

the Catcher in the Rye Ch.23

snappy: quickly made or done

barge in on: to suddenly and rudely interrupt or disturb (something or someone)

flunk out: to be dismissed from a school or college for failure

infirmary: a place (as in a school or prison) where sick or injured individuals receive care and treatment

smack: US, informal : boastful or insulting language especially between opponents : smack talk, trash talk —usually used in the phrase talk smack

yank: to pull or extract with a quick vigorous movement

horse around: to engage in horseplay

jitterbug: a jazz variation of the two-step in which couples swing, balance, and twirl in standardized patterns and often with vigorous acrobatics

chop: a small cut of meat often including part of a rib

splitting headache: a very bad headache

broke: penniless

penniless: destitute of money

destitute: lacking something needed or desirable

pail: a usually cylindrical container with a handle

Online Dictionary Used: https://www.merriam-webster.com

