

Soul of animals


笛卡爾說,人是這個星球的所有人也是主宰,可動物卻只是個自動的機器,一架會動的機械,也就是拉丁文說的「machina animata」。動物哀鳴的時候,其實不是在叫痛,那不過是機械運轉不順所發出的雜聲音。馬車的輪子發出雜音,並不是因為馬車不舒服,只是因為輪子沒有上油而已。同理,我們也沒理由給動物的叫聲多作解釋,或是為那些在實驗室裡被人活活閞膛剖肚的狗兒哀嘆。


Man is master and proprietor, says Descartes, whereas the beast is merely an automaton, an animated machine, a machina animata. When an animal laments, it is not a lament; it is merely the rasp of a poorly functioning mechanism. When a wagon wheel grates, the wagon is not in pain; it simply needs oiling. Thus, we have no reason to grieve for a dog being carved up alive in the laboratory.

Hans, J. S. (1991). The Origins of the Gods. Suny Press.

proprietor: owner

automaton: robot

animated: alive

lament: to mourn aloud

wagon: a usually four-wheeled vehicle for transporting bulky commodities and drawn originally by animals

grate: to utter in a harsh voice


Kyoto is Born


courtier: one in attendance at a royal court

ascendancy: governing or controlling influence

de facto: actually

statehood: the condition of being a state

salvation: Christian Science : the realization of the supremacy of infinite Mind over all bringing with it the destruction of the illusion of sin, sickness, and death

rite: a prescribed form or manner governing the words or actions for a ceremony

pageant: an ostentatious display

ostentatious: attracting or seeking to attract attention, admiration, or envy often by gaudiness or obviousness : overly elaborate or conspicuous : characterized by, fond of, or evincing ostentation

courtly: politely

monumental: highly significant

commission: an authorization or command to act in a prescribed manner or to perform prescribed acts

gravitas: high seriousness

clergy: the official or sacerdotal class of a non-Christian religion

sacerdotal: of or relating to priests or a priesthood

inauspicious: unfortunate

fortress: a structure or place from which one can resist attack

embodiment: a visible representation of something abstract

Mother Theresa was often regarded as the embodiment of selfless devotion to others

geomancy: divination by means of figures or lines or geographic features

divination: the art or practice that seeks to foresee or foretell future events or discover hidden knowledge usually by the interpretation of omens or by the aid of supernatural powers

vogue: popular acceptation or favor

grid: a network of uniformly spaced horizontal and perpendicular lines (as for locating points on a map)

prototype: an original model on which something is patterned

willow: any of a genus (Salix of the family Salicaceae, the willow family) of trees and shrubs bearing catkins of apetalous flowers and including forms of value for wood, osiers, or tanbark and a few ornamentals

thoroughfare: a way or place for passage

allot: to assign as a share or portion

Quarry Bay

relic: a survivor or remnant left after decay, disintegration, or disappearance

ridership: the number of persons who ride a system of public transportation

lingerie: linen articles or garments

fancy: of particular excellence or highest grade

gadgetry: an often small mechanical or electronic device with a practical use but often thought of as a novelty

intriguing: fascinating

bewilder: to perplex or confuse especially by a complexity, variety, or multitude of objects or considerations

sashay: to strut or move about in an ostentatious or conspicuous manner

lumbering: to move ponderously

ponderous: of very great weight

exotic: introduced from another country : not native to the place where found

renaissance: the transitional movement in Europe between medieval and modern times beginning in the 14th century in Italy, lasting into the 17th century, and marked by a humanistic revival of classical influence expressed in a flowering of the arts and literature and by the beginnings of modern science

rattling: extraordinarily good








Grammar Unit 35

I'd better

(Wrong) I would better

(Correct) I had better

We use "had better" only for a specific situation.

If it's thing in general, use "should".

It's time they were here. Why are they so late?

(present, not past)


Aimer - Everlasting Snow

It's just arrived


Tonight a miracle descended from the sky

落在了孤獨人的肩上停下來休息著 並說著

Rested its wings on my lonely shoulder, then whispered:

明天會更好 所以請別哭

"better not cry"

不論是誰 大家都快步離去

透著白色吐氣看過去的街道 總惹人憐愛

Something about the city I saw through my white sighs,

Where everyone's passing each other in a hurry, seems so lovely to me

結果 還是傷害了重要的人



I eventually hurt someone important to me,

The loneliness of not having somebody I treasure,

And my sad memories

Hugging gently


Everlasting snow

冬天的奇跡 今年也將街道染白

A winter miracle paints the town white again this year

名為祈禱的火燭 點亮在大家胸口中小小的燈

A candle called "prayer" lights a tiny flame in everyone's heart

It's just bright



五顏六色的街道上 響亮著鐘聲 承載著大家的思想

The sentiment lives on the bells that rang throughout the city,

Coloured as deeply as the fondness we all have for this season

明天會更好的 所以別嘟起嘴巴了

"Better not pout"

開心的夢境 會留下足跡

Our merry dreams leave footprints

配上紅色的緞帶 那肯定是願望的樣子

A red ribbon on top: that must be the form of wishes

然後 流逝而去不變的歲月

描繪著什麼而失敗哭泣的昨天 也令人回味


It gently cover me

As I think fondly of days and months gone by, unchanged

Yesterday, I fell over something I imagined and cried


The everlasting now 

仰望夜空 停止互相傷害

I look up at the night sky and stop time where we hurt one another

你不是一個人喔 有人在身旁 就會發生奇跡

Then, someone causes a tiny miracle besides me,

Saying, "You are not alone"

覆蓋住看習慣的景色 雪下著

It snows, covering the ho-hum scenery


在夜晚的街道上 戀人唱著歌 

Couples sing in the city at night

Wishing the whole world happiness

讓雪下吧 快樂的節日

Let it snow…Happy holiday!


Everlasting snow

冬天的奇跡 今天也將世界染白

A winter miracle paints the town white again this year

名為祈禱的火燭 點亮在大家胸口中小小的燈

A candle called a "prayer" lights a tiny flame in everyone's heart


Vestibular apparatus of the inner ear involved in balance. The vestibular system consists of two structures of the bony labyrinth of the inner ear, the vestibule and the semicircular canals, and the structures of the membranous labyrinth contained within them.

The eyes determine our position relative to the horizon and use visual reference points to assess body position.

Rise of the Yamato Dynasty

Shogun: one of a line of military governors ruling Japan until the revolution of 1867–68

sect:  a dissenting or schismatic religious body

dissent: to differ in opinion

schism: division, separation

Neolithic: of or relating to the latest period of the Stone Age characterized by polished stone implements

nomad: a member of a people who have no fixed residence but move from place to place usually seasonally and within a well-defined territory

game changer: a newly introduced element or factor that changes an existing situation or activity in a significant way

coalesce: to unite into a whole

envoy: a minister plenipotentiary accredited to a foreign government who ranks between an ambassador and a minister resident

dispatch: to send off or away with promptness or speed



「食左佢,就等於替身體做了帶氧運動。」這是耳熟能詳的廣告對白。但是,如果帶氧運動有助健康,為何不花少少時間做運動?為何要花費金錢食補品去追求健康。在這裡,我不想太詳細談 Aerobic Exercise, Anaerobic Exercise, Aerobic Respiration, Anaerobic Respiration, Glucose, Adenosine triphosphate, Lactic Acid. 如果大家有興趣的話,可以去查一查Google. 簡單來說,帶氧運動,如跑步、游泳或踏單車,有助增強心肺功能。



Reported speech

The past simple can stay the same in reported speech, or you can change it to the past perfect.

Murphy, R. (2019) English Grammar in Use. Cambridge University Press.


concerned with the correction of faulty study habits and the raising of a pupil's general competence





















Online Course provided by Coursera

Information​ ​Systems Specialization

Offered by University of Minnesota



Chewing does not only crush food to aid swallowing and digestion; it also helps to relieve stress and regulate cognitive functions, including alertness and executive function.

Hirano, Y., & Onozuka, M. (2014). Chewing and cognitive function. [Abstract] Brain Nerve. 66(1), 25-32.


Entanglement is what Einstein referred to as "spooky action at a distance." It's a phenomenon by which one particle can effectively "know" something about another particle instantaneously, even if those two particles are separated by a great distance.


Entangle: to wrap or twist together

Spook: to make frightened or frantic

Frantic: marked by fast and nervous, disordered, or anxiety-driven activity







Carbonated water

Nutritionists agree that carbonated water (artificially carbonated or naturally sparkling water) is just as hydrating as regular water , however tap water has the added benefit of fluoride, which helps prevent tooth decay.


Characteristics of Big Data

Volume: The benefit gained from the ability to process large amounts of information is the main attraction of big data analytics. Having more data beats out having better models: simple bits of math can be unreasonably effective given large amounts of data. If you could run that forecast taking into account 300 factors rather than 6, could you predict demand better?

Speed: The importance of data is velocity — the increasing rate at which data flows into an organization — has followed a similar pattern to that of volume. Problems previously restricted to segments of industry are now presenting themselves in a much broader setting. In the past, specialized companies such as financial traders have long turned systems that cope with fast moving data to their advantage. Now, the Internet and mobile era means that the way we deliver and consume products and services is increasingly instrumented, generating a data flow back to the provider. Online retailers are able to compile large histories of customers' every click and interaction: not just the final sales. Those who are able to quickly utilize that information, by recommending additional purchases, for instance, gain competitive advantage.

Variety: Rarely does data present itself in a form perfectly ordered and ready for processing. A common theme in big data systems is that the source data is diverse, and doesn't fall into neat relational structures. It could be text from social networks, image data, a raw feed directly from a sensor source. None of these things come ready for integration into an application. Even on the web, where computer-to-computer communication ought to bring some guarantees, the reality of data is messy.

(Forbes, 2012)

A bit of: used to make a statement or description less forceful or definite

Compile: to build up gradually

Neat: precise, systematic



Asphalt, black or brown petroleum-like material that has a consistency varying from viscous liquid to glassy solid. It is obtained either as a residue from the distillation of petroleum or from natural deposits. Asphalt consists of compounds of hydrogen and carbon with minor proportions of nitrogen, sulfur, and oxygen. Natural asphalt is believed to be formed during an early stage in the breakdown of organic marine deposits into petroleum, characteristically contains minerals, while residual petroleum asphalt does not. 


glassy: dull

Asphalts are the varieties of naturally-occurring bitumen. Asphalts are also produced as a petroleum byproduct. Both substances are black and largely soluble in carbon disulphide. They are of variable consistency, ranging from highly viscous fluid to a solid. Asphalts occur with or without mineral matter.

Many types of asphalts occur as viscous impregnations in sand stones, silt-stones, and lime-stones. After treatment to remove water and volatile constituents, the asphalts are fused at 54–60 °C and contain about 83% carbon. Most of the asphalts are of marine origin and consist of the high-molecular weight compounds normally present in petroleum residue.


If someone or something impregnates a thing with a substance, they make the substance spread through it and stay in it.

Sandstone is made of sand-sized particles. Siltstone is made of smaller particles. Silt is smaller than sand but larger than clay.



Kitsch,中文一般翻譯為「媚俗」,是十九世紀出現的德文字,起初是用來評論藝術品的貶意詞,形容為迎合大眾口味、粗製濫造的藝術作品。後來米蘭昆德拉(Milan Kundera)擴闊其意,將它應用到政治、美好生活中。




Metaverse explained by Time Magazine

Whether in virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR) or simply on a screen, the promise of the metaverse is to allow a greater overlap of our digital and physical lives in wealth, socialization, productivity, shopping and entertainment. These two worlds are already interwoven, no headset required: Think about the Uber app telling you via location data how far away the car is. Think about how Netflix gauges what you’ve watched before to make suggestions. Think about how the LiDAR scanner on newer iPhones can take a 3D scan of your surroundings. At its core, the metaverse (also known to many as “web3”) is an evolution of our current Internet.

Virtual Reality (VR) is a computer-generated environment with scenes and objects that appear to be real, making the user feel they are immersed in their surroundings . This environment is perceived through a device known as a Virtual Reality headset or helmet.

Augmented reality (AR) is an enhanced version of the real physical world that is achieved through the use of digital visual elements, sound, or other sensory stimuli delivered via technology.

If someone or something shows promise, they seem likely to be very good or successful.

Gauge: estimate, judge

The LiDAR scanner, on the iPhone 12 and iPhone 13 series, measures how long it takes light to reflect back from objects . This essentially creates a depth map of your surroundings.

Implementations of blockchain technology

Decentralized finance is an emerging financial technology based on secure distributed ledgers similar to those used by cryptocurrencies. The system removes the control banks and institutions have on money, financial products, and financial services.

Non-fungible tokens are cryptographic assets on a blockchain with unique identification codes and metadata that distinguish them from each other. Unlike cryptocurrencies, they cannot be traded or exchanged at equivalency. This differs from fungible tokens like cryptocurrencies, which are identical to each other and, therefore, can serve as a medium for commercial transactions.

Using blockchain for identity management can allow individuals to have ownership of their identity by creating a global ID to serve multiple purposes. Blockchain offers a potential solution to the above challenges by allowing users a sense of security that no third party can share their PII without their consent.

Emerging: newly formed or prominent

Ledger: a digital record that is used similarly to an accounting ledger (as for maintaining a list of transactions)

Fungible: being something (such as money or a commodity) of such a nature that one part or quantity may be replaced by another equal part or quantity in paying a debt or settling an account

Commodity: an economic good

Asset: the entire property of a person, association, corporation, or estate applicable or subject to the payment of debts

Metadata: data that provides information about other data

PII: personally identifiable information







我道︰「教聯、教協證件沒有折扣,Teacher Net 證或學校訂書才有折扣。」


客人厲聲說︰「Teacher Net 由什麼機構發出,何等權威,怎樣申請?」


客人道︰「你們接受Teacher Net,為什麼當中由來也說不出來?」



我說︰「Customer service.」




IELTS is not a must

MSc Business Information Systems (MIS Stream)

City University of Hong Kong

The Management Information Systems Stream aims to train students in the core domains of business and cutting-edge information systems that underpin the contemporary information society, so that graduates can excel in careers with professional positions that require both advanced business knowledge and IT-enabled problem solving skills.

The MIS Stream is offered to applicants with a non-IT background and focuses on developing their competence in evaluating cutting-edge IT, coordinating IT-enabled business initiatives, and managing the operation of business information systems, so as to meet the business needs of organizations.

Cutting-edge: the most modern stage of development in a particular type of work or activity

Underpin: to give support, strength, or a basic structure to something

Contemporary: existing or happening now, and therefore seeming modern

Excel: to be extremely good at something

Applicants must hold a recognized Bachelor's degree in any subjects, preferably not in Information Systems or Computer Science related discipline, from one of the tertiary education institutions in Hong Kong funded by the UGC or equivalent.

Applicants whose entrance qualification is obtained from an institution where the medium of instruction is not English should obtain an overall band score of 6.5 in IELTS.



Python and JavaScript are concise and closer to human language. The main uses of Python are to create web apps, develop internal company tools, handle scientific analysis and make games.

IDP or British Council

Take IELTS Academic test if you want to study at either undergraduate or postgraduate level anywhere in the world.
























母親大人罕有煮夜宵。雖然食鴨舌頗為殘忍,但是送酒一流。近來喜歡飲無酒精低卡啤酒,弊,忘了回收鋁罐!忽然記起中五化學老師舉辦一次辯論,題目關於鋁罐的使用,詳細題目已經忘了。先不論採礦不合環保原則,因為與化學關係不大。Aluminium oxide 的 melting point 超過攝氏二千度,熔了它還要使用大量電力進行電解。所以,以鋁罐作器皿其實會花掉不少能源。飲完便丟棄,不循環再造就更加不環保,罪過罪過!



YATA 超市燒三文魚頭腮位清不淨,旁邊的魚雲腥臭到不得了。
