細味。


Carroll (2007) wrote that "The Hong Kong Story" at the Hong Kong Museum of History introduced Hong Kong's natural and cultural heritage since prehistoric times with dioramas (仿真模型), reconstructed street scenes, films, and interactive exhibits. Here visitors can learn about Hong Kong's rich history through a variety of exhibits: boarding a fishing boat that rocks gently to the sounds of straining ropes, strolling (溜達) through a traditional Cantonese village, or witnessing the horror and suffering during the Japanese occupation. Visitors can also help commemorate (紀念) the reversion to Chinese sovereignty in an exhibit that includes an excerpt from Jiang Zemin's handover speech and ends with the handover fireworks display, with Hong Kong's trademark night skyline in the background. As the last caption in this "Hong Kong Story" notes, even though the museum exhibit ends with the reversion to Chinese sovereignty, " Hong Kong story will continue to be written."

Carroll, J.M. (2007). A Concise History of Hong Kong. Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press.

