


Power on the Automated External Defibrillator (AED).
Some devices will "power on" automatically when you open the case.

Attach AED pads to the victim's bare chest.
Choose adult pads for victims 8 years of age and older.
Peel the backing away from the AED pads.
Attach one AED pad on the victim's upper-right chest (directly below the collarbone).
Place another pad to the side of the left nipple, with the top edge of the pad a few inches below the armpit.
Attach the AED connecting cables to the AED box (some are pre-connected).

Image: https://www.teamgrassroots.co.uk

"Clear" the victim and analyse the ryhthm.
If the AED prompts you, clear the victim during analysis. Be sure no one is touching the victim.
Some AEDs will tell you to push a button to allow the AED to begin analyzing.

If the AED advises a shock, it will tell you to clear the victim.

If no shock is needed, and after any shock delivery, immediately resume CPR, starting with chest compressions.

For victims younger than 8 years old of age,
use child pads if available.
If you do not have child pads, you may use adult pads. Place the pads so that they do not touch each other.
If the AED has a key or switch that will deliver a child shock dose, turn the key or switch.

Hazinski, M. F., (2011). BLS for Healthcare Providers Student Manual. United States of America: American Heart Association.

