


Prague Spring, brief period of liberalization in Czechoslovakia under Alexander Dubček in 1968. Soon after he became first secretary of the Czechoslovak Communist Party on January 5, 1968, Dubček granted the press greater freedom of expression; he also rehabilitated victims of political purges (清洗) during the Joseph Stalin era. In April he promulgated (頒布) a sweeping (決定性的) reform program that included autonomy for Slovakia (斯洛伐克), a revised constitution to guarantee civil rights and liberties, and plans for the democratization of the government. Dubček claimed that he was offering “socialism with a human face.” By June many Czechs (捷克人) were calling for more rapid progress toward real democracy. Although Dubček insisted that he could control the country’s transformation, the Soviet Union and other Warsaw Pact (華沙條約簽署者) countries viewed the developments as tantamount (無異於的) to counterrevolution (反革命). On the evening of August 20, Soviet armed forces invaded the country and quickly occupied it. As hard-line communists retook positions of power, the reforms were curtailed (縮減), and Dubček was deposed (廢黜) the following April.


Czechoslovakia: 捷克斯拉夫(國名,1918-1993,1993年分裂成捷克共和國與斯洛伐克兩個國家)

