

Ketogenic diet



紐約市註冊營養師Tanya Zuckerbrot解釋︰「當停止食用碳水化合物,並用脂肪和蛋白質來替代時,身體需要幾天到幾個星期來適應變化,「酮症」例如身體及精神疲勞、肌肉痙攣、便秘、腹瀉或噁心等。


Ketones (酮) are released into the blood and provide an important energy source during prolonged fasting for many tissues, including those of the nervous system...The net result of fatty acid and ketone utilization during fasting is the provision of energy for the body while at the same time sparing glucose for the brain and nervous system. Moreover, as just emphasized, the brain can use ketones for an energy source, and it does so increasingly as ketones build up in the first few days of a fast. The survival value of this phenomenon is significant: When the brain reduces its glucose requirement by utilizing, much less protein breakdown is required to supply amino acids for gluconeogenesis (the process of synthesizing glucose in the body from non-carbohydrate sources). Consequently, the protein stores will last longer, and the ability to withstand a long fast without serious tissue damage is enhanced.

Widmaier, E.P., & Raff, H. (2008). Vander’s Human Physiology: The Mechanisms of Body Function. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.

