

Use of tear gas for crowd control in HK

公共衛生方面,我們明顯看到沒有政府主導的去污工作,也缺乏應對催淚煙副作用的官方健康保護指引和自助建議。在香港炎熱潮濕的亞熱帶環境中,催淚煙在密閉空間(如繁忙的火車站和商業購物中心附近)的使用會長時間讓人暴露於高濃度的催淚氣體中。 催淚氣也在高密度的居民區和許多老人居住的社區使用。 受影響的社區和場所的市民必須自尋潔淨環境方法。(板主言︰靠政府,香得早!)

One of the main public health controversies is the apparent absence of government-led decontamination efforts and the absence of official guidelines and self-help advice on health protection against the side-effects of tear gas. In the hot and humid subtropical environment of Hong Kong, tear gas deployment in enclosed spaces such as busy railway stations and near commercial shopping centers can expose people to high concentrations of tear gas for a prolonged amount of time. Tear gas has also been deployed in high-density residential areas and communities with many elderly people. Affected communities and premises (場地) have to find their own way of decontaminating their surroundings.

Chan, Y. Y. & Hung, K. C. (2019). Use of tear gas for crowd control in Hong Kong. The Lancet. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0140-6736(19)32326-8

