

Fossil fuels, clean power and nuclear energy

In the 20th century, crude oil and coal are used as energy source for the industrial revolution. It's not a successful civilization. Plastic is a by-product of crude oil and it is an indicator of imperfect development. Carbon dioxide is a by-product of combustion of coal and other fossil fuels. It causes global warming and rise of sea level.

Natural gas and liquefied petroleum gas are used commonly in recent years. However, they are not renewable energy source and carbon dioxide will also be produced.

Renewable energy is energy generated from natural resources such as sunlight, wind, rain, tides and geothermal heat. Renewable energy technologies range from solar power, wind power, hydroelectricity and bio-fuels.
(modified from en.wikipedia.org)

Nuclear energy is heavily used in the past decades. Unfortunately, it's a dangerous source and earthquake with high magnitude causes leak of radioactive waste. Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster and Chernobyl disaster are the examples of catastrophic nuclear accidents.

With 8.8 MeV binding energy per nucleon, iron-56 is one of the most tightly bound nuclei.
*The electronvolt is often used as a unit of momentum. A potential difference of 1 volt causes an electron to gain an amount of energy (i.e., 1 eV).
*Nucleons are the proton and the neutron.

If all the nuclear energy is used up, all element in the world will probably be iron. In my opinion, it won't happen before human extinction.

