

Cheer Chen --- A Practice




用明天換走 失去的


Nana, nanana, nana
I miss you, miss you so bad
I don't forget you, oh it's so sad
I hope you can hear me, I remember it clearly
The day you slipped away
Was the day I found it won't be the same
Nana, nanana, nana
I didn't get around to kiss you, goodbye on the hand
I wish that I could see you again, I know that I can't
I hope you can hear me, 'cause I remember it clearly
The day you slipped away
Was the day I found it won't be the same
I've had my wake up, won't you wake up
I keep asking why?
And I can't take it it wasn't fake it
It happened you passed by
Now you're gone, now you're gone
There you go, there you go
Somewhere I


The atmosphere of obanzai restaurants is usually relaxed and welcoming --- and as well as seasonal vegetables, you can expect dishes such as miso soup, pickles, tofu and stews.

Lonely planet --- Kyoto

Destination after COVID-19




食物卡路里 (Input) 和運動所消耗的卡路里 (Output) 不需要相等。因為消化都需要能量,譬如身體要製造酵素 (Enzyme),又例如腸臟蠕動 (Peristalsis) 、逆向 Osmosis 能量少不免。另一方面,不是得到多少血糖 (Blood Glucose),經 Interstitial (細胞外) Fluid 再到細胞內就可以百分百用上,轉變成 ATP 的過程中一定有 Energy Loss. 打個比喻,一輛汽車入了電油,一定不會百分百轉化為動能,引擎肯定會有熱能消耗。

跟據一個台灣網站,一個六十公斤的成年人游泳四十五分鐘,只能消耗 270 卡路里。而一平碗白飯,大約有 220 卡路里。一個晚餐的餸菜,卡路里肯定多一個開。單看數字已經極不合理。

Image: https://www.telegraph.co.uk/


Calorie (大楷英文C) 的英文縮寫是 Cal, calorie (小楷英文c) 的英文縮寫是 cal。兩者的中文譯音都是「卡路里」,意思卻有所不同。Calorie是等於1 千個 calorie,由於1千 (1000) 這個數目可以用英文 kilo (縮寫 k) 來表達,因此1 Calorie 即是1 kcal。

1 Calorie (1 Cal) = 1000 calorie (1000cal) = 1 kilocalorie = 1kcal

1卡路里 = 1千卡

但中文名稱裡,沒有分「大楷卡路里」和「小楷卡路里」,我們一般所講1個卡路里,意思其實是1個 Calorie,即1個千卡。

1 kilocalorie (kcal) = 4.184 kilojoule (kJ)



The specific heat capacity of water is 4,200 Joules per kilogram per degree Celsius (J/kg°C). This means that it takes 4,200 J to raise the temperature of 1 kg of water by 1°C.



Commercial Christmas
















Stroke Warning S/S

Face drooping

Arm weakness

Speech difficulty

Time to call

I'm with you

Isn't anyone trying to find me?

Won't somebody come take me home?

It's a damn cold night

Trying to figure out this life

Won't you take me by the hand?

Take me somewhere new

I don't know who you are

But I... I'm with you

I'm with you

NGE 2021

Evangelion: 3.0+1.0 Thrice Upon a Time (2021) | Official Trailer







機師去三色台欲變 celebrity



Medical Waste






話說回頭,我曾申請報讀理工大學職業治療,但人家連面試機會都不給予,相信是因為我的中文成績。曾經歷高級程度會考的小弟,考DSE一定不會輸給現在這一輩。不過,我要用二年時間 Full Time 準備,加上讀大學,這個計劃的經費是天文數字。這個夢的出現大概是因為我心有不甘。雖說書店的工作不是甚麼低下的職業,但我志不在此,也不是專長所在。人生,有很多東西想得到,但需要有很大的決心,還有許多客觀條件箝制。不上班去上學,孤注一擲,職業治療師的執照也不是可以輕易考取。安於現狀,其實也是一個選擇。





鳥何萃兮蘋中   罾何爲兮木上

沅有茝兮醴有蘭   思公子兮未敢言






外傭休假如果不留在雇主家中,可以到哪裡?她們離鄉背井,公眾假期與同鄉聚會本是人權,但是武漢肺炎大流行下,人人自危。疫苗不遠了,為何不可忍耐一下?百思不得其解。雇主或其他香港人是否可以做一個榜樣,冬至、耶誕、新年避免聚會呢?難道疫症殺到你住的那棟大廈才懂得驚驚青青?Panic 是不需要,至少要謹慎。





(Source: HKU School of Nursing's Facebook Page)








「氫 (Hydrogen) 以為體,氦(Helium)以為魄。」

Energy = mass times c square

Nuclear fusion (原子核融合)


Nuclear binding energy 越高代表核心越穩定,意味分拆該核心要很大能量。






Rt tends to 1

Effective reproduction number at time (Rt) is the average number of secondary cases per one case at any given time. This number will vary as the outbreak progresses, and indicates real-time transmissibility. Effective control measures and behavioral changes, such as quarantine (檢疫隔離) enforcement, usage of face masks, travel restrictions, class suspensions, and social distancing, are all factors that may affect the Rt of a virus.

Rt = 1
Each infected patient will go on to infect one other person. Statistically, this would mean that one new infected patient will replace another who had recovered or passed away from the disease. This also suggests that the outbreak is stabilizing, with no changes in number of infected people over time.

something about music



The Midnight Duel

duel:  a combat between two persons

groan: to utter a deep moan indicative of pain, grief, or annoyance

boastful: expressing excessive self-pride

hang-glider: a kitelike glider from which a harnessed rider hangs while gliding down from a cliff or hill

prod: to thrust a pointed instrument into

gloat: to observe or think about something with triumphant and often malicious satisfaction, gratification, or delight

triumphant: rejoicing for or celebrating victory

malicious: having or showing a desire to cause harm to someone

snatch: to attempt to seize something suddenly

scowl: to exhibit a threatening aspect

breeze: a light gentle wind

sway: to swing slowly and rhythmically back and forth from a base or pivot

hawk: any of numerous diurnal birds of prey belonging to a suborder (Falcones of the order Falconiformes) and including all the smaller members of this group

diurnal: biology : active chiefly in the daytime

twig: a small shoot or branch usually without its leaves

quaver: a tremulous sound

delighted: highly pleased

cork: a usually cork stopper for a bottle or jug

gasp: to catch the breath convulsively and audibly

wham: the loud sound of a hard impact

clutch: to grasp or hold with or as if with the hand or claws usually strongly, tightly, or suddenly

hobble: to move along unsteadily or with difficulty

dart: to throw with a sudden movement

glitter: to shine by reflection with many small flashes of brilliant light

nasty: disgustingly filthy

filth: foul or putrid matter

leap: to spring free from or as if from the ground

hover: to hang fluttering in the air or on the wing

soar: to fly aloft or about

aloft: at or to a great height

whoop: to utter a whoop in expression of eagerness, enthusiasm, or enjoyment

stun: to overcome especially with paralyzing astonishment or disbelief

sneer: to smile or laugh with facial contortions that express scorn or contempt

javelin: a slender usually metal shaft at least 260 centimeters long that is thrown for distance in an athletic field event

mingle: to bring or mix together or with something else usually without fundamental loss of identity

numb: unable to feel anything in a particular part of your body especially as a result of cold or anesthesia

stride: to move with or as if with long steps

wrench: to move with a violent twist

trot: to proceed briskly

miserable: being in a pitiable state of distress or unhappiness

bewildered: deeply or utterly confused or perplexed

perplexed: filled with uncertainty

burly: strongly and heavily built

clang: to make a loud metallic ringing sound

curse: to use profanely insolent language against

insolent: insultingly contemptuous in speech or conduct

slam: to shut forcibly and noisily

puzzlement: the state of being puzzled

crisp: notably sharp, clean-cut, and clear

peer: to look narrowly or curiously

stern: having a definite hardness or severity of nature or manner

reckon: consider

flank: to be situated at the side of

knuckle: the rounded prominence formed by the ends of the two adjacent bones at a joint —used especially of those at the joints of the fingers

scowl: to contract the brow in an expression of displeasure

overhear: to hear without the speaker's knowledge or intention

dodge: to move to and fro or from place to place usually in an irregular course

loom: to come into sight in enlarged or distorted and indistinct form often as a result of atmospheric conditions

creep: to move along with the body prone and close to the ground

ember: a glowing fragment (as of coal) from a fire

frown: to contract the brow in displeasure or concentration

hiss: to make a sharp sibilant sound

shrill: having or emitting a sharp high-pitched tone or sound

snuffle: to breathe through an obstructed nose with a sniffing sound

squint: of an eye : looking or tending to look obliquely or askance

snout: a long projecting nose (as of a swine)

mend: to put into good shape or working order again

flit: to pass quickly or abruptly from one place or condition to another

wink: to gleam or flash intermittently

chicken out: to decide not to do something because one is afraid

sniff: to inhale through the nose especially for smelling

lurk: to lie in wait in a place of concealment especially for an evil purpose

scurry: to move in or as if in a brisk pace

petrify: to make rigid or inert like stone

squeak: to utter or make a short shrill cry or noise

sprint: to run or go at top speed especially for a short distance

doorpost: an upright piece forming the side of a door opening

gallop: to run fast

tapestry: a heavy handwoven reversible textile used for hangings, curtains, and upholstery and characterized by complicated pictorial designs

pant: to breathe quickly, spasmodically, or in a labored manner

stitch: a local sharp and sudden pain especially in the side

rattle: to make a rapid succession of short sharp noises

cackle: to laugh especially in a harsh or sharp manner

bellow: to shout in a deep voice

duck: to lower the head or body suddenly

slam: to propel, thrust, or produce by or as if by striking hard

shan't: shall not

whoosh: a swift or explosive rush

swift: moving or capable of moving with great speed

rage: violent and uncontrolled anger

tug: to pull hard

quiver: to shake or move with a slight trembling motion

drool: to secrete saliva in anticipation of food

fang: a long sharp tooth

thunderous: making or accompanied by a noise like thunder

grope: to feel about blindly or uncertainly in search

trapdoor: a lifting or sliding door covering an opening (as in a roof, ceiling, or floor)







When I wake up in the middle of a dream, even when I close my eyes again, I can't go back to it. The world that was so clear in previous moment is now a phantom.

I'm running out of energy for this losing battle. If I forgot the days when I burned with love for you, I wouldn't be me. Tell me the right way to say goodbye.

My memories have suddenly seized me roughly and won't let go. I love you, still, deeply. A midsummer shower that won't stop falling.

In the never-ending, never-ending rain.


Definition of Epidemiology

流行病學常與抗擊流行病的意念聯繫得太頻繁和太緊密:epi(上),demo(人)和 logos(要研究),實際上它包含了更廣泛的概念。

流行病學是對人類健康狀況或事件的分佈和決定因素之研究,並將其應用於控制健康問題。 流行病學的核心是使用量化方式研究人群中的疾病和危險因素。

Epidemiology is still too often and too closely associated with the idea of fighting epidemics: epi (upon), demos (the people), and logos (to study), it actually incorporates (納入) much wider concepts.

It is the study of the distribution and determinants of health-related states or events in human populations and the application of this study to the control of health problems. The core of epidemiology is the use of quantitative methods to study disease and risk factors in human populations.

Carr, S., Unwin, N. & Pless-Mulloli, T. (2nd Ed.) (2007). An introduction to public health and epidemiology. England: McGraw-Hill.

RTHK Report

 "I think often of persecuted (迫害) peoples: the Rohingya (羅興亞人), the poor Uighurs (維吾爾人), the Yazidi (雅茲迪人)"
