

From bed to chair: front approach

The first case is an elder with weak legs
Help her sit up straight with the whole back against the back rest
First of all, remove all obstacles
Help the elder to be prepared, such as putting on shoes
Don't forget to assess her physical condition
If the height of the bed can be adjusted, adjust it to the level of the wheelchair
Explain what you're going to do to the elder
Pull the wheelchair closer
Get it close to the bed at 90 degrees
Then lock the wheels
And ask her to sit as close to the edge of the bed as possible
If she needs help, the carer can support her shoulder with one arm
and support the bottom of her hip bone with the other hand
Then squat with one leg forward
Propel with your lower limbs
and keep the back straight while you are moving her forward
Move each of her left and right side forward a little at a time
Position her feet properly with the knees more or less directly above the toes
Guide her to position her arms correctly
It is important that she does not pull at the carer
otherwise both of you might lose balance and get injured
The carer should support the elder's shoulders firmly
One way of doing this is to support them with your forearms
Pay attention to the carer's arm movement when she is supporting the shoulder blades of the elder
As for posture, the carer must keep her back straight
Tighten up the abdomen and bend knees slightly
Depending on the strength of the elder's lower limbs
the carer can use different methods to support her knees with your knees
Stand with wide base
The forward foot should point to the elder
the rear foot should point to the wheelchair
Then the carer should give the command "one, two, three"
Lift the elder with your arms
Remember to propel your upper body with your lower limbs at the same time
When her buttocks have just got off the bed
you can transfer her to the wheelchair
Note that during the course of transfer
the elder's body does not have to be completely standing straight

(source: Department of Health)

