

The Repatriation Agreement

Despite repeated ceasefire violations committed by both sides after the signing of the twenty-four-point agreement, over 2,400 guerrillas and some female cadres of the East River Column out of the 3,174 actually arrived at the point of embarkation (上船) area of Shayuchong and achieved their mission of "victorious repatriation (歸國)" on 29 June 1946.

Although the US military had been providing equipment and material to the KMT to help them in the impending civil war, Colonel Miller and his colleagues remained fair and neutral in their work in the mediation. They earned the respect and admiration of General Zeng Sheng, who called Miller "an Ambassador of Peace".

Chan, S.J. (2014). East River Column -- Hong Kong Guerrillas in the Second World War and After. Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press.

