

Message from Xiang Zhang

Dear Students, Staff and Alumni,

In the past few months, like many of you, I have been deeply distressed (痛苦的) about the escalating conflicts and violence in the social protests in Hong Kong. Everyone loves this city dearly, yet I recognize that there are strongly diverse views on its development and future. 

I reiterate that I am against any form of violence by any party. We urgently need exchange of views in a peaceful and rational manner and HKU must be able to serve this purpose. Most important of all, I care about the safety and well-being of our students and it is our moral obligation (責任) and pastoral (教導的) care role to understand and help them. 

The Senior Management Team (SMT) and I have been meeting with students involved in the unrest (動亂), and in some cases we have contacted their families, to attend to their needs and concerns. The Student Support Team that I established in July and CEDARS provide urgent support, ensuring students have access to legal advice, counselling and other necessary services. Our Faculty Deans, Hall Wardens (學監), College Masters and teachers have also reached out to students and stayed engaged with them. 

Furthermore, we have explained to the campus community our principles and practice regarding police entry onto University property. (link

The SMT and I believe that ongoing engagement with students is very important. We have held discussions with students at various occasions in different manners and will continue to do so. 

Professor Xiang Zhang
President and Vice-Chancellor

