

Nationalists Versus Communists

It was obvious that neither the KMT nor the CCP were sincere in their negotiations. Whatever they agreed on on paper was difficult to implement on the ground. The priority on both sides was to retain as many soldiers as possible and to grab as much territory as possible. As the regions in north China were rich in resources and strategically important, both sides were keen to occupy as much land in north China as possible. Therefore, the situation in Guangdong, where there were fewer combatants (參戰者) on both sides, was not the focus of their attention and became a sideline in the overall situation.

However, the soldiers from the Hong Kong and Kowloon Independent Brigade of the East River Column who were evacuated to areas north of the Hong Kong border faced incessant (持續不斷的) hostilities from the KMT regular armed forces, beginning as early as October 1945. In one of the many skirmishes (小規模戰鬥) that occurred barely thirty miles north of Shenzhen, it was reported that 100 guerrillas had been killed and over 30 seriously injured.

Chan, S.J. (2014). East River Column -- Hong Kong Guerrillas in the Second World War and After. Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press.

