


根據  EA Mask 在臉書官方網頁的陳述,該產品成功註冊 FDA Class 1 級別產品,註冊產品號為:D296208 - Disinfector Medical Device. 日本 EA Mask 絕對安全使用,是有權威認可有效的空氣消毒產品。

Class I – These devices present minimal potential for harm to the user and are often simpler in design than Class II or Class III devices. Example includes elastic bandages. 47% of medical devices fall under this category and 95% of these are exempt (被豁免的) from the regulatory process.

FDA. (2017, December 29). Learn if a Medical Device Has Been Cleared by FDA for Marketing. https://www.fda.gov/medical-devices/consumers-medical-devices/learn-if-medical-device-has-been-cleared-fda-marketing

Clearance: 批准

  • 全球首創二氧化氯(ClO2)主動式殺菌去味原理
  • 可防止細菌病毒交叉感染,環保、滅菌、消毒、去味除臭、清淨空氣
  • 獲得野口醫學研究所品質推獎品
  • 不產生致癌物及污染環境的多用途環保型殺菌消毒劑
  • 美國食品藥物管理局 (FDA) / 美國環境保護署 (EPA) 認可
  • 安全、無味、無毒、穩定性強、對人//寵物無害

E.A Mask can produce 0.017 ppm chlorine dioxide to protect a person wearing it from virus, bacteria and fungi attack within 1 meter circle from the product. It is suitable for all ages including new born babies and pregnant women. It can effectively prevent virus and bacteria from spreading in public transport, school and hospital if everyone is wearing it and prevent a person who wears it from bringing virus, bacteria and fungi back home via clothes.


日本大幸藥品(製造「正露丸」的公司)也有出售二氧化氯產品。在其網頁卻有一些有趣的數據:二氧化氯對細菌、真菌、病毒,的確有抵抗的作用,但原來需要的濃度是遠遠超過 0.017 ppm

立場新聞. (2019, April 19). 固體二氧化氯產生劑的 EA Mask 神奇盾牌...https://www.thestandnews.com/

Toamit Virus Shut Out is an anti-viral and anti-bacterial personal protection device. This lanyard (頸帶) releases a low concentration of airborne chlorine dioxide to eliminate germs and viruses in the surrounding air. Just wearing this item around your neck creates a barrier against germs and viruses. Toamit Virus Shut Out is made in Japan, so you can rest assured in its safety and quality. Each piece will last approximately 30 days after opening. This device targets airborne germs. It does not replace basic hygiene measures.


