

Aimer - Everlasting Snow

It's just arrived


Tonight a miracle descended from the sky

落在了孤獨人的肩上停下來休息著 並說著

Rested its wings on my lonely shoulder, then whispered:

明天會更好 所以請別哭

"better not cry"

不論是誰 大家都快步離去

透著白色吐氣看過去的街道 總惹人憐愛

Something about the city I saw through my white sighs,

Where everyone's passing each other in a hurry, seems so lovely to me

結果 還是傷害了重要的人



I eventually hurt someone important to me,

The loneliness of not having somebody I treasure,

And my sad memories

Hugging gently


Everlasting snow

冬天的奇跡 今年也將街道染白

A winter miracle paints the town white again this year

名為祈禱的火燭 點亮在大家胸口中小小的燈

A candle called "prayer" lights a tiny flame in everyone's heart

It's just bright



五顏六色的街道上 響亮著鐘聲 承載著大家的思想

The sentiment lives on the bells that rang throughout the city,

Coloured as deeply as the fondness we all have for this season

明天會更好的 所以別嘟起嘴巴了

"Better not pout"

開心的夢境 會留下足跡

Our merry dreams leave footprints

配上紅色的緞帶 那肯定是願望的樣子

A red ribbon on top: that must be the form of wishes

然後 流逝而去不變的歲月

描繪著什麼而失敗哭泣的昨天 也令人回味


It gently cover me

As I think fondly of days and months gone by, unchanged

Yesterday, I fell over something I imagined and cried


The everlasting now 

仰望夜空 停止互相傷害

I look up at the night sky and stop time where we hurt one another

你不是一個人喔 有人在身旁 就會發生奇跡

Then, someone causes a tiny miracle besides me,

Saying, "You are not alone"

覆蓋住看習慣的景色 雪下著

It snows, covering the ho-hum scenery


在夜晚的街道上 戀人唱著歌 

Couples sing in the city at night

Wishing the whole world happiness

讓雪下吧 快樂的節日

Let it snow…Happy holiday!


Everlasting snow

冬天的奇跡 今天也將世界染白

A winter miracle paints the town white again this year

名為祈禱的火燭 點亮在大家胸口中小小的燈

A candle called a "prayer" lights a tiny flame in everyone's heart

