

金漆輝映︰潮州木雕 (南華早報)

How China's skilled Chaozhou woodcarvers created an enviable (令人羨慕的) art form that still thrives today

Chaozhou woodcarving is one of the oldest surviving and most reputable form of woodcarving in China, and is famous for its precision, sophistication and lifelike sculptures (雕刻).

Depicting (描繪) everything from golden phoenixes [ˋfi:niks] and blossoming flowers to crabs struggling in a fishing net and rivals (競爭對手) fighting in a martial arts contest, the craft captures the fine, complex details of images and moments in time.

It brings them to life, right down to facial expressions and dynamic movements.

Chaozhou woodcarvings can often be found on the doors, windows and beams (  樑) of temples and ancestral halls, on furniture such as partitions and cabinets, on ornaments and on religious tools and vessels (容器).

In 2006, Chaozhou woodcarving was placed on the first national list of intangible (非物質) culture heritage.

Chaozhou woodcarving dates back to the Tang dynasty (616-907 A.D.)

By the end of the Ming dynasty (1368-1644 A.D.), the Chaozhou people had already mastered the skills and techniques involved, says Anven Wu Yim-chung, an executive director of the Federation of Hong Kong Chiu Chow Community Organization.

Chaozhou woodcarving continued to develop, reaching its peak in the Qing dynasty (1644-1911 A.D.).

"In the early years of the dynasty, a Ming loyalist called Zheng Chengong tried to topple the regime," Wu says.

"When he was in Taiwan, the Qing court imposed a sea embargo (貿易禁令) to prevent anyone, such as the fishermen, from helping him."

The Qing government eventually defeated Zheng and sea travel resumed, but by then suffering was already endemic (地方性的) among the Chaozhou people.

"Some ate tree bark to survive," Wu says.

"As a result, some Chaozhou people moved to Southeast Asian countries, such as Thailand, Malaysia and Singapore."

While many migrants struggled to survive, some managed to get by, eventually building on their wealth.

From the middle to late Qing dynasty, those who did well began sending money back to those family and friends who had remained in China.

Much of this money went towards building ceremonial buildings in China, all of them embellished (裝飾) with exquisite (精湛的) details and intricate (錯綜複雜的) patterns carved out of wood.

"As soon as you enter a temple or an ancestral [ænˋsestrəl] hall in Chaozhou, you will see wooden crossbeams on both sides of the ceiling decorated with elaborate carvings," Wu says.

While Ming dynasty craftsmen would leave the natural colour of the wood intact after carving, from the Qing dynasty onward they began coating the carving in colours such as gold, red, blue-green, black and white.

Carol Lau, assistant curator (館長) of urban and oral history, at the Hong Kong Museum of History, which is now staging an exhibition, "Gilded (鍍金) Glory: Chaozhou Woodcarving", says the woodcarvings are also known as "gilt (金色塗層) wood" because of the way in which lacquer and gold foil are often applied to pieces to give them a resplendent (華麗的) gold finish.

Chaozhou woodcarving is well known for its openwork (網狀細工) carving technique, which sets patterns against a hollowed-out backdrop, Lau says.

Other woodcarving techniques used in the Chaozhou craft include relief carving, in-the-round carving and intaglio (凹雕) carving. In relief carving, the pattern projects from the wood surface against a flat backdrop. Carving in the round produces three-dimensional pieces that can be viewed from all angles. With intaglio carving, the design is cut into the wood surface.

Before they start carving, craftsmen have to choose the right knives and the right wood. Camphor, China fir, chinaberry and rosewood are all common carving materials.

The process of carving is a complex one and every detail matters.

Woodcarvers first outline and image on a thin piece of paper, then placing it on a block of wood before carefully carving out the patterns and putting colours on them.

The patterns carved reflect the local culture of Chaozhou.

"One of the most common themes is sea animals such as crabs, lobsters and fish, which is a reflection of the everyday life of the Chaozhou people, many of whom used to be fishermen," Lau says.

"The carvings also indicate the hope for abundant catches."

Also popular are signs of blessings such as phoenixes, as well as scenes form folklore (民間傳說), myths and Chaozhou opera that carry a positive message, such as Guo Ziyi's (郭子儀) Birthday Celebration, a story about prosperity and longevity.

"Chaozhou people perform opera for the deities (神) they worship," Lau says.

"On some carved pieces of multilayered openwork, you will find the detailed depiction of these stories where different scenes are separated by the carving of footpaths, streams and steps.

For crossbeams, Wu considers a form called "three beams, five melons" the most magnificent (壯麗的) type of woodcarving.

This form is characterized by short columns in the shape of melons; they simultaneously decorate the beams and support the ceiling above them.

"Melons, which grow on long vines (攀緣), are a symbol of abundant offspring," Wu says.

"The blossoming [ˋblɔsəm] of fruit is also a sign of a big, prospering family."

As well as its application on buildings and beams, Chaozhou woodcarving is often used to decorate tools and objects used in religious rituals.

These include offering plates, shrine (聖殿) tables on which incense (香) is burned and where ancestor tablets are placed, and the boxes in which sacred (神聖的) food is placed inside a temple.

"You give the most precious food to deities, and the container also needs to be the highest quality, which is why we decorate it with gold," Wu says.

The Chaozhou people have a long tradition of deity worship.

They are devoted (真誠的) to building and refurbishing (整修) temples and ancestral halls, and it is this dedication that has kept the art of woodcarving alive and flourishing (興旺的).

"Everyone wants the deities to protect them and their family, and we all want our temples and ancestor houses to be the most spectacular (壯觀的)," Wu says.

It's a far cry from Hong Kong, where high labour costs are contributing the speedy decline of the art of woodcarving.

"Chaozhou woodcarving reflects our deep feelings for our deities and ancestors."

"The more detailed the woodwork, the more we show our respect," Wu says.

"The tradition is a source of pride of us and reminds us of where we come from."



Text neck and WhatsApp thumb

今天,智能手機是年輕人生活中的一部分,伴隨他們成長。 重複使用手機導致筋腱、肌肉、骨骼損傷或過度使用綜合症,長時間使用手機或其他電子設備,可能會出現簡訊頸部綜合症和短信拇指。研究重點是,評估青年人的自我報告手機成癮,將過度使用人士與健康青年比較,對比兩組在頸部、手部之肌肉骨骼疾病的多寡分別。

Young adults have grown up today with mobile phones as an evident part of their lives. Text neck syndrome and SMS thumb may occur due to repetitive use of hand held devices resulting in repetitive stress injury or an overuse syndrome while using their mobile phones or other electronic devices for prolonged periods of time. Aim of the research is to assess self reported addiction to smartphone use and correlate its use and musculoskeletal disorders in neck and hand in young healthy adults.


The study showed that musculoskeletal problems in neck and hand (predominantly thumb) can be seen in smartphone addicted students which may be short term initially but may later lead to long term disability.

Shah, P. P., & Sheth, M.S. (2018). Correlation of smartphone use addiction with text neck syndrome and SMS thumb in physiotherapy students. International Journal and Community Medicine and Public Health, 5(6). http://dx.doi.org/10.18203/2394-6040.ijcmph20182187

viewpoint of other people

If you say to yourself, "How would I feel, how would I react if I were in his shoes?" you will save yourself time and irritation (惱怒), for "by becoming interested in the cause, we are less likely to dislike the effect." And, in addition, you will sharply increase your skill in human relationship.

Success in dealing with people depends on  sympathetic grasp of other person's viewpoint.

Cooperativeness in conversation is achieved when you show that you consider the other person's ideas and feelings as important as your own. Starting your conversation by giving the other person the purpose or direction of your conversation, governing what you say by what you would want to hear if you were the listener, and accepting his or her viewpoint will encourage the listener to have an open mind to your ideas.

Seeing things through another person's eyes may ease tensions when personal problems become overwhelming (難以忍受的).

Carnegie, D. (1981). How to Win Friends & Influence People (Revised Ed.) New York, NY: Pocket Books.


the power, right, or authority to interpret and apply the law


ambiguous words


yahoo dictionary

scrambling dragons and fast crabs

扒龍船: 又稱「快船」,設有三面風帆, 輔助人力划行。

source: forum.wordreference.com


Vitamin and calcium absorption

"Vitamin C helps to increase the efficiency of absorption of calcium,” said Dr. Sheldon S. Hendler.

He added, however, that since many products are fortified with calcium and there can be adverse effects at high doses.

其他營養素和食物會影響鈣的吸收。 在缺乏維生素D的情況下,鈣質吸收會大大減少。
Other nutrients and foods affect calcium absorption, he said. The most significant is vitamin D, and very little calcium is absorbed in its absence.



Too much folic acid during pregnancy


If it is true that too little folic acid results in nervous tissue damage, as is accepted by the scientific community in regard to neural tube defects (NTDs), then it seems plausible (似合理的) that too much folic acid may result in nervous tissue damage associated with autism.

Beard, C. M., & Panser, L. A. (2011). Is excess folic acid supplementation a risk factor for autism? Medical Hypotheses, 77(1), 15-17. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.mehy.2011.03.013

Help with Google Translate

key figures

Captain Charles Elliot of the Royal Navy was more than anyone responsible for establishing the colony of Hong Kong in 1841. (https://academic.oup.com)

Sir Henry Pottinger: The First Governor of Hong Kong


Get cooperation

No one likes to feel that he or she is being sold something or told to do a thing. We much prefer to feel that we are buying of our own accord (符合) or acting on our own ideas. We like to be consulted about our wishes, our wants and our thoughts.

The reason why rivers and seas receive the homage of a hundred mountain streams is that they keep below them. 江海所以能夠成為百川河流所匯往的地方,乃是由於它善於處在低下的地方。

Carnegie, D. (1981). How to Win Friends & Influence People (Revised Ed.) New York, NY: Pocket Books.

落兒(2011). 【道德經】六六卷 江海之所以能為百穀王者,以其善下之,故能為百穀王。Retrieved from http://blog.sina.com.cn/skysky128

Wedding party



髂脛束(Iliotibial Band,ITB)

Source of image: www.physio-pedia.com

Fibula (腓骨) is the long, thin and lateral bone of the lower leg.

髕骨(patella): 俗稱菠蘿蓋

Source of image: mathewhawkesphysiotherapy.blogspot.com

大腿內側的股內側肌(Vastus Medialis Oblique,VMO)



這一次 我不想要 一個人走
回去的路 總是背對彩虹
沒有你 我是殘缺的彩虹

想要聽你說 你都怎麼過
你現在好嗎 你微笑點頭
想要聽你說 快樂多過憂愁

這一次 你陪著我 兩個人走
回去的路 回頭就有彩虹
沒有你 我是殘缺的彩虹
哪裡去找 最重要的顏色

想要聽你說 你都怎麼過
你現在好嗎 你微笑點頭
想要聽你說 快樂多過憂愁

想要聽你說 你都怎麼過
你現在好嗎 你微笑點頭
想要聽你說 快樂多過憂愁


West Rail






0426 and 0403


acupuncture and physiotherapy

經官方網站得知,理大物理治療系學生需要研習針灸(acupuncture)。緊張時手震震的我不是不能應付,因為肌肉注射(intramuscular injection)也難不到我。技巧是將掌根(heel of hand)放在施針對下的位置,以拇指與食指握住針,然後就可以穩定施針。雖然手震的其中一個原因是藥物影響,但假如我可以克服心理阻礙,在治療時減少手震(hand tremor),病人便會更放心接受針灸治療。




Initial is the first letter of a name or word, typically a person's given name.

Google Dictionary

Surname is family name, a name that is pass down by generations. Given name is name that is given by your parents. Surname is known as Last name and Given name is known as First name respectively, in the West.


Florida Water





let others ventilate

Most people trying to win others to their way of thinking do too much talking themselves. Let the other people talk themselves out. They know more about their business and problems than you do. So ask them questions. Let them tell you a few things.

If you disagree with them you may be tempted to interrupt. But don't. It is dangerous. They won't pay attention to you while they still have a lot of ideas of their own crying for expression. So listen patiently and with an open mind. Be sincere about it. Encourage them to express their ideas fully.

If you want enemies, excel (勝過) your friends; but if you want friends, let your friends excel you...When our friends excel us, they feel important; but when we excel them, them may feel inferior and envious (羨慕的).

Carnegie, D. (1981). How to Win Friends & Influence People (Revised Ed.) New York, NY: Pocket Books.


(1) 為了節省包裝空間︰把公仔麵做成波浪狀,可以在較小的包裝內承裝更多的麵條。
(2) 為了讓麵相互之間不容易粘在一起︰捲曲狀的公仔麵麵餅間有很多空隙,在泡煮的過程中使面不容易粘在一起,也可以讓更多的水接觸到麵,均勻加熱,容易沖泡。麵餅吸收水分更充足就能使麵的口感和味道更佳。
(4) 更易烘乾成型,彈性更好︰相比於直線形,把麵做成波浪狀在加工時有助於空氣流通,容易烘乾成型。麵泡煮熟後,彈性也更好。
(5) 為了方便食用︰無論是用叉子還是筷子,捲曲形狀都更便於我們食用。因為如果是直線的話,拿筷子去夾麵條會打滑,甚至還會濺自己一臉麵湯。

Source: hk.answers.yahoo.com


Source: www.passiontimes.hk

療癒是什麼意思? 什麼東西具有「療癒」效果呢? 其實這主要的概念源自日本,「癒し」這個字在日文中有解除痛苦、傷痛復原之意,中文翻譯為療傷、療癒。 有關文具、文創商品、盆栽或運用在空間設計上,使人在烏煙瘴氣的狀況下,有一種舒適、愉悅、放鬆等心理感受,進而在情緒上有撫慰的效果。
Source: web.pu.edu.tw








Application Deadline: 11 Feb 2019

Physiotherapy - BSc (Hons)
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University



In talking with people, don't begin by discussing the things on which you differ. Begin by emphasizing the things on which you agree.

Get the person saying "Yes, yes" at the outset (beginning). Keep your opponent, if possible, from saying "No."

Socrates (蘇格拉底) asked questions with which his opponent would have to agree. He kept on winning one admission (承認) after another until he had an armful (一抱之量) of "yeses". He kept on asking questions until finally, almost without realizing it, his opponents found themselves embracing (欣然接受) a conclusion they would have bitterly (極其) denied a few minutes previously.

The Chinese have a proverb pregnant with (意味深長的) the age-old wisdom of the Orient: "He who treads (行走) softly goes far."

Carnegie, D. (1981). How to Win Friends & Influence People (Revised Ed.) New York, NY: Pocket Books.



3 Nov 2011

正所謂出外靠朋友,大學時期的摯友不多,Matthew Cheung (左一)是其中一位。
從 Kitdee Lam (另一大學摯友) 口中得知,他在 QMH A&E 工作,
有一次我們在 Main Campus 遊走,
看似無聊,但證明了 HKU 的無障礙設施做得很仔細。
另一樁往事是關於 graduation dinner.
當晚 Professor Chan 致詞時,同學在竊竊私語。
P.S. 說來慚愧,在畢業典禮當天,我才知道他是全系成績第一。
HKU Nursing 是我跌倒過的地方,這裡,