

Instinctive motivation

    渴望只是一個更深層根本動機的具體表現。 你的大腦並不是隨著吸煙、瀏覽 Instagram 或玩電子遊戲的慾望而進化的。 從深層來說,你只是想減少不確定性、緩解焦慮,希望贏得社會的接受和認可,或獲取地位。  

    A craving is just a specific manifestation of a deeper underlying motive. Your brain did not evolve with a desire to smoke cigarettes or to check Instagram or to play video games. At a deep level, you simply want to reduce uncertainty and relieve anxiety, to win social acceptance and approval, or to achieve status.

Clear, J. (2019). Atomic habits: An easy & proven way to build Good Habits & Break Bad Ones. Avery, an imprint of Penguin Random House.

