


moleskin: the skin of the mole (鼴鼠) used as fur

enormous: marked by extraordinarily great size, number, or degree

beaver: 河貍

referee: a sports official usually having final authority in administering a game

conjure: to practice magical arts

limp: to walk lamely

ajar: slightly open

mangle: to injure with deep disfiguring wounds by cutting, tearing, or crushing

blasted: damned

buzz: to make a low continuous humming sound like that of a bee

wheedle: to influence or entice by soft words or flattery

clamber: to climb awkwardly or with effort especially by using both the hands and the feet

awkward: lacking skill

Chaser is a position in the wizarding sport of Quidditch. There are three Chasers per team. The Chasers control the Quaffle and attempt to get it through the goal hoops past the Keeper. Each goal is worth ten points.

Beaters attempt to hit the opposing team's players with bludgers and attempt to block the bludgers from hitting their team's players. Beaters are subject to the same knockout procedure as chasers or keepers when hit with a bludger, but unlike chasers and keepers, they may attempt to catch a bludger thrown at them.

A goalpost is a hoop on either end of a Quidditch pitch. There are three hoops at each end of a pitch, about thirty feet high.

dodge: to avoid an encounter with

howl: to emit a loud sustained doleful sound characteristic of members of the dog family

budge: move

speck: a small spot

squint: to have an indirect bearing, reference, or aim

pelt: to strike with a succession of blows or missiles

duck: evade

streak: a narrow band of light

dart: to thrust or move with sudden speed

growl: utter angrily

revolting: extremely offensive

lurch: to make a series of unsteady side-to-side motions

buck: to move or cause to move with a sharp quick motion

swish: to move, pass, swing, or whirl with the sound of a swish

dangle: to hang loosely and usually so as to be able to swing freely

frantically: in a nervously hurried, desperate, or panic-stricken way

crouch: to lower the body stance especially by bending the legs

hem: a border of a cloth article doubled back and stitched down

yelp: a sharp shrill bark or cry

scramble: to move with urgency or panic

sob: to cry or weep with convulsive catching of the breath

curse: to call upon divine or supernatural power to send injury upon

gruff: rough, brusque, or stern in manner, speech, or aspect

Reference: https://www.merriam-webster.com

