


榕樹 (細葉榕)
Chinese Banyan

常葉大喬木,高 12-25 米。全株具乳汁。

葉 (Leaf)
革質,4-8 x 3-4 cm

榕果 (Fig)
成對或單生於葉腋,無柄,成熟時黃或微紅色,直徑 0.6-0.8 cm

Features for identification

  • 樹冠廣闊,氣根眾多
  • 葉先端鈍尖,全緣,具基出三脈 (basal veins 3),側脈 3-10 對,葉面深綠色,葉底淺綠色,網脈明顯
  • 榕果成熟時紅色 (不是微紅?),基部具苞片三枚
  • 榕樹生長在石牆上成為「石牆樹」
ISBN: 978-988-120-2130

food rationing

The most urgent and serious problem was the serious food shortage. By early spring 1942, many people had died after weeks of starvation. The whole population had to rely on a system of food rationing at the rate of 7.5 ounces of rice for each person daily. All other means of food such as fruit and vegetables were either in short supply or just not available.

Chan, S.J. (2014). East River Column -- Hong Kong Guerrillas in the Second World War and After. Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press.


Message from Xiang Zhang

Dear Students, Staff and Alumni,

In the past few months, like many of you, I have been deeply distressed (痛苦的) about the escalating conflicts and violence in the social protests in Hong Kong. Everyone loves this city dearly, yet I recognize that there are strongly diverse views on its development and future. 

I reiterate that I am against any form of violence by any party. We urgently need exchange of views in a peaceful and rational manner and HKU must be able to serve this purpose. Most important of all, I care about the safety and well-being of our students and it is our moral obligation (責任) and pastoral (教導的) care role to understand and help them. 

The Senior Management Team (SMT) and I have been meeting with students involved in the unrest (動亂), and in some cases we have contacted their families, to attend to their needs and concerns. The Student Support Team that I established in July and CEDARS provide urgent support, ensuring students have access to legal advice, counselling and other necessary services. Our Faculty Deans, Hall Wardens (學監), College Masters and teachers have also reached out to students and stayed engaged with them. 

Furthermore, we have explained to the campus community our principles and practice regarding police entry onto University property. (link

The SMT and I believe that ongoing engagement with students is very important. We have held discussions with students at various occasions in different manners and will continue to do so. 

Professor Xiang Zhang
President and Vice-Chancellor



曾經至少兩次走出鬱躁 (Manic Depressive Disorder) 的深谷。到今天的香港,同路人越來越多。要避免繼續沉淪下去,請容許我提出四大要點︰

  1. 情緒問題剛開始時接受臨床心理學家的認知行為治療 (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy)。當年讀書時期是免費,雖然現時輪候情況不太清楚,但相信校方有足夠的資源。一般來說是保密的,違法行為除外。除此之外,友人是表達性藝術治療師 (Expressive Art Therapist),治療不一定限於繪畫、參與戲劇,音樂亦是重中之重。
  2. 如果問題到了嚴重階段,我們要考慮向家庭醫生求助,再問醫生要否轉介。到了今時今日,香港人仍是將精神病污名化 (Stigmatization),歧視依舊存在。反送中初期,十個香港人便有一個是抑鬱症患者 (HKUMed report, 2019)。 此等疾病會讓人有自殺傾向,治療刻不容緩。
  3. 個人認為,家人、朋友的支持有時甚至比藥物、專業治療更為重要。此處不是要表達不用治療,而是需要雙管齊下。沒有家人的支持,要走出深谷比登天更難。幸好地,我生長在一個幸福的家庭,真心朋友不多但精。此動亂時勢,我們稱同行的人為手足,香港人要撐香港人,希望有相類作用。
  4. 最後一點,是最難理解的一點,而且仍有待更多科學驗證。我們應該多吃洗淨表面的蔬果 (洗生果詳情看袁國勇教授的 You Tube 片) 及儘量避免使用抗生素,例如單純病毒感染根本不需要服用抗生素。益菌死,惡菌生。
Clostridium difficile is the particularly nasty (惡意) bacterium which can cause an awful, life-threatening infection...No doubt, a good diet and the avoidance of unnecessary antibiotics are fundamental to maintaining a healthy microbiota...Tablets and drinks containing probiotics are available in the shops. Adverts declaring amazing results filled medical journals and newspapers...The benefits of prebiotics, whether isolated or in their original delicious packaging (particularly onions, garlic, leeks [韭蔥], asparagus [蘆筍] and bananas, to name a few), might be more wide-ranging than those of probiotics

In fact, gastrointestinal symptoms are surprisingly common in people with mental health and neurological conditions...Diarrhea is often a side effect of antibiotics...Sudo and Chida designed a simple experiment, using mice, that looked at whether the gut microbiota affected the brain's response to stress...in the germ-free (in the gut) mice the (stress) hormone concentrations were twice as high...Many microbes were (soon) linked to mental illness, but it is the Toxoplasma parasite that has proved to be the most compelling suspect for many conditions...

Collen, A. (2015) 10% Human: How Your Body's Microbes Hold the Key to Health and Happiness. London: William Collins.


The guerrillas were successful in launching their minyun, i.e. propaganda, logistics, and hearts and minds work combined. In Sai Kung, for example, they staged plays with songs and dances. The contents of such performances did not stress Communist ideology but patriotism...All in all, they won the support of the local people not by coercion but through soft "heart and mind" indoctrination (灌輸).

Chan, S.J. (2014). East River Column -- Hong Kong Guerrillas in the Second World War and After. Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press.




By Luk Chi Cheong

Big data or artificial intelligence?

在 Notebook 看過的 You Tube 串流影片,手機上的 Chrome 有相關的網路介紹。
於 Gmail 打電郵,type 一個字,後面不時有建議用字。


有一天,有位旅客用信用卡簽賬。信用卡機顯示交易不接受,沒出紙。同一時間,客人收到銀行短訊,表示交易已經完成。客人要求取單據和攜同貨品離去。我再次表明交易尚未完成,並請她聯絡銀行。她身在外地,有機會不能輕易聯絡當地的銀行。所以,我請求同事協助處理。他首先重印上一張收據,向客人證明交易沒有成功。第二步,他解釋給客人聽,需要拍攝客人手機上的短訊,以作根據,再藉以聯絡本公司的會計部。客人一開始覺得短訊內有個人資料,不太願意給人截圖,但最終都合作。第二次用同一張卡簽賬成功,客人便說︰「明顯地我簽賬了兩次。」事緣到了我的午飯時間,所以請同事代為處理。但是,我猜想我們可以能夠做的只有請求客人留意銀行 statement、給客人公司電郵以及聯絡會計部。

Gin Drinkers' Line


Image: hku.hk/press/news_detail_6681.html



The government has dismissed a letter posted in The Lancet medical journal that critizised the Hong Kong police's use of tear gas and the lack of monitoring and protective measures in areas where it has been used.

The letter from a group of Chinese University scholars questioned whether tear gas should be used in densely-populated areas and criticized a lack of government efforts to provide health protection and cleaning up guidelines to the public.

But Health Secretary Sophia Chan rejected this criticism and said the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department (FEHD) had issued guidelines for workers who clean up streets where tear gas has been used.

She said the FEHD has made available to outsourced workers these guidelines and provided them with information on what kind of safety gear they should use when doing such work.

Chan didn't mention any advice or assistance for members of the public who had been affected by tear gas.

The minister also denied the government's anti-mask law contradicts public health advice in preventing the spread of germs.

"The most important thing obviously is to take vaccination for prevention. Whether people wearing masks for preventive measures will be arrested, we are not sure," she said.

The secretary said the new law does not, in principle, contradict public health measures.

Use of tear gas for crowd control in HK

公共衛生方面,我們明顯看到沒有政府主導的去污工作,也缺乏應對催淚煙副作用的官方健康保護指引和自助建議。在香港炎熱潮濕的亞熱帶環境中,催淚煙在密閉空間(如繁忙的火車站和商業購物中心附近)的使用會長時間讓人暴露於高濃度的催淚氣體中。 催淚氣也在高密度的居民區和許多老人居住的社區使用。 受影響的社區和場所的市民必須自尋潔淨環境方法。(板主言︰靠政府,香得早!)

One of the main public health controversies is the apparent absence of government-led decontamination efforts and the absence of official guidelines and self-help advice on health protection against the side-effects of tear gas. In the hot and humid subtropical environment of Hong Kong, tear gas deployment in enclosed spaces such as busy railway stations and near commercial shopping centers can expose people to high concentrations of tear gas for a prolonged amount of time. Tear gas has also been deployed in high-density residential areas and communities with many elderly people. Affected communities and premises (場地) have to find their own way of decontaminating their surroundings.

Chan, Y. Y. & Hung, K. C. (2019). Use of tear gas for crowd control in Hong Kong. The Lancet. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0140-6736(19)32326-8








by another means of surgery

Vaginal hysterectomy is a surgical procedure to remove the uterus through the vagina.



a surgical procedure in which a fiber-optic instrument is inserted through the abdominal wall to view the organs in the abdomen or permit small-scale surgery.








Message from Zhou Enlai

The present overall situation throughout the country is a situation of stalling (拖延) and stalemate (僵局) on the part of the KMT Government. They still maintain the facade (表面) of engaging in anti-Japanese activities. But concurrently, they are more active in pursuing (從事) anti-communist activities. The possibility of KMT units surrendering to Japanese units in isolated locations cannot be ruled out (把...排除在外). We must maintain our anti-Japanese guerrilla [gəˋrilə] campaign bravely and should not be afraid of armed conflict. Only through such a move can we survive and develop further. Units commanded by Zeng Sheng (曾生) and Wang Zuorao should return to the Dongguan (東莞), Bao'an (寶安) and Huizhou (惠州) areas. With such favorable political conditions and the support from the local populace (民眾), you should find a way to operate in the areas between the Japanese occupied territory and that controlled by the KMT. But do not stay in an area for too long. If you resort to total avoidance of armed conflict with the enemies and hide in the hinterland (偏僻地區), it is not only a wrong political move, but it is also doomed to fail militarily. In such an event, the KMT forces will eliminate you under the pretext (藉口) that your are but local bandits (土匪). If you move to the Chaozhou (潮州) and Meixian (梅縣) areas, you are leaving your base of support.

Chan, S.J. (2014). East River Column -- Hong Kong Guerrillas in the Second World War and After. Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press.










Hibernated bacteria under permafrost


ingredients of scrambled egg

2 large free range eggs
6 tbsp single cream or full cream milk
a knob of butter


tbsp: tablespoon
knob: 小塊

Cream is categorized according to its milk fat content and comes in two forms – pure and treated. Both must contain no less than 35% milk fat.


Eggs: you may like them sunny side up or over easy, but it's safer to eat eggs that are cooked well. Today some unbroken, clean, fresh shell eggs may contain Salmonella bacteria that can cause food-borne illness. To be safe, eggs must be properly handled, refrigerated and cooked.





於紛亂的社會,不論是什麼陣營,都在網上發出不同資訊。引用一位懷疑臥底警員的言論︰「你是記者來的,用下你的專業知識。不是來問我呀?自己衡量下。」在互聯網資訊爆炸的環境,有哪一種專業能在短時間內明辨是非?有圖有真相,但圖片可以改。影片更可信? TVB 剪片技術一流,重點放在哪裡都可以。無線做到,其他人做不到?沒可能。尤其在仇恨充斥的當下,人們有了前設,看到一個角度就信,沒有用心細細分析、客觀了解,直接下定論。容我舉一個例子,有人戲言投擲汽油彈全是臥底所為,他們當然知道部分燃燒彈是由示威者投擲。與此同時,藍絲深信社會上的破壞全由黑衣人做的,同樣是未經證實的觀點。


In fact in many instances, it was difficult to differentiate between the bandits (土匪) and the KMT soldiers, as many bandits were given military rank and recognition by local KMT generals. This combined group of KMT soldiers and bandits was given the disparaging (輕蔑的) nickname of he he ji (呵呵雞),that is chickens afflicted (suffered from) with parasites, by the people and the Communist-led guerrillas.

Chan, S.J. (2014). East River Column -- Hong Kong Guerrillas in the Second World War and After. Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press.


the Huiyang Bao'an People's Anti-Japanese Guerrillas and
the Dongguan Model Able-bodied Young Men Guerrilla Team

turned into "the Hong Kong and Kowloon Independent Brigade"



Alpha blocker

Doxazosin (Cardura)
Terazosin (Hytrin)
Prazosin (Minipress)

Action: lower peripheral resistance, block alpha-receptor in bladder neck, prostate (mild to moderate hypertension, benign prostatic hyperplasia)

Side effects: Frequent urine, orthostatic hypertension, pruritis, vertigo



Smart Tips on Better Cholesterol Control and Healthy Heart

Limit animal’s internal organs including fish head.


But how about salmon head?

Does salmon head contain low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol?












(i) 指人的氣概、品格。


Who can make students angry?

On 18 September 1936, some secondary school students joined hands (聯合行動) and formed an organization called the "Hong Kong Resist Japan and Save the Nation Society" in secret, after having observed a National Humiliation (恥辱) Day commemoration (紀念) ceremony at the Lap Tak School.

Chan, S.J. (2014). East River Column -- Hong Kong Guerrillas in the Second World War and After. Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press.


羅漢松 Buddhist Pine

Evergreen tree, up to 15m tall

樹幹 Trunk
Bark with longitudinal cracks or peeling off in flakes

葉 Leaf
革質 (Leathery),7-12 x 0.7-1 cm

雄球花長 (Male cones) 3-5 cm
Female cones axillary, solitary

Seeds about 1 cm in diameter, arils purple black when ripe, covered with a whitish coating

Features for identification
Leaves spirally arranged on the upper part of branchlets, slightly revolute (反捲), dark green and glossy (光澤) on the leaves, grey green beneath the leaves, midveins raised on both sides
Upper part with spherical seeds, lower part with short column-shaped fleshy receptacle, red or purplish red, looking like a 羅漢 wearing a 袈裟 on the whole

ISBN: 978-988-120-2130


annual leave

粵音 II



Xing Zhong Hui

the Hsing Chung Hui

the Revive China Society

the Society for Regenerating China

the Proper China Society


There was a mobile and roving (流竄的) song and dance troupe (劇團) that went from county (縣) to county in the unoccupied areas in the Pearl River Delta in south Guangdong, to spread the Anti-Japan and Save the Nation propaganda (宣傳鼓動) message.

Chan, S.J. (2014). East River Column -- Hong Kong Guerrillas in the Second World War and After. Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press.







On 18 September 1931, the Japanese army blew up the tracks of a Japanese-owned railway in south Manchuria. The explosion failed to derail (使…脫軌) an express train, so the Japanese killed the Chinese railway guards and fabricated a story that the Chinese had sabotaged (蓄意破壞) the railway.

Chan, S.J. (2014). East River Column -- Hong Kong Guerrillas in the Second World War and After. Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press.






No matter how high the pressure is, the capacity does not change.

When one side is under pressure, water moves into all other directions.
Water never surrender even if enemies come from all sides.

Image: notesgate.com
