

Text neck and WhatsApp thumb

今天,智能手機是年輕人生活中的一部分,伴隨他們成長。 重複使用手機導致筋腱、肌肉、骨骼損傷或過度使用綜合症,長時間使用手機或其他電子設備,可能會出現簡訊頸部綜合症和短信拇指。研究重點是,評估青年人的自我報告手機成癮,將過度使用人士與健康青年比較,對比兩組在頸部、手部之肌肉骨骼疾病的多寡分別。

Young adults have grown up today with mobile phones as an evident part of their lives. Text neck syndrome and SMS thumb may occur due to repetitive use of hand held devices resulting in repetitive stress injury or an overuse syndrome while using their mobile phones or other electronic devices for prolonged periods of time. Aim of the research is to assess self reported addiction to smartphone use and correlate its use and musculoskeletal disorders in neck and hand in young healthy adults.


The study showed that musculoskeletal problems in neck and hand (predominantly thumb) can be seen in smartphone addicted students which may be short term initially but may later lead to long term disability.

Shah, P. P., & Sheth, M.S. (2018). Correlation of smartphone use addiction with text neck syndrome and SMS thumb in physiotherapy students. International Journal and Community Medicine and Public Health, 5(6). http://dx.doi.org/10.18203/2394-6040.ijcmph20182187

