


1997年4月,回歸籌備委員會的法律小組宣布了兩項新的移交香港特區法令。一項要求示威須獲得警方批准;另一項要求本地團體,如果與外國組織聯繫須獲得許可。 這些措施被廣泛視為北京試圖限制香港的自由。

In April 1997, the legal subgroup of the Preparatory Committee announced two new post-handover HKSAR ordinances, one requiring demonstrations to have police approval, another requiring local groups to obtain permission for associating with foreign organizations. These measures were widely seen as Beijing's attempts to limit Hong Kong's freedoms.

In 1992, the U.S. Congress enacted (頒布) the United States-Hong Kong Policy Act, which stipulates (規定) that the United States would continue to treat Hong Kong as a separate territory after 1997 as long as the president considers Hong Kong "sufficiently autonomous".

Carroll, J.M. (2007). A Concise History of Hong Kong. Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press.

