wherein: in which place, situation or thing; in what way
explicitly: clearly or directly, so that the meaning is easy to understand
remuneration: an amount of money that is paid to somebody for the work they have done
contrary: different from something; against something
comply: to obey a rule, an order, etc.; to meet particular standards
venture: to say or do something in a careful way, especially because it might upset or offend somebody
intent: intention
buyout: a situation in which a person or group gains control of a company by buying all or most of its shares
advocate: a person who supports or speaks in favor of somebody or of a public plan or action
surpassing: more impressive than anything else of its kind
ailment: an illness that is not very serious
billable: (of work done by professional people) that a client or customer can be charged for
adversarial: (especially of political or legal systems) involving people who are in opposition and who argue against each other
toll: the amount of damage
small-mindedness: the fact of having fixed opinions and ways of doing things and not being willing to change them or consider other people's opinions or feelings; the fact of being interested in small problems and details and not in things which are really important
disparage: to suggest that somebody/something is not important or valuable
envious: wanting to be in the same situation as somebody else; wanting something that somebody else has
backfire: to have the opposite effect to the one intended, with bad or dangerous results
fiercely: in a way that shows strong feelings
intramural: taking place within a single institution, especially a school or college
acclaim: praise and approval for somebody/something
emanate from: to come from something or somewhere
doormat: a small piece of strong material near a door that people can clean their shoes on
standstill: a situation in which all activity or movement has stopped
incur: if you incur something unpleasant, you are in a situation in which you have to deal with it
delighted: very pleased
Cooperative strategies produce significantly more profits than competitive strategies.
intuitively: by using your feelings rather than by considering the facts
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Translated with the use of DeepL and edited