

Sit up straight in the chair: back approach

First, cross her arms in front of the chest
The carer should extend her arms under the elder's armpits
and hold her forearms gently
Do not grab too forcefully or it might cause injury
Note that both the elder and the carer should lean their bodies slightly forward
The carer supports the shoulders of the elder from underneath with her forearm
Do not press on her chest or pull her forearms
Never pull backwards in a jerky manner
or it may cause injury to the elder and yourself
The carer should keep her back straight and
put one leg forward to stand with knee bent at wide base
If the elder can cooperate, the carer should give command
Support her with your forearms and help her to sit up straight in the chair
The elder does not need to stand up completely
She only needs to lift her buttocks slightly off the seat
Get into position with the forearms as support
the carer can straighten her back
tighten up the abdomen and bend the knees
Remember to propel with the lower limbs
As long as you extend the lower limbs slowly
you can easily help the elder to sit up straight against the backrest

(source: Department of Health)

