

How to brush our teeth


1) 刷毛靠在牙齒和牙齦相交界處,將刷毛傾斜 45 度。

上顎:刷毛朝上呈 45 度角。

下顎:刷毛朝下呈 45 度角。

2) 開始作短距離的水平左右移動,一次刷兩顆牙,刷約 10 次,最後幾次往咬合面旋轉。

3) 前牙內側:牙刷打直,貼著牙齦上下刷。


1) Apply toothpaste: Squeeze a pea-sized amount of fluoride toothpaste onto a soft-bristled toothbrush. Avoid using too much toothpaste to prevent foaming and accidental swallowing.

2) Brush your front teeth:

Position the toothbrush bristles at a 45-degree angle to your gum line.

Use gentle circular motions to break up plaque and residue on the tooth surface.

Brush each tooth individually before moving to the next one.

Avoid scrubbing (擦洗) too hard or brushing straight across, as it can damage enamel and gum.

3) Brush your molars:

Position the toothbrush perpendicular to your lips, resting on top of your bottom molars.

Start with the molars furthest back in your mouth and work toward the front.

Use short in-and-out motions to clean them.

Switch to small circular movements to eliminate bacteria on the surface.

Repeat the process for your front teeth and top molars.

4) Brush for at least 2 minutes before spitting out the toothpaste.

5) Rinse your mouth with water or a fluoride mouthwash to finish.

Remember to brush your teeth at least twice a day for optimal oral hygiene and overall health.

Bing Chat - Microsoft Copilot (Preview)


The Midnight Library

1) 遺憾是生活的一部分:每個人都有遺憾,活著便有遺憾。重要的是我們如何應對遺憾並繼續前進。

2) 每一個選擇都會塑造我們的未來:我們所做的每一個決定都會引導我們走上一條獨特的道路,我們的選擇會有相互關聯性以及對我們生活有影響。

3) 擁抱不完美:沒有人生是完美的,不完美才讓生活變得有趣而有意義。

4) 活在當下並欣賞我們所擁有的東西,而不是不斷地渴求原本擁有的東西。

5) 自我接納至關重要:對生活的探索有助於意識、接納自己的狀況和缺點。

6) 快樂是主觀的:幸福不是一種通用的概念,帶給一個人快樂的東西對另一個人可能起不了作用。

7) 生命的相互連結:我們的生活會和別人的生活交織在一起,我們的行為會對周遭的人產生重大影響。

8) 堅韌性和探索不同的可能性最終幫助我們找到一條更充實的生活道路。

9) 生活就是成長︰我們要將生活視為成長和自我發現的旅程,而不是一系列正確或錯誤的選擇。

"The Midnight Library" by Matt Haig

Inspired by The Book Place, a Facebook Page

Translated with the help of Google and edited


Kinetic energy

K.E. = 1/2 m v2










Aimer「Ref:rain -3 nuis ver.-」


On a summer afternoon

We are under a single umbrella


I gently kissed your wet cheek

In that season

That flaming memory

Miss you

Outside the window

The scenery is fading away


I saw a rainbow

It seems like it will disappear soon

I hope it doesn't rain tomorrow.

I can't get anything done and my mind is wandering.

Nothing, but you're the part of me.

It's still not enough.

It can’t be gone away from the palms of our small hands.

What a good thing we lose?

What a bad thing we knew.

In the rain, I get soaked by such phrases.

It's just not enough.

I can't say it yet.

Goodbye from the dreams of the days I’ve counted

What a good thing we lose?

What a bad thing we knew.

Would I be able to laugh if I could stay without being touched?


Under the sky where white breath is soaring


In the strong wind

My hands are a little numb

Put them with my weakness into the pockets

Wherever I look, days have passed with memory

You're the part of me.

I want to touch you again.

It's just too dazzling.

I couldn't help but look away

from your kindness

I wanna sleep in your feel.

I wanna see you in the deep.

A poem with such phrases arranged

On that way home, rocking on the bus

Dreaming of a dream that will never come true.

I wanna sleep in your feel.

I wanna see you in the deep.

Still not used to these repeating seasons

What would I say if I am a little more mature?

It's still not enough.

It hasn't disappeared yet.

My immaturity shines from our folded hands.

What a good thing we lose?

What a bad thing we knew.

I'm soaked by such phrases in the rain.

It's just not enough.

I still can't say it.

Goodbye from the dreams of the days I've counted

What a good thing we lose?

What a bad thing we knew.

Would I be able to laugh if I could go on without being touched?

Reference: 愛在雨過天晴時 【https://home.gamer.com.tw
Translated with the help of Google and edited





In 2017 the Chinese government initiated a thorough crackdown on Uyghurs in Xinjiang. Citing a need for greater security, the Chinese government set up cameras, checkpoints, and constant police patrols in Uyghur-dominated areas. The most controversial governmental undertaking—which was met by protests from human rights organizations—was the indefinite detention of up to one million Uyghurs in “political training centers,” heavily fortified buildings that were likened to the reeducation camps of the Mao Zedong era. In August 2018 the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) called upon China to end the detention, but government officials denied the existence of the camps. In 2022 the OHCHR reiterated (重申) its position in a report that said that China’s detention of Uyghurs and other actions against Muslim-majority groups in Xinjiang may constitute crimes against humanity. China’s 131-page response to the OHCHR denied any human rights violations in the region.



Aimer - Haruka (遙か)

Your shadow scatters in the rain on the coastline

where memories interlace in the seaside town

You are still the same as you were that day,

still dreaming about it.

The distant memory in the sky shines a light on two of us.

Finding stars in the knee-deep shallow water.

It seems impossible for the starlight to reach your hands.

In a light sleep, waking up from a deep dream.

Running barefooted, chasing the dazzling stars.

You are still the same as you were that day.

What did you dream about?

The distant memory in the sky shines a light on two of us.

I want you to keep smiling like this forever.

Thousands of flower petals dance in the night sky.

Living every day with absurd promises

It seems impossible, words come from you.

Lyrics edited from Starlight Music, a YouTube channel



2. 並非所有衝突都值得戰鬥,有時撤退或選擇不同的道路具戰略意義。我們要將精力集中在合乎自己目標和價值的戰鬥上。

3. 經過深思熟慮的計劃對於成功至關重要。考慮所有可能的情況,預測對手的舉動,並根據需要調整你的策略,對不同形勢有兩手準備。

4. 強時表現弱,弱時表現強。透過掩蓋你的真實意圖和能力,讓對手大吃一驚並獲得戰略優勢。

5. 機會出現時迅速果斷地採取行動,不要猶豫或拖延。出其不意是強大的武器。自己偏偏工作效率較差,只能做到高準繩度,有待改善。

6. 無論是自然或比喻性的地形,了解所處環境帶給你顯著的優勢。利用地形優勢,利用對手的弱點,為自己創造機會。例如書店位於中產區,英文古典文學作品一定好賣。有一次世界閱讀日促銷,英文採購部分配大量英文古典文學書給門市。同事對我說盤點要退書,我保留這一批書籍。雖然每本書的零售價偏低,利潤不多,但至少不用退貨後再入貨。

7. 強而有力的領導者能夠激勵一個團隊。設定明確的目標讓內部團結。有效的領導對於是否成功有決定性的作用。

8. 戰爭無論是在資源或是人員生命方面都需要付出沉重代價,要盡可能快速有效地解決衝突。即使面對逆境,也要努力爭取和平與和解。自己與店長不和,源於自己的倔強,覺得任何事都離不開一個「理」字,卻不明白自己只是寄人籬下。

Sun Tzu's "The Art of War"
Inspired by Reading Life, a Facebook Page
Translated with the help of Google, modified and edited







1. 我們要真誠地傾聽他人的意見,並對他們的觀點表現出興趣,讓他們感到被重視和被傾聽。

2. 記得別人的名字很重要,這樣會令他人覺得被尊重,有助於建立真正的連結。

3. 我們要對別人表現出真正的興趣。透過提出深思熟慮的問題並積極參與對話,可以建立有意義的聯繫並培養正面的關係。

4. 不要批評或譴責他人。透過專注於理解和同理心,能有效地建立信任並解決衝突。

5. 我們要真誠地欣賞別人。承認他人貢獻很重要,可以創造一個積極和正面的環境。

6. 我們要換位思考並從他人的角度看待事情。了解他人的動機和需求有助於找到共同點並建立更牢固的關係。

7. 卡內基提供了建立融洽關係的策略。透過尋找共同利益、尊重他人意見、尋求雙贏解決方案,可以促進合作並帶來正面的結果。

8. 清晰簡潔的溝通、避免誤解、積極尋求回饋,可提升溝通技巧。

9. 我們要學懂得體地處理批評和衝突。冷靜應對,尋求共同點,專注於解決方案而不是糾纏於問題。

"How to Win Friends and Influence People" by Dale Carnegie

Inspired by The Book Place, a Facebook Page

Translated with the help of Google, modified and simplified


Yoasobi - Racing into the night

Just like I'm about to melt

Only the two of us at that night on the vast sky

It was only simple "goodbye"

But it was all I needed to understand.

The sinking sun, the rising night sky

overlaps with your figure behind the fence

Ever since the first day we met

You stole my heart

Like you were wrapped in fragile air

You had a lonely gaze

Again and again in the world always ringing with "tick-tocks"

Touching the heartless words and loud voices

even if tears are about to spill

if it were the two of us together

I'm sure mundane (世俗的) happiness could be found

In the troubling days, for the never-smiling you

I give my utmost love in hopes for the dazzling tomorrow

In the never ending night before we fall

come and take my hand

Even the days that you hid inside, wanting to forget

I'll melt with the warmth of my embraces

No need to be afraid, until dawn comes someday

Let's be together

I hate in you stare at the things only you can see

Like you're captivated (著迷) by it

Or you're in love

I hate that expression

The things I want to believe but I can't

No matter what I do

They'll repeatedly appear and every time I'll get angry and cry

Even so, some day we'll surely

We'll understand each other

I believe in it

"I don't want this, I'm tired of it"

I frantically (拼命地) reach for your hand

but you push my hands away

"I don't want this, I'm tired of it"

To tell the truth, I want to say that too

In the world ringing with "tick-tocks", again and again

none of the world I've prepared for you reached you

"I want to end it all"

When I went along and said that

Your smiled for the first time

In the troubling days I became unable to smile

The reflection of you in my eyes is truly beautiful

The overflowing tears on the never-ending night

all dissolved into your smile

In the never-changing days when I cried

You seduce (引誘) me with your tenderness towards the end

Just like I'm about to sink

Just like I'm about to melt

the staining fog dissipates (消散)

In the days that I hide inside, wanting to forget

I take your hand as you extend it towards me

It's like the cold breeze is swimming through the sky

blowing through us

Don't ever let go for my hand

The both of us, racing into the night


Aimer - End of All

Time slowly passes by eternity.

Our future is all filled with unknown.

Where are we heading? So confused

This our new beginning.

Can you feel the wheel of late moving forward?

Your world and mine intense gravity

Beyond what is out there across the sky

Our never-ending space and time.

Is this war? Is this fate?

Is this what we were destined to be?

No clarity, just serenity (安寧)

I bid you farewell forever.

It's so faraway, foreign sky, immortality

You became the perfect sacrifice

I will stay with you till the end of time.

To save you from the truth.

Please remember, only believe what I said to you.

See through your eyes

Tell me what did you see in the past

And in the future, Is there any end to this at all?

Show me the truth and end it all.

I'll find a way to end this all right new.

You'll find a way to approve of me.

But I'm sure you will crash me to the ground.

It's all over again.

Is this war? Is this fate?

Is this what we were destined to be?

No clarity, just serenity

I bid you farewell forever.

It's so faraway, foreign sky, immortality

You became the perfect sacrifice

I will stay with you till the end of time.

To save you from the truth.

Please remember, only believe what I said to you.

See through your eyes

I ask myself, will fate change for me?

Will we meet again?

How long do we have to wait to end?

Please live the life I never had.

Please live the life I never had.



1. 我們要理解、尊重自己與他人的任務之間的界線。辨別什麼在你的控制範圍內,什麼不在你的控制範圍內。不超越這些界限,能保持更健康的關係和個人理智。

2. 影響我們的不是過去的創傷本身,而是我們對創傷的詮釋。這種觀點使個人重新詮釋他們的過去和日常生活事情的意義,從而擺脫過去經驗的束縛。

3. 尋求他人的認可會導致生活的依賴和不快樂。被討厭的勇氣是在內部尋找自我價值,而不是透過外在認可。

4. 大多數個人問題的核心在於人際關係。了解、改善我們與他人的關係可以顯著改善我們的福祉。

5. 工作、社區和愛情是生活的三個基本要務。平衡這些任務並為他人的福祉作出貢獻是過著充實、幸福生活的關鍵。

6. 快樂的勇氣也意味著被討厭的勇氣:真正的快樂需要按照自己的原則生活,即使這意味著面對別人的批評或反對。接納不受歡迎的勇氣是個人自由和真實性的基礎。

7. 自我接納是接納他人的基礎。透過認識並接受自己的不完美,你可以對他人有同樣的理解和寬容,從而培養更好的關係。

8. 所有行為都有目的並以目標為導向。了解你行為的根本目標可以幫助你深入了解如何改變它。

9. 幸福最重要的來源之一是對社區的貢獻和歸屬感。這不一定意味著宏大的舉動,而是包括日常的小善舉。

"The Courage to Be Disliked" by Ichiro Kishimi and Fumitake Koga

Inspired by The Book Place, a Facebook Page

Translated with the help of Google and modified





1. 積極主動:對自己的行為和回應負責。減少對外部環境作出回應,而選擇主動出擊,專注於你可以控制和影響的事物。

2. 從最終目的開始:在行動之前界定你的目標和優先事項。預想你的長期目標,讓你的行動、價值觀和目標保持一致。

3. 把要事放在第一位:根據任務的重要性而不是緊迫性來決定任務的優先順序。專注於有助於實現長期目標的活動,避免分心於瑣事。

4. 雙贏思維:與他人的互動中尋求互惠互利。努力制定對所有相關方都有利的解決方案和協議,促進積極的關係和協作。

5. 先尋求理解,然後被理解:在表達自己的想法和意見之前,先以同理心傾聽。透過了解他人的觀點和擔憂,你可以更有效地溝通並建立信任。

6. 協同增效:積極接受人們的優勢和觀點的多樣性,以取得比單獨努力更大的成果。促進團隊合作,以發揮團隊的集體智慧和創造力。

7. 不斷投資於你的個人和職業發展。注意自己的身心健康,以保持生活各個方面的平衡和有效性。

"The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People" by Stephen R. Covey

Inspired by The Book Place, a Facebook page

Translated with the help of Google and modified