


    It's fascinating how our planet's spin choreographs the dance of cyclones. In the Southern Hemisphere, cyclones rotate clockwise, while in the Northern Hemisphere, they spin counterclockwise. This isn't a quirky fact---it's all due to the Coriolis effect, a result of Earth's rotation influencing the motion of air and water.

    Imagine standing on a spinning merry-go-round and tossing a ball straight ahead. To someone watching from the ground, the ball's path curves. Similarly, as air moves across Earth's surface, the planet's rotation causes it to deflect, setting cyclones spinning in different directions depending on the hemisphere.

    The Coriolis effect also shapes ocean currents, influencing climate patterns worldwide. It's like Earth's subtle nudge, guiding winds and waters in a grand, interconnected system.




Microsoft Copilot












《與成功有約》 24.02.2025

    We evaluate---we either agree or disagree; we probe---we ask questions from our own frame of reference; we advise---we give counsel based on our own experience; or we interpret---we try to figure people out, to explain their motives, their behavior, based on our own motives and behavior.

sentiment: a feeling or an opinion, especially one based on emotions

motel: a hotel for people who are travelling by car

underbelly: the weakest part of something that is most easily attacked

stomp: to walk, dance, or move with heavy steps

set-up: a way of organizing something; a system

parenthetically: as extra information in a speech or piece of writing

trudge: to walk slowly or with heavy steps, because you are tired or carrying something heavy

spit it out: to say what is in the mind without further delay

justify: to show that somebody/something is right or reasonable

beat around the bush: to talk about something for a long time without coming to the main point

credibility: the quality that somebody/something has that makes people believe or trust them

moron: ​(informal) a rude way to refer to somebody that you think is very stupid

dumb: (especially North American English, informal) stupid

authentically: in a way that is true and accurate

    When you listen with empathy to another person, you give that person psychological air. And after that vital need is met, you can then focus on influencing and problem solving...As you authentically seek to understand, as you rephrase content and reflect feeling, you give him psychological air.


flunk: to fail an exam, a test or a course

unravel: if you unravel threads that are twisted, woven or knitted, or if they unravel, they become separated

desperately: extremely, especially when talking about bad situations

ridicule: to make somebody/something look silly by laughing at them or it in an unkind way

hypocrisy: behavior that does not meet the moral standards or match the opinions that somebody claims to have

guile: ​the use of clever but dishonest behavior in order to trick people

literally: exactly

stunned: very surprised or shocked

transcend: to be or go beyond the usual limits of something

resent: to feel bitter or angry about something, especially because you feel it is unfair

affirm: to state clearly that something is true

frantic: done quickly and with a lot of activity, but in a way that is not very well organized

discerning: able to show good judgement about the quality of somebody/something

Stephen R. Covey "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People"

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C++ course

Arrays in C++ are a fundamental data structure used to store a fixed-size sequential collection of elements of the same type. They are useful when you need to work with a collection of data, such as numbers, characters, or objects.

int array[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };

array[]: This is the name of the array. The empty square brackets [] indicate that the size of the array will be determined by the number of elements provided in the initializer list.

{ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 }: This is the initializer list, which provides the initial values for the elements of the array.

So, int array[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 }; declares an integer array named array and initializes it with the values 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. The size of the array is automatically determined based on the number of elements in the initializer list, which in this case is 5.

The expression ++i is known as the prefix increment operator in C++. It increments the value of the variable i by one before it is used in any further operations. This means that the value of i will be increased first, and then the incremented value will be used in the expression.

This is in contrast to the postfix increment operator (i++), where the original value of the variable is used in the expression first, and then the variable is incremented.

A do-while loop in C++ is a control flow statement that executes a block of code at least once and then repeatedly executes the block as long as a specified condition is true.

Microsoft Copilot

C++ and GitHub Copilot

Q: The terminal output is the same after editing the C++ program, is it necessary to use g++ in order to generate new output?

A: Yes, when you edit your C++ program and want to see the changes reflected in the terminal output, you need to recompile your code using g++.

Step 1: Edit your code

Step 2: Save your changes

Step 3: Recompile your code: Use the g++ compiler to recompile your program. You can do this by running a command like:

g++ -o output_file your_program.cpp

Step 4: Run the program

Q: The GitHub Copilot recommends using g++ -std=c++20 -o your_program your_program.cpp which is different from the step 3 above.

A: -std=c++20: This flag specifies that the compiler should use the C++20 standard. If your code utilizes features specific to C++20, this is necessary.

Both commands will compile your C++ program, but the Copilot recommendation is more specific, ensuring compatibility with the C++20 standard and clearly naming the output file.

So, using the following command can provide more consistency and clarity in your workflow.


Basic Information:

  • Case size: 49.3 × 43.2 × 13 mm

  • Weight: 167 g

  • Case and bezel material: Stainless steel

  • Band: Stainless steel band with a one-touch 3-fold clasp

  • Construction: Shock resistant

  • Water resistance: 200-meter water resistance

Time Adjustment:

  • Radio-controlled watch; Multi band 6

Power Supply and Battery Life:

  • Tough Solar (Solar powered)

  • Approx. battery operating time: 10 months on rechargeable battery (normal use without exposure to light after charge), 22 months on rechargeable battery (stored in total darkness with the power save function on after full charge)

Smartphone Link/App Connectivity Features:

  • Mobile link (Wireless linking using Bluetooth®)



  • Glass: Mineral glass

  • Back plate: Screw lock back

  • Surface treatment: Black ion plated bezel and band

Watch Features:

  • World time: 39 time zones (39 cities + coordinated universal time), daylight saving on/off, Home city/World time city swapping, auto summer time (DST) switching

  • Stopwatch: 1/100-second stopwatch

  • Timer: Countdown timer

  • Alarm/hourly time signal: 5 daily alarms (with 1 snooze alarm), hourly time signal

  • Light: LED backlight (Super illuminator), full auto LED light, selectable illumination duration (2 seconds or 4 seconds), afterglow

  • Calendar: Full auto-calendar (to year 2099)

  • Mute feature: Button operation tone on/off

  • Energy saving feature: Power Saving (display goes blank to save power when the watch is left in the dark)

  • Battery display/alert: Low battery alert

The Casio G-Shock GMW-B5000MB-1 was released in March 2021 and was manufactured in Japan.











Information from Microsoft Copilot and edited





The equal-to operator (==) returns true if both operands have the same value; otherwise false.

The not-equal-to operator (!=) returns true if the operands don't have the same value; otherwise false.

operand: the number on which an operation is to be done

A Boolean expression returns a boolean value, which is either 1 (true) or 0 (false). This is useful for building logic and finding answers.

We use the ternary operator in C to run one code when the condition is true and another code when the condition is false. For example, (age >= 18) ? printf("Can Vote") : printf("Cannot Vote");

Interpersonal Relationship

manifest: to show something clearly, especially a feeling, an attitude or a quality

officious: too ready to tell people what to do or to use the power you have to give orders

briskly: quickly

exclaim: ​to say something suddenly and loudly, especially because of strong emotion or pain

amateur: doing something for pleasure or interest, not as a job

precedent: an official action or decision that has happened in the past and that is seen as an example or a rule to be followed in a similar situation later

    Seek first to understand is a correct principle evident in all areas of life. It is a generic, common denominator principle, but it has its greatest power in the area of interpersonal relations.


Stephen R. Covey "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People"

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Abandoned Area

    兒時玩 SimCity,不理解為什麼會有這麼多 abandoned buildings. 人大了才明白舊區重建一點也不簡單。







Microsoft Copilot

Summarized and edited






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intent: intention

autobiography: the story of a person’s life, written by that person

rightness: the quality of being morally good or acceptable

monologue: a long speech by one person during a conversation that stops other people from speaking or expressing an opinion

chatter: continuous rapid talk about things that are not important

mimic: to copy the way somebody speaks, moves, behaves, etc.

    Empathy is not sympathy. Sympathy is a form of agreement, a form of judgment. And it is sometimes the more appropriate emotion and response. But people often feed on sympathy. It makes them dependent. The essence of empathic listening is not that you agree with someone; it's that you fully, deeply understand that person, emotionally as well as intellectually.


intuit: to know that something is true based on your feelings rather than on facts, what somebody tells you, etc.

intimidate: to frighten or threaten somebody so that they will do what you want

condescending: behaving as though you are more important and more intelligent than other people

attorney: a lawyer, especially one who can act for somebody in court

momentum: the ability to keep increasing or developing

dumbfounded: unable to speak because of surprise

deplete: to reduce something by a large amount so that there is not enough left; to be reduced by a large amount

Stephen R. Covey "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People"

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Orange Moon

 Canon EOS 1500D
Shutter Priority Mode
1/60 sec
ISO 800



authentic: known to be real and what somebody claims it is and not a copy

evident: clear; easily seen

instinct: a natural quality that makes people and animals tend to behave in a particular way using the knowledge and abilities that they were born with rather than thought or training

caustic: critical in a bitter or sarcastic way

sarcasm: a way of using words that are the opposite of what you mean in order to be unpleasant to somebody or to make fun of them

square with: to make two ideas, facts or situations agree or combine well with each other; to agree or be consistent with another idea, fact or situation

pertain to: to be connected with something/somebody

desperately: in a way that shows you have little hope and are ready to do anything without worrying about danger to yourself or others

    If you want to be really effective in the habit of interpersonal communication, you cannot do it with technique alone. You have to build the skills of empathic listening on a base of character that inspires openness and trust.


Stephen R. Covey "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People"

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Think Deeper Mode of Microsoft Copilot

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Copilot for work


瑪嘉烈疑爆產志賀菌 醫生三日亡

腫瘤科三醫染病源頭未明 袁國勇稱成人致死不尋常



與 AI 深度對話




















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Success of Yoasobi

Unique storytelling approach: Yoasobi's music is based on transforming short stories into songs. This innovative concept allows them to create deeply engaging and narrative-driven music that resonates with listeners.

Captivating melodic composition: Ayase's skillful production and Ikura's emotive vocals create a powerful combination that captivates audiences. Their songs often feature catchy melodies and intricate arrangements.

Strategic social media presence: Yoasobi effectively uses social media to connect with fans and promote their music. Their online presence has helped them reach a wider audience and build a strong fanbase.

Innovative music videos: Their visually appealing and creative music videos enhance the storytelling aspect of their songs, making them more memorable and impactful.

International collaborations: Collaborating with various media properties, such as anime and novels, has introduced Yoasobi to new audiences and expanded their reach globally.

Versatility in music genres: Yoasobi's ability to blend different music genres and styles keeps their sound fresh and appealing to a broad range of listeners.

Copilot for work






工作假期是不少人兒時夢想,當護士的潘家欣 (Callista) 也不例外。三年前,二十九歲的Callista決定到加拿大追夢。想不到Callista這趟「初心」之旅,最後竟讓她找回自己真正的初心。



optometrist: a person whose job is to examine people’s eyes and to recommend and sell glasses

ungrateful: not showing or expressing thanks for something that somebody has done for you or given to you

chide: to criticize or blame somebody because they have done something wrong

incredulously: in a way that shows you cannot believe something

    We have such a tendency to rush in, to fix things up with good advice. But we often fail to take the time to diagnose, to really, deeply understand the problem first.


Stephen R. Covey "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People"

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Translated with the use of DeepL and edited

    There is a profound wisdom in taking time to truly listen before we speak. It is about immersing ourselves in another's perspective, allowing their thoughts and feelings to resonate within us. Only then can our own words find the depth and clarity they deserve.

    It is intriguing how conversations unfold we lead with understanding. Have you ever noticed how tensions ease and connections strengthen in those moments? It is like unlocking a hidden pathway to empathy and mutual respect.

Think Deeper Mode of Copilot

profound: very great; felt or experienced very strongly

intriguing: very interesting because of being unusual or not having an obvious answer

Freestyle Swimming

    When swimming freestyle, it's generally recommended to keep your head in a neutral position, looking slightly forward and down. This helps maintain a streamlined body position and reduces drag. Looking directly at the bottom of the pool can cause your hips to drop, which can slow you down and make your stroke less efficient.

    Proper head positioning in freestyle swimming:

1) Neutral head position: Keep your head in line with your spine, looking slightly forward and down.

2) Eye forward: Your eyes should be looking at a point about 1 to 2 meters ahead of you.

3) Relaxed neck: Keep your neck relaxed to avoid unnecessary tension.

Copilot for work

Pointer and reference in C++

A pointer is a variable that stores the memory address of another variable.

Declaration: You declare a pointer by using the asterisk * symbol.

A reference is an alias for another variable. Once a reference is initialized to a variable, it cannot be changed to refer to another variable.

alias: (computing) a name that can be used instead of the actual name for a file, internet address, etc.

Declaration: You declare a reference using the ampersand & symbol.

Difference: A pointer can be reassigned to point to another variable, but a reference cannot be reassigned.

int* a;    // Declares a as a pointer to an int

int *b;    // Declares b as a pointer to an int

Both declarations are equivalent and will compile the same way. It's often a matter of coding standards or personal preference in a codebase. The most critical thing is to stick to a consistent style throughout your code.

int x;        // Declare an integer x

x = 1;        // Assign the value 1 to x

int y;        // Declare an integer y

y = x;        // Assign the value of x (which is 1) to y

int* ip;      // Declare a pointer to an integer named ip

ip = &x;      // Store the address of x in the pointer ip

y = *ip;      // Assign the value at the address ip points to (which is the value of x) to y

The expression *ip dereferences the pointer ip, meaning it accesses the value stored at the memory address ip points to, which is the value of x.

Since x is 1, *ip is also 1.

The value 1 is then assigned to y.

dereference: to use a piece of data to discover where another piece of data is held

int x {7};

This declares an integer x and initializes it with the value 7 using uniform initialization syntax.

int* ip = &x;

This declares a pointer ip that points to an integer. The pointer ip is initialized with the address of x using the address-of operator &.

Now, ip holds the memory address of x.

int& y = x;

This declares a reference y to the integer x. A reference is an alias for another variable, meaning y and x refer to the same memory location.

Any changes made to y will also be reflected in x since they are effectively the same variable.

If y is assigned the value 11, it directly modifies x to 11 because y is a reference to x.



wherein: in which place, situation or thing; in what way

explicitly: clearly or directly, so that the meaning is easy to understand

remuneration: ​an amount of money that is paid to somebody for the work they have done

contrary: different from something; against something

comply: to obey a rule, an order, etc.; to meet particular standards

venture: to say or do something in a careful way, especially because it might upset or offend somebody

intent: intention

buyout: a situation in which a person or group gains control of a company by buying all or most of its shares

advocate: a person who supports or speaks in favor of somebody or of a public plan or action

surpassing: more impressive than anything else of its kind

ailment: an illness that is not very serious

billable: (of work done by professional people) that a client or customer can be charged for

adversarial: ​(especially of political or legal systems) involving people who are in opposition and who argue against each other

toll: the amount of damage

small-mindedness: the fact of having fixed opinions and ways of doing things and not being willing to change them or consider other people's opinions or feelings; the fact of being interested in small problems and details and not in things which are really important

disparage: to suggest that somebody/something is not important or valuable

envious: wanting to be in the same situation as somebody else; wanting something that somebody else has

backfire: to have the opposite effect to the one intended, with bad or dangerous results

fiercely: in a way that shows strong feelings

intramural: ​taking place within a single institution, especially a school or college

acclaim: praise and approval for somebody/something

emanate from: to come from something or somewhere

doormat: a small piece of strong material near a door that people can clean their shoes on

standstill: ​a situation in which all activity or movement has stopped

incur: if you incur something unpleasant, you are in a situation in which you have to deal with it

delighted: very pleased

    Cooperative strategies produce significantly more profits than competitive strategies.


intuitively: by using your feelings rather than by considering the facts

Stephen R. Covey "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People"

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與成功有約 07.02.2025

buy into: to believe something, especially an idea that many other people believe in

juncture: a particular point or stage in an activity or a series of events

embody: to express or represent an idea or a quality

explicitly: clearly or directly, so that the meaning is easy to understand

    Win/Win is not a personality technique. It is a total paradigm of human interaction. It comes from a character of integrity, maturity, and the abundance mentality. It grows out of high-trust relationships. It is embodied in agreements that effectively clarify and manage expectations as well as accomplishment. It thrives in supportive systems.

Stephen R. Covey "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People"

Online Dictionaries Used:




C++ course

An integer is the number zero (0), a positive natural number (1, 2, 3, . . .), or the negation of a positive natural number (−1, −2, −3, . . .).

Integer literals begin with a digit and have no fractional parts or exponents. You can specify integer literals in decimal, binary, octal, or hexadecimal form. You can optionally specify an integer literal as unsigned, and as a long or long long type, by using a suffix.

The empty curly braces is a special case that will zero initialize any type, and it will be used a lot in the course.

Auto-type allows the compiler to determine the type of a variable.

A compiler in C++ is a specialized software that transforms the human-readable code you write into machine-readable cade, also known as binary code.

The auto keyword is a simple way to declare a variable that has a complicated type.





    2025台北國際書展2月4日開幕,作為華文出版界盛事,香港出版社今年繼續踴躍參與。除了有較具規模的大學出版社及出版集團參與,其中一個焦點落在匯集29間小型出版社及小誌出版、由艺鵠主辦、後話文字工作室及字字研究所協辦的攤位。攤位以「文字出走 閱讀香港」為主題,艺鵠經理曾凱鈴說,參與的二十間出版社及九本小誌代表着不同面向的香港,希望將大家拼湊在一起,讓台灣讀者從多角度了解香港。


C++ course

A statement is always terminated with a semicolon.

An expression may be part of a statement or it may be an entire statement.

An identifier is a sequence of characters used to denote one of the following:

    i) Object or variable name

    ii) Class, structure, or union name

    iii) Enumerated type name

    iv) Member of a class, structure, union, or enumeration

The course instructor highly recommend that we stick to the 26 letters of the standard Latin alphabet, numbers, and the underscore.





Copilot for work

Relative Humidity

    Relative humidity is a way of expressing how much moisture in the air compared to the maximum amount of moisture the air can hold at a given temperature. It is presented as a percentage. For example, if the relative humidity is 50%, it means the air is holding half of the moisture it can at that temperature.

Microsoft Copilot

《The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People》03.02.2025

rally: a large public meeting, especially one held to support a particular idea or political party

psych-up: to prepare (oneself) mentally or emotionally

frenzied: involving a lot of activity and strong emotions in a way that is often violent or frightening and not under control

hoopla: unnecessary excitement about something that gets a lot of public attention

applause: the noise made by a group of people clapping their hands and sometimes shouting to show their approval or pleasure

synergize: combine or coordinate the activity of (two or more agents) to produce a joint effect greater than the sum of their separate effects

contrive: to manage to do something despite difficulties

fanfare: a short loud piece of music that is played to celebrate somebody/something important arriving

astounding: so surprising that it is difficult to believe

outsell: to sell more or to be sold in larger quantities than somebody/something

cash register: a machine used in shops, restaurants, etc. for keeping money in, and that shows and records the amount of money received for each thing that is sold

cream: to completely defeat somebody

frantic: done quickly and with a lot of activity, but in a way that is not very well organized

inventory: all the goods in a store

perceive: to understand or think of somebody/something in a particular way

    As people really learn to think Win/Win, they can set up the systems to create and reinforce it. They can transform unnecessarily competitive situations to cooperative ones and can powerfully impact their effectiveness by building both production and production capacity.


nagging: persistently annoying or finding fault with someone

Stephen R. Covey "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People"

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人口問題精準施策 謀求旺丁要新思維
