英籍教育家、社會運動家兼前立法局議員杜葉錫恩 (原名葉鍚恩) 在 1951 年來港,當時是傳教士的她與木屋區居民住在一起,她難忘這些難民家庭為了生計胼手胝足的苦況。杜葉鍚恩憶述,許多這些家庭中的婦女是繡花工,即使她們從早到晚工作,掙的錢也不夠養活一個人。男人還得到別處找活幹。要想全家有口飯吃,孩子也得去掙錢。他們的小屋裡只能點盞小油燈,天黑以後根本幹不了活。所以他們只好坐在門口,眼睛湊近細細的絲線,竭力捕捉最後的亮光。有些女人四十歲就幾近失明。即使年幼兒童也得久久地坐在那裡,努力掙口飯吃。……由於營養不良加之居住環境濕熱難耐,大多數孩子,包括最小的娃娃在內,都患有大塊的疥瘡和皮膚感染。
Elsie Tu (formerly Elsie Elliot), a British educator, social activist, and former member of the Legislative Council who arrived in Hong Kong in 1951 as a missionary and lived among the squatters, recalls how hard life could be for these refugee families, in which many of the women were embroiders. Even though they worked "from dawn to dusk," these women "could not earn enough to feed one person. Father had to work another job, and the children had to earn their coppers if the family was to eat at all. They used only small oil lamps in those huts and could scarcely work after dark, so they would sit at their doorways to catch the last ray of light, straining their eyes over the fine silk strands." Some of the women "were near blind at forty years of age." Even young children "sat for all those hours trying to earn their rice....Most of the children, even the tiniest babies, suffered from enormous boils and skin infections, due to malnutrition and hot, sticky living conditions."
Carroll, J.M. (2007). A Concise History of Hong Kong. Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press.
The tiny, overcrowded apartments in the new public housing units were often little better than the squatter huts they were designed to replace. Elsie Tu recalls how the rooms in these "rabbit warrens" (野兔洞) averaged only 120 square feet for a family of five and 86 square feet for smaller families. Small children "were counted as half person" and were allocated only 12 square feet each." A flat consisted of a square or oblong (長方形的) room, with concrete walls, without decoration, and with neither kitchen nor bathroom. Cooking was usually done on the narrow verandahs (走廊) that surrounded each block, though that was supposed to be illegal. Communal (公用的) toilets and bathrooms were situated in the center of each block of flats, along with a washroom for laundering. With no full-size doors, it became a nightmare for women to use the bathrooms, and they usually had to be accompanied by another person, because of the prevalence of 'peeing toms.' (有窺淫癖者) The toilets themselves consisted only a narrow channel that run through the whole row of toilets. At regular intervals water flowed through the channel to flush it."
Image: www.immunize.org
You should not aspirate before giving any vaccine, including COVID-19 vaccines.
CDC. (2021, January 7). COVID-19 Vaccine FAQs for Healthcare Professionals. https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/covid-19/hcp/faq.html
Edmondo De Amicis is a Italian novelist, short-story writer, poet. He is also an author of popular travel books and children’s stories.
Emerson said, "Every man I meet is my superior in some way. In that, I learn of him."
「在人際交往中,首先要記住的是,我們不是在與邏輯生物打交道,我們面對的是充滿情感、偏見、受傲慢和虛榮心驅使的生物。」--- Dale Carnegie <<Don't criticize, condemn or complain>>
During the Sino-Japanese War (1894–95) the Japanese destroyed the remnants (殘存) of the Chinese fleet (艦隊) there and took the base without difficulty. In 1898, when the Russians leased Port Arthur (旅順口區) on the northern shore of the strait (海峽), the British forced the Chinese to lease them Weihai. Under the name Port Edward (Weihai) it remained a summer station for the British fleet until 1923 and enjoyed the status of a free port. Its communications, however, were poor, and its hinterland (偏僻地區) consisted of unproductive mountains, so it never flourished as a trading port. The British voluntarily relinquished (撤出) their lease in 1930, after which Weihai reverted to Chinese administration. From 1938 to 1945 it was occupied by the Japanese. In 1949 it again became a base for the Chinese navy.
Information: https://www.britannica.com/place/Weihai
透過 iPhone 以 Face ID 付款
1. 如要使用預設卡,請按兩下側邊按鈕。
2. 看一下 iPhone ,以 Face ID 進行認證,或輸入密碼。
3. 將 iPhone 頂部放於感應式讀卡機附近,直至你在螢幕上看到「完成」和剔號。
Pay with iPhone with Face ID
1. To use your default card, double-click the side button.
2. Glance at your iPhone to authenticate with Face ID, or enter your passcode.
3. Hold the top of your iPhone near the contactless reader until you see Done and a checkmark on the display.
Information: https://www.books.com.tw/products/0010446751
Google Feedback / Wikipedia
Google Feedback / Wikipedia
Google Feedback / Wikipedia
moleskin: the skin of the mole (鼴鼠) used as fur
enormous: marked by extraordinarily great size, number, or degree
beaver: 河貍
referee: a sports official usually having final authority in administering a game
conjure: to practice magical arts
limp: to walk lamely
ajar: slightly open
mangle: to injure with deep disfiguring wounds by cutting, tearing, or crushing
blasted: damned
buzz: to make a low continuous humming sound like that of a bee
wheedle: to influence or entice by soft words or flattery
clamber: to climb awkwardly or with effort especially by using both the hands and the feet
awkward: lacking skill
Chaser is a position in the wizarding sport of Quidditch. There are three Chasers per team. The Chasers control the Quaffle and attempt to get it through the goal hoops past the Keeper. Each goal is worth ten points.
Beaters attempt to hit the opposing team's players with bludgers and attempt to block the bludgers from hitting their team's players. Beaters are subject to the same knockout procedure as chasers or keepers when hit with a bludger, but unlike chasers and keepers, they may attempt to catch a bludger thrown at them.
A goalpost is a hoop on either end of a Quidditch pitch. There are three hoops at each end of a pitch, about thirty feet high.
dodge: to avoid an encounter with
howl: to emit a loud sustained doleful sound characteristic of members of the dog family
budge: move
speck: a small spot
squint: to have an indirect bearing, reference, or aim
pelt: to strike with a succession of blows or missiles
duck: evade
streak: a narrow band of light
dart: to thrust or move with sudden speed
growl: utter angrily
revolting: extremely offensive
lurch: to make a series of unsteady side-to-side motions
buck: to move or cause to move with a sharp quick motion
swish: to move, pass, swing, or whirl with the sound of a swish
dangle: to hang loosely and usually so as to be able to swing freely
frantically: in a nervously hurried, desperate, or panic-stricken way
crouch: to lower the body stance especially by bending the legs
hem: a border of a cloth article doubled back and stitched down
yelp: a sharp shrill bark or cry
scramble: to move with urgency or panic
sob: to cry or weep with convulsive catching of the breath
curse: to call upon divine or supernatural power to send injury upon
gruff: rough, brusque, or stern in manner, speech, or aspect
Reference: https://www.merriam-webster.com
The 1911 revolution is known throughout the Chinese world as a glorious page in the annals of Chinese history. Like most revolutions, however, it caused as many problems as it solved.
Carroll, J.M. (2007). A Concise History of Hong Kong. Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press.
In healthy individuals, microbiome aids food digestion, regulates immunity, protects against pathogenic infection, and participates in the synthesis of vitamins and other nutrients. In diseased individuals, evidence shows an imbalance of beneficial and pathogenic microbes in the human microbiome, a phenomenon known as dysbiosis.
Dysbiosis is shown to correlate with numerous chronic or autoimmune diseases such as obesity, inflammatory bowel disease, diabetes mellitus, metabolic syndrome, atherosclerosis, autism, schizophrenia, colorectal cancers, hepatocellular carcinoma, rheumatoid arthritis, muscular dystrophy, and multiple sclerosis.
GenieBiome Ltd. (2021). Science. https://www.g-niib.com/en/science
Rod is one of two types of photoreceptive cells in the retina. Rod cells function as specialized neurons that convert visual stimuli in the form of photons into chemical and electrical stimuli that can be processed by the central nervous system...They do not perceive color and fine detail, tasks performed by the other major type of light-sensitive cell, the cone. Rod cells are much more sensitive to light than cones and are also much more numerous. The human eye contains about 130 million rods and about 7 million cones.
Cone, light-sensitive cell with a conical projection in the retina, associated with color vision and perception of fine detail. Far fewer than the eye’s rods, cones are less sensitive to dim light. Cones are mostly concentrated within the central retina, which contains the fovea (depression in the retina), where no rods are present. In contrast, the outer edges of the retina contain few cones and many rods. Chemical changes that occur when light strikes the cones are ultimately relayed as impulses to optic-nerve fibers that enter the brain.
At the court's opening in January 1912, the Chief Justice rather presciently (先見地) declared, "When Victoria has ceased to be a city, when the harbour has silted up (淤塞), when even the Hong Kong Club has crumbled (碎裂) away, this building will remain like a pyramid to commemorate (紀念) the genius of the Far East."
舊最高法院大樓選址於中區的心臟地帶,毗連皇后像廣場,四鄰軍政商廈林立,可說是香港法治社會的象徵。港府所委任的建築師為英聯邦採辦處的顧問 Aston Webb 和 Ingress Bell,兩人以設計英國白金漢宮的正面、Victoria and Albert Museum 及 Admiralty Arch 而聞名於世,足見政府對這幢大樓的重視。
adventure: an undertaking usually involving danger and unknown risks
know-it-all: one who claims to know everything
delight: a high degree of gratification or pleasure
screech: a high shrill piercing cry usually expressing pain or terror
amazed: feeling or showing great surprise or wonder
soar: to fly aloft or about
flutter: to flap the wings rapidly
glee: exultant high-spirited joy
spite: petty ill will or hatred with the disposition to irritate, annoy, or thwart
hatred: extreme dislike or disgust
snap: to utter sharp biting words
squeak: to utter or make a short shrill cry or noise
shrill: scream
smother: to suppress expression or knowledge of
rage: violent and uncontrolled anger
chortle: to laugh or chuckle especially when amused or pleased
stomp: to walk with a loud heavy step usually in anger
stray: to wander from company, restraint, or proper limits
pitch: an outdoor site
bolt: to move or proceed rapidly
sleek: smooth and glossy as if polished
mahogany: the wood of any of various chiefly tropical trees
dusk: the darker part of twilight especially at night
twilight: the light from the sky between full night and sunrise or between sunset and full night produced by diffusion of sunlight through the atmosphere and its dust
spectator: one who looks on or watches
hoop: a circular figure or object
kick off: begin
crate: an open box of wooden slats or a usually wooden protective case or framework for shipping
glint: to give off reflection in brilliant flashes
club: a stick or bat used to hit a ball in any of various games
bat: a stout solid stick
stout: physically or materially strong
rounders: rounders plural in form but singular in construction : a game of English origin that is played with ball and bat and that somewhat resembles baseball
jet: an intense black
pelt: to strike with a succession of blows or missiles
offhand: without premeditation or preparation
weave: to move in a devious, winding, or zigzag course especially to avoid obstacles
trudge: to walk or march steadily and usually laboriously
waft: to cause to move or go lightly by or as if by the impulse of wind or waves
perch: to alight, settle, or rest on a perch, a height, or a precarious spot
prod: to thrust a pointed instrument into
snarl: to give vent to anger in surly language
hover: to remain suspended over a place or object
glimpse: to get a brief look at
feast: an elaborate and usually abundant meal often accompanied by a ceremony or entertainment
overhear: to hear without the speaker's knowledge or intention
stutter: to move or act in a halting or spasmodic manner
slump: to fall or sink suddenly
dungeon: a dark usually underground prison or vault
uproar: a state of commotion, excitement, or violent disturbance
firecracker: a usually paper cylinder containing an explosive and a fuse and set off to make a noise
rumble: to make a low heavy rolling sound
jostle: to come in contact or into collision
duck: to lower the head or body suddenly
hiss: to make a sharp sibilant sound
griffin: a mythical animal typically having the head, forepart, and wings of an eagle and the body, hind legs, and tail of a lion
peer: to come slightly into view
creep: to move along with the body prone and close to the ground
sniff: to inhale through the nose especially for smelling
stench: stink
stink: to emit a strong offensive odor
footfall: the sound of a footstep
lumpy: having a heavy clumsy appearance
boulder: a detached and rounded or much-worn mass of rock