


...We now know that the appendix, once widely assumed to be a pointless vestige (殘留部分) of our evolutionary past, is actually a microbial safe-house, providing an education for the body's immune system...rich microbial community in appendix would protect it from invading pathogens...

...The appendix is thought to have some immune function based on its association with substantial lymphatic tissue, although the specific nature of that putative (想像的) function is unknown...

Bollinger, R. R., & Barbas, A. S. (2007). Biofilms in the large bowel suggest an apparent function of the human vermiform appendix. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 249(4). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jtbi.2007.08.032

...Just as the decoding of the human genome heralded (預示…的來臨) a new era of biology, the recognition of the microbiota as a hidden organ has begun a new era in medicine...

...It's not only animal products that are affected by antibiotic use, as drug-laced manure (肥料) can legally be used to fertilize even organic vegetable crops...

...Antibiotics are life-saving drugs, and in many, many situations their benefits outweigh their risks...Doctors are not the only ones who must take responsibility for overuse of antibiotics...With less than ten minutes to listen to a history, make a diagnosis, advise a worried patient and prescribe a suitable drug, a doctor will often give a pushy patient what they want simply so as to able to move on to their next, equally important, ten-minute appointment...

There is more good news when it comes to child-rearing (撫養). We can relax about "germs". Most microbes babies encounter in their daily lives will do them no harm. In fact, they will contribute to a diverse microbiota and help to educate the immune system. Using anti-bacterial sprays and wipes probably does more harm than good.

Collen, A. (2015) 10% Human: How Your Body's Microbes Hold the Key to Health and Happiness. London: William Collins.

