


During the Sino-Japanese War (1894–95) the Japanese destroyed the remnants (殘存) of the Chinese fleet (艦隊) there and took the base without difficulty. In 1898, when the Russians leased Port Arthur (旅順口區) on the northern shore of the strait (海峽), the British forced the Chinese to lease them Weihai. Under the name Port Edward (Weihai) it remained a summer station for the British fleet until 1923 and enjoyed the status of a free port. Its communications, however, were poor, and its hinterland (偏僻地區) consisted of unproductive mountains, so it never flourished as a trading port. The British voluntarily relinquished (撤出) their lease in 1930, after which Weihai reverted to Chinese administration. From 1938 to 1945 it was occupied by the Japanese. In 1949 it again became a base for the Chinese navy.

Information: https://www.britannica.com/place/Weihai

