

Quarry Bay

relic: a survivor or remnant left after decay, disintegration, or disappearance

ridership: the number of persons who ride a system of public transportation

lingerie: linen articles or garments

fancy: of particular excellence or highest grade

gadgetry: an often small mechanical or electronic device with a practical use but often thought of as a novelty

intriguing: fascinating

bewilder: to perplex or confuse especially by a complexity, variety, or multitude of objects or considerations

sashay: to strut or move about in an ostentatious or conspicuous manner

lumbering: to move ponderously

ponderous: of very great weight

exotic: introduced from another country : not native to the place where found

renaissance: the transitional movement in Europe between medieval and modern times beginning in the 14th century in Italy, lasting into the 17th century, and marked by a humanistic revival of classical influence expressed in a flowering of the arts and literature and by the beginnings of modern science

rattling: extraordinarily good

