


The bubonic plague (腺鼠疫) occurred in 1894. Two pathologists came from Japan and Switzerland discovered and isolated the bacteria. Old Pathological Institute commemorates their achievement. This heritage is now the Hong Kong Museum of Medical Sciences. The museum is an Edwardian (愛德華時代) building with brickwork and arched verandahs (陽台). It has exhibitions on local medical history including SARS. There is a herb garden outside the museum displaying some basic ingredients of both Western and Chinese medicine.

梅堂 (May Hall)、盧吉堂 (Lugard Hall) 及儀禮堂 (Eliot Hall) 合稱「明原堂」(Old Halls)。

University Hall, originally called Douglas Castle, was built in the 1860s by Scottish taipan (大班) Douglas Lapraik to serve as his country home. It looked rather different then: an octagonal penthouse (頂層豪華公寓) surrounded by battlements (雉堞式裝飾牆) commanded all-round sea views, four crenelated (鈍齒狀的) corner towers had mock arrow slits, and outhouses were built in identical Victorian Gothic style. The building has undergone many changes over the years and is now used as halls of residence for HKU students.

At the court's opening in January 1912, the Chief Justice rather presciently (先見地) declared, "When Victoria has ceased to be a city, when the harbour has silted up (淤塞), when even the Hong Kong Club has crumbled (碎裂) away, this building will remain like a pyramid to commemorate (紀念) the genius of the Far East."

舊最高法院大樓選址於中區的心臟地帶,毗連皇后像廣場,四鄰軍政商廈林立,可說是香港法治社會的象徵。港府所委任的建築師為英聯邦採辦處的顧問 Aston Webb 和 Ingress Bell,兩人以設計英國白金漢宮的正面、Victoria and Albert Museum 及 Admiralty Arch 而聞名於世,足見政府對這幢大樓的重視。


日治時期,日軍曾經佔用大樓為日本憲兵總部。一九四五年八月香港重光,當時被囚於赤柱的前布政司 Frederick Gimson 曾於該大樓成立臨時政府總部。

甘棠第樓高四層,樓宇正面由花崗石及紅磚砌成,一樓和二樓有弧形露台,並有木製的百葉窗,欄杆則雕有花紋,以希臘式石柱承托,中間有「H」字代表大宅業主乃何氏家族,不同角落鑲有彩繪玻璃。建築物屬英皇愛德華時期 (Edwardian Period) 風格。甘棠第是香港其中一座最早以鋼筋構建,並有供電線路鋪設的私邸。

Helena May is an imposing (雄偉的) Edwardian building which was opened in 1916 as a residence and club for single expat (移居國外) women.


St. John's Cathedral

The cathedral (教區總教堂) is a much larger place of worship than a church and is run by a bishop (主教). A church is run by a group of clergymen (男神職人員) or priests (祭司). The bishop usually resides on the cathedral premises (房屋建築及附屬場地).

1841年,英國皇家海軍登陸香港後,港英殖民政府委任威廉 .堅上尉(Captain William Caine)為香港首席裁判司主理治安,並於荷李活道設置裁判署。最初,裁判署還只是個草棚,日後則成了前中區警署建築群,是香港早期的司法重地。


The earliest of these voluntary organizations (established by local Chinese elites) was the Man Mo Temple, founded in 1847 by Loo Aqui (盧阿桂) and Tam Achoy (譚三才). Although its ostensible (外表的) purpose was to worship the gods of literature and war and to observe religious festivals, the temple served other important functions. It soon became the main social center for Hong Kong's Chinese population, regardless of their regional or occupational affiliations (聯繫). The temple also evolved into the self-managed, informal government of the Chinese community, with the merchants electing a committee to deliberate (仔細討論) disputes. Thus, between the Man Mo Temple and the smaller neighborhood committees, the Chinese community soon developed mechanisms for managing its own affairs. Although the European community often eyed the temple suspiciously for clandestinely (祕密地) controlling "native affairs," the colonial government was happy with the arrangement since it fit with the government's policy of ruling the Chinese on the cheap.

The Fringe Club on Lower Albert Road


Flagstaff House Museum of Tea Ware displays the extensive collection of Dr. K.S. Lo. Some items date back as far as the Western Zhou dynasty. Tea has a special place in Chinese culture --- consider the traditional wedding ritual of serving tea to parents --- and a cup of tea unites the British and Chinese as few other things can. The museum holds tea appreciation classes every week.

The Pottinger Street leads steeply uphill, and is laid with horizontal rows of roughly hewn stones for ease of ascent...The buildings on either side have been replaced many times but the street is easily identifiable from old photos.

西港城大樓原為船政署舊址,後來改作上環街市(即菜市場),百多年來一直是附近居民常到的市集。西港城在1991年修建過後,成為目前的模樣,是個傳統行業及手工藝的中心,也是一個商場。 西港城採愛德華式古典建築風格,外牆以紅磚建成,拱頂正門入口則是以花崗石砌成,殖民色彩濃厚,在四周的高樓群中益顯獨特。在這座古雅的商場內,有各種售賣特色工藝品及懷舊收藏品的商店,還有來自中環老街巷弄的布匹店,讓您感受老香港的情懷。


Excluded (排除) form the 1898 lease of the New Territories but subsequently claimed by Britain after Qing troops helped villagers resist British rule in the New Territories, this small area became an independent enclave (指在一國境內卻隸屬另一國的一塊領土) where the British generally took a hands-off (不觸及) approach. Although the Walled City had almost disappeared by the eve of World War II it was revived after the war and after the 1949 revolution.

Following the walkway over the outdoor swimming pools points you back towards Nathan Road, and almost directly opposite stand the red-brick premises (房屋建築及附屬場地) of the Antiquities and Monuments Office. This government body occupies the former Kowloon British School, built in 1902 with a donation from Jardines compradore (買辦) Sir Robert Ho Tung.



Carroll, J.M. (2007). A Concise History of Hong Kong. Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press.
Spurrier, P. (2016). The Heritage Hiker's Guide to Hong Kong. Hong Kong: Form Asia.

