


袁教授︰「在一些已完成接種疫苗,甚至抗體水平高的無病徵患者,仍然能夠檢驗到有傳染力的活病毒。這項結果反映,即使接種者自身受到疫苗保護,變得無病徵或病徵輕微,但其仍存有傳染他人的能力,直言這批人或會造成隱形傳播。」(HK01, 2021)

Vaccines keep communities healthy rather than individual. Vaccines save millions of lives. Vaccine prepares the body’s natural defense which is known as an immune system to fight off the virus. When people are vaccinated against COVID-19 disease, the virus can’t transmit as easily from person to person, and the community is less likely to contract COVID-19 which is called community immunity. It means, the additional people are vaccinated, the lesser the chance of COVID-19 spread. High vaccination rates protect us as well as vulnerable population such as infants, old age people, pregnant women, first-line health workers and people of all ages with compromised immune systems, who are not fully vaccinated yet.

Pandey, A., Belbase, P., & Parajuli, A. (2020). COVID-19 Vaccine Development to Vaccination. Journal of Nepal Health Research Council, 18(4). https://doi.org/10.33314/jnhrc.v18i4.3351

